Saturday, February 3, 2024

We Have New Watering Bags!

New Watering Bags!

Woo hoo!  On Friday, the City came through and replaced the missing watering bags!  They didn't fill the bags with water, as they did the previous time, but, at least they replaced the bags!  

A bag for the Australian Willow

Both trees have their water bags in place, again!

And one for the Flowering Pear

Any guesses how long these will stay in place?

Another look from the opposite end

I don't know when they replaced the bags.  I left the house shortly before noon, on Friday, to go to my blood test appointment, and I was a bit distracted when I left because the tire pressure light was on!  I didn't have a visibly flat tire and I didn't have time to stop and get the tire pressure checked before my appointment, so, I was worrying about making it to the lab and back, safely.  The blood test went well and I drove straight to the tire service center afterwards.  A nice young man checked the tire pressures and added some air to the tires that required it.  There was no charge, but, I gave him something and told him to have a cup of coffee.  If the light comes back on, then, I'll take the car back to them, as that would mean there is a puncture somewhere.  

As I drove back to my house, I noticed that almost all the side streets have newly planted street trees with their own green water bags intact.  Then, when I turned into my drive way, I noticed that I have new water bags!  How lovely! 

M didn't notice the new bags when he came to tend to the garden, today, until I showed them to him.  He didn't have to water the garden because we had rain on Thursday and the garden got a good watering.  Instead, he did some tidying and pruning, cutting back an asparagus fern that was trying to take over the back garden! 

On Friday, I am grateful for:

- The City replaced the watering bags!
- I had a safe drive to the lab and back
- Access to medical care and health insurance
- Helpful service people at the tire service center
- M's help with the garden

Friday's joyful activity was tending to the garden with M.

Magnolia Doltsopa aka Michelia Doltsopa

On Wednesday, M brought me a branch of flowers from one of his trees - it is a type of magnolia and he said the whole tree is covered with these fragrant flowers.  They have since started to wilt, but, aren't they just lovely?


  1. I do hope the watering bags stay in place this time, will you fill them with water?
    Would you believe our tyre pressure light is permanently on! We had new tyres fitted in the summer last year and everything was fine until the first time they needed air put in them and the light came on before the car was driven off the garage forecourt. We went to the tyre place and the guy said if we did 50mph for a good ten minutes the warning light should go off. As we don't travel far and a new 20 mile and hour speed limit is now on many roads in Wales the car hasn't done that yet so I've stopped worrying about the warning light. I hope you don't have a slow puncture but it could be just a glitch like our car has apparently the sensors are very sensitive.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, I will fill them with water, but, not right now - we are supposed to get more rain, next week, so I'll wait until after the rain to fill the bags.
      That's interesting to know about your tire pressure light staying on! As long as it doesn't bother you, I suppose it doesn't matter! I'd be getting my tire pressure checked regularly if that happens with my car!

    2. The first few times my tyre pressure light came on, I jumped to it, but several garages have told me, independently, that they are now so sensitive that they come on almost for no reason. It seems counter-productive to me - almost like a false alarm, as the garages barely take any notice. So I don't panic any more when it happens, but I am the kind of person who can't ignore a warning light for too long... Sooner or later I get it seen to.

    3. I, too, prefer to get any warning lights checked at the earliest possible, but, it's good to know that sometimes these lights come on at the slightest change in pressure, etc. :)

  2. Magnolias always put on such a show! Did I hear more rain is in your forecast? Will that put water into the bags?

    1. Magnolia flowers are very pretty, aren't they? Yes! More rain! Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, then, Friday, again! The TV weather people are saying things like "atmospheric rivers" and "pineapple express" (a warm, moisture laden stream of air from the mid-Pacific/Hawaii area). :D It might or might not put water in the bag, but, it will water the trees and the rest of the garden. I will fill the bags after the rain, when the ground dries up a bit.

    2. Magnolias are still two or three months away for us - so it was nice to see yours. I've never thought of putting one in a vase (but then I don't have a tree, myself).

    3. I don't have a magnolia tree, myself; these flowers are from M's garden. :)

  3. The magnolia flowers are beautiful! How nice that the water bags were replaced. Hope they stay put this time.
    Good that you didn’t have a punctured tire. 🤞🏼
    Hoping your bloodwork results are favorable.
    I had a wonderful vacation. It was a bit chilly some of the days, at least by Florida standards. We still swam every day and walked by the gulf each morning. I stayed at my sister and brother-in-law’s home and, while I was there, my brother and sister-in-law came to visit, and my younger daughter flew down for a weekend. I couldn’t have asked for more!

    1. They are beautiful flowers, aren't they? Yes, I'm very happy that the watering bags were replaced and I am hoping that they do stay put! They are still there, as of 1:12 p.m., today, which is the last time I checked on them! Just as I started to write this response! :D
      Thank you, Taconix; I will find out the results of the blood tests next week, when I have my doctor's appointment.
      It sounds like you had a lovely vacation, with some family visits as well. :)

    2. You need to sew bells to the bags (or an electric wire..!)

    3. Or, maybe one of those GPS tracking devices so we can track where they go to! I just checked - the bags are still there at 11:27 p.m.! :)

  4. Hurrah! And fingers crossed.

  5. the magnolias are most beautiful, i can imagine their fragrance! It sounds like you had very good day. I am grateful for... a phone call i had to make yesterday; real people on the ohter end of the phone and over the top when she turned out to be more then helpfull.

    1. The magnolias didn't last long, but, they were lovely while they lasted! Sounds like you had a very good phone call! I'm glad that the person at the other end was more than helpful. :)

  6. I am glad you put pictures of the watering bags. I had never heard of them before.

    1. They are supposed to be good for watering wisely, delivering water to the roots of the plant while minimizing evaporation.

  7. The magnolia is lovely. I hope no one steals the new bags! Will the city fill them or do they expect you to?

    1. I am going to keep the magnolia stems in water to see if they root, although I don't really expect them to!
      I was under the impression that the city will keep the new trees watered, but, I don't know for sure. If they don't, I will water them.

  8. I'm glad the tyre situation was quickly sorted and the blood test went well. Regarding the water bags - when are they filled up? and by whom? Surely nobody is likely to take them if they are full of water and very heavy?

    1. The bags were filled with water by the city when they first installed them. The water in the bags generally empty out after several hours - 5 to 9 hours, according to what I've read. So, they would be empty and not at all heavy after a day or so. All one would have to do is unzip them and remove them! I don't know if the city will continue to fill them with water - the replacement bags are empty - and how often they will refill them. Or if the homeowners are supposed to fill them. Most trees require a weekly watering in the winter and more often in the summer.

  9. Those bags need to be chained to the sidewalk! The magnolias look lovely in the blue and white vase.

    1. Yes, the bags need to be better secured! Thank you, Bushlady. One of the vases in my collection of blue and white items. :)

  10. I hope those bags last longer! Hopefully people will leave them alone.

  11. What a nice development in the saga of the tree water bags !
    I must say, I would not have bet on them being replaced by the city.
    And I'm impressed.
    Fingers crossed they stay in place.
    I'm glad your tire pressure was tended to before it became a problem and happy you had a nice person to help you out.
    Pretty branch of flowers from M.

    1. It is, isn't it? I didn't expect the bags to be replaced, either. I keep checking on them to see if they are still in place!
      Thank you; I didn't want to end up with a flat tire! The people at this tire store were really nice and helpful.
      M sent me a picture of his tree, taken before the rains started, and it is covered with flowers!


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