Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Mid-Week Catch Up

A New Face Peeking at Me!

Isn't it just adorable?  I've been seeing a new calico cat hanging around in the garden this past week or so.  It seems rather wary and ready to run and hide in the crawl space under the house at the slightest movement, but, the lure of Mama Cat's bowl of kibble is hard to resist!  I was able to photograph it through the sliding glass door, on Tuesday:

Calico Cat

Mama Cat, however, is not having any of it!  She, who can't be bothered to chase away Chicken Little, chased the calico cat before it could so much as get a bite of kibble.  Last week, I put a separate bowl of kibble for the calico cat; I might have to continue to do that.  I don't know whose cat it is or if it is a stray.  At first, I thought it might belong to the new neighbors, as I've seen a cat sitting in one of their window sills, but, I think that cat is bigger and has different markings.  I do hope that it isn't a complete stray!

Monday was a productive day.  In addition to ordering and picking up the groceries, I changed the bed sheets, did a load of laundry, dusted the living room and dining area, renewed two of my library books, took the trash cans to the curb, emptied the dish washer, wiped down the kitchen counters, and started cleaning the fridge.  I had a banana and bread for brunch; for dinner, I cooked a smoked sausage with onions, bell pepper, and tomato and had it with rice.

On Tuesday, I put away the dried laundry,  brought in the emptied trash cans, finished cleaning the fridge, did a little weeding in the front garden, visited a bit with neighbor S who saw me in the front garden and called me over to show me that she and her mother had planted the pomegranate and fig plants she had bought, cleaned the litter box, took the kitchen compost to the garden, chatted on the phone with aunt C, with friend R, and with former neighbor T.  

Brunch was a Fuyu persimmon, a banana, and the last of the bakery bread I bought on Friday.  At tea time, I ate two leftover American style pancakes with leftover lentil curry.  Dinner was the last of the sauteed chicken and rice.

This week's meal plan:

Brunches: Bananas and buttered bread, deli meat sandwiches, scrambled eggs and toast with or without bacon, peanut butter toast, maybe grilled cheese sandwiches?

Dinners: Smoked sausage stirfry with rice; sauteed chicken and rice; chicken curry with cucumber salad and rice; leftovers

Snacks/desserts: Fresh fruits (apples, oranges, pomegranate, a single passionfruit picked off the vine), bread pudding (I found a lot of bread ends/heels in the fridge when I cleaned it out!), yogurt

I am grateful for:

- Sunny days
- Chats with family, friends, and neighbors
- Working appliances
- Being able to order things online and have them delivered to the door
- Garden fruit

My joyful activities have included reading, crocheting, and, as always, video chatting with my daughter.

Plans for Wednesday include tending to the garden with M, dusting the family room and my bedroom, and vacuuming.

What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. Your new visitor is a lovely girl & two girls don't like to share territory. I do hope she has a loving home where they will ensure she is spayed & given the love she deserves. How kind to put out the two bowls so no fighting. Once the pomegranate and fig plants are big enough to bear fruit you can have a community exchange of your oranges & their pomegranate and figs :)

    1. Mama Cat used to share the garden with other female cats, including Snowball who died in August 2022. Maybe she's just showing the newcomer who's boss!
      I hope S's plants will grow well and produce lots of fruit so we can exchange fruit! :)

  2. What a cute kitten. Soon it will be yours when it figures out you're feeding it. :)

    1. She is cute, isn't she? She was sitting by the back door, waiting for breakfast, this morning!

  3. Cute kitty! Daughter’s cat who is visiting us is also a calico and a real beauty. Younger daughter’s other cat is a ginger. Older daughter’s cats are 2 black & whites and 1 ginger. Older daughter is also a ginger (strawberry blonde). 😂 There is a gray & white cat who roams the block and who likes to sun itself in our driveway, but our neighbor across the street feeds it so we don’t.
    Today is our wedding anniversary as well as Saint Valentine’s Day! We observe Ash Wednesday so we’re celebrating later this week with dinner and wine at home. 🍷
    I have been shredding all week and am almost finished with an entire file box (2016 work files). It’s mostly social worker and caseworker notes and some medical records so every single sheet has to be shredded (for privacy) and then it can be recycled. I am counting this toward my February decluttering goal. 🙂
    Your meal plan sounds delicious. Our menu this week includes chicken a la king over rice (another can used from the pandemic pantry), leftover white chili, pasta with spinach and tomatoes, and a second time with cannellini beans, chicken with mashed potatoes, dressing with corn, and salmon for our special dinner. I baked a tube of cinnamon rolls which emerged from the back of a shelf when I cleaned the refrigerator.
    We have lots of snow on the ground, but it’s bright and sunny. ☀️

    1. Happy anniversary, Taconix! How very romantic to have been married on St. Valentine's Day! I hope you have a lovely celebration, later in the week. :)
      Quite an assortment of kitties between your two daughters!
      Well done on decluttering the files! I've some shredding to do, myself, but, haven't done so, yet.
      Your meal plan sounds delicious, too. I don't think I've ever had chicken a la king! Might be something to try, one of these days! :)

  4. She's very sweet, but does have that slightly grubby look of a stray cat. I hope she & Mama Cat can live in harmony - or at least tolerating each other! Love FD xx

    1. Mama Cat is usually very easy going, so I was surprised to see her hissing and chasing away the calico cat. But, maybe she's just asserting herself and showing who's boss!

  5. That is a pretty little cat. I can understand Mama Cat not wanting it invading her territory yet not bothered by Chicken Little, very strange :)

    1. It is a cute little cat, isn't it? Mama Cat was very tolerant of Snowball, so I was surprised that she tried to chase away the new cat. Maybe she's showing the calico cat that she is the queen of the garden! They were both waiting for breakfast, this morning, though, and Mama Cat didn't chase the calico cat until after she had eaten some kibble (I put out two bowls).

  6. What an appealing little face, but it obviously didn't appeal to Mama Cat! You had two productive days and socially good as well.

    1. She does have a cute little face, doesn't she? Maybe Mama Cat will come to accept the new cat (assuming the calico cat continues to visit). But, I really hope she has a home to go to.

  7. That is similar to my neighbours' cat. She is pretty and doesn't look mangy but does have a plaintive expression. (And has obviously realised it works on you!!) I suppose she doesn't wear a collar?

    1. No collar at all. I don't think she's feral; she seems familiar with people although she's still wary of me. She seems to be trying to decide if I am a friend or not. And yes, that plaintive expression has worked on me! I've named her Patches! :D

  8. Oh my goodness, what a sweet little face! Such a beautiful kitty! It's been "just another day" around here.

    1. She is cute, isn't she? No St. Valentine's Day celebrations? I didn't do anything special, either. :)

  9. What a cute little cat! She looks quite young or small or maybe both. It's nice that you put out food. There are a bunch of strays near daughter's house, but I think the neighbours feed them as daughter's dogs would probably (unfortunately) chase them!

    1. She is rather small and appears to be young, but, I don't know for sure. I don't want to have a bunch of stray cats in my garden, but, I feed Mama Cat and it's hard to keep other cats away from her food.

  10. News of your restaurant must be getting round the cat community. Who could resist those eyes - besides Mama Cat :)

    1. LOL, yes, my restaurant is getting a "5 meows" rating! :D I'm letting them sort it out - today, I watched how "Patches" waited, albeit rather impatiently and running about trying to get at the food, while Mama Cat ate; once full, Mama Cat moved away and Patches finished what was left! I guess she's learned that Mama Cat is the alpha cat!

  11. Haha, yes news of your restaurant has certainly spread around the animal kingdom in your area.
    That is a cute little cat! I like him. I think he should stay. Would Dancer like indoor company?
    What are you calling him? You name everything so certainly you've been giving it some thought, right?

    1. LOL, apparently the word is out that Bless' Restaurant is the best in down! No cat (or chicken, or possum,
      or racoon) will be turned away! Even some of the small birds will drop in to have a bite of kibble!
      I think the new cat is a female (most calicos are female) and her name is Patches! I don't want to have another indoor cat (one litter box to clean is more than enough!).


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