Thursday, February 1, 2024

Monthly Balanced Life Goals - February

I didn't make any monthly balanced life goals in January, for the first time in a long time.  I made some goals for December and then, the end of the month turned busy and the beginning of January was busy, too, and I didn't do my usual monthly review.  Then, I wondered if I even needed to continue with setting monthly balanced life goals and doing reviews.  But, I decided that I do need to have some stated goals to give a little structure to my daily life.

My overall goal is to live a life that feels well balanced to me.  To that end, I have identified several areas of importance to me on which to focus.  I try to evaluate each area on a monthly basis, rating my satisfaction in that area of my life from 1 to 10, with 1 being most dissatisfied and 10 being most satisfied.  Ideally, all the areas get equal and high rating, but, lower satisfaction ratings indicate that these areas need more work.

Since I didn't set any goals for January, here are my goals for February: 

Spiritual (10):   The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.
- Continue with daily prayers, meditation, being grateful, positive, and joyful
- Continue to cultivate non-attachment by being more giving
- Offer special prayers to my mother on what would be the 18th anniversary of her death

I held an almsgiving on January 3 and, as a result, I started off the year feeling very satisfied with this area of my life.  I hope to continue to maintain that feeling in February, too. 

Daughter (10) The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her.
- Continue to keep in daily contact via phone calls, texts, and video chats

Daughter was home for Christmas and New Year and, once again, I started off the year feeling very satisfied with this area of my life.  I've raised her to be independent, but, it warms my heart when she calls me to ask me for advise as to what she should do or asks for my opinion!  I hope to continue to have a close relationship with her.  

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies (10):  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.
- Engage in daily joyful activities
- Engage in leisure activities
- Do crafts and pursue hobbies

I plan to continue to engage in fun, relaxing activities including reading (especially since I've started to borrow more books from the library, recently) and crafting.

Finances (10):  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose

Actually, I prefer to call my budget a spending plan and it is based on my net retirement income, which is fixed.  I have always lived within my means and I plan to continue to spend mindfully and live within my means. 

Garden (9.5):  The goal is a garden that is productive, yet drought tolerant.
Maintaining (water, fertilize, and weed); M will continue to visit twice a week

The garden is doing well.  The pine tree at the back and the eucalyptus tree in the front were both pruned, recently, and the City has planted two new trees in the parkway which has completed the landscaping of that long neglected area!  M continues to bring me rescued plants and cuttings to add to the garden, as well, which I appreciate very much.  Going forward, I want to add a tangerine tree to my collection of fruit trees, this spring, and landscape the front garden a little more.  

Family/Friends/Community (9.5):  The goal is to have a close connection with family and friends and be involved with my community.
- Regular phone calls and emails, etc., to keep in touch with family and friends
- The occasional in person visits as and when I feel comfortable with doing so
- Participate in the blogging community and the online organizing community

The holiday season was a good time to reconnect with family and friends as we exchanged cards, phone calls, and gifts.  In January, I held the almsgiving, visited family members, and a couple of friends.  They were mostly masked visits, but, lunch with my sister and with a cousin (in their homes as I am still not going to restaurants) meant taking off my mask. 

In February, I plan to attend one family gathering in person, as one of my cousins will host a birthday party for her grandson.  I plan to wear my mask during the visit, but, it will be nice to see a few members of the extended family.

Health, Self-Care & Well Being (8.75):  The goal is good health.
- Focus on continuing to improve my health through diet, hydration, adequate sleep, etc.
- Attend my medical appointments
- Continue to take my medications as prescribed
- Continue to take necessary precautions against viral infections

I have a blood test and an appointment with my oncology nurse practitioner in February, during which I will receive my bone strengthening injection.  Other than that, I need to focus on life style changes.

House (8.5):  The goal is a home that is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming.
- Clean - Clean the house as needed 
- Organized - Continue to find a place for everything and keep everything in its place
- Well maintained - Keep "erasing the evidence"; implement daily and weekly cleaning schedules
- Decluttered - Continue with the decluttering process

The house has been put back to normal after the holidays and I've been doing some deep cleaning.  I had some decluttering goals and the items decluttered included a few (very few) holiday decorations, a couple of clothing items, some containers and other small items.  I read a book about decluttering and decluttering blocks which was helpful. My goal for February is to continue to deep clean the house, declutter, and organize.  

Time Management (8.0): The goal is to spend my time in a mindful manner.
Spend time purposefully, mindfully
- Continue to focus on making my schedule work for me
- Procrastinate less

I have chosen "Prompt" as my word of the year in an attempt to keep time management at the forefront!  It has been a bit of a struggle as I don't always do things in a prompt manner, but, I am trying!  I would like to continue to procrastinate less in February and to do things promptly!

Those are my goals for February for a balanced life.

What are your goals for February?


  1. "prompt" is a brilliant Word Of The Year. You're really good at working to your goals. I agree that it is wonderful. To have a good relationship with grown up daughters. Keep well, Bless! ❤️🙏😊

  2. I enjoy reading your goals and you do well. Love that you may have a tangerine tree in your garden that sounds lovely. Procrastination is something I need to deal with too, some things are just plain boring :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I asked M to keep an eye out for a tangerine tree when he is out and about at the different nurseries he visits. :) I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who tends to procrastinate!

  3. I like that "erasing the evidence" expression. It's perfectly descriptive of what I should be doing in my study (& elsewhere) I've made cards? So put everything away AND clear the floor...etc I'll try to keep that in mind.Love FD

    1. Yes! Erasing the Evidence or ETE for short! It was something that was advocated in the organizing group I joined several years ago. :)

  4. I love the way you’ve structured your goals and I love your analysis. Great achievements!
    I had a long bus ride yesterday to and from a dentist appointment, so I used the time to read your posts and the comments. I had fallen behind while I was on vacation.
    Congratulations on your new trees and thanks for sharing photos of your gardens. Sorry that thieves took the watering bags right off your plants. Bold as brass!
    I enjoy your photography, especially the flowers and fruits and, of course, Dancer!

    1. Thank you, Taconix. I hope you had a lovely vacation and it didn't snow when you were down there! :D
      The City replaced the watering bags, today! I hope they stay in place, this time!

  5. Dear Bless,

    I found your blog via the circuitous route of other blogs I follow. I have now read your story from the very beginning and want to say how special and lovely I think you are: I believe it would be quite something to know you (and your daughter) in real life. I've really enjoyed learning about Buddhism, your life journey and the minutiae of your daily life. I've been enjoying the references to Sri Lanka especially. It seems that your country of birth is destined to fascinate me. When I was a very little girl in England, my Dad - who loved tea - used to tell me that Ceylon was the best tea in the World. He would actually argue with those who thought other teas were superior. Then, when I was a teen, my favourite group made a pop video in Sri Lanka. But! The biggie is that, as a student in London, my best friend was (and is, though we live thousands of miles apart) from Sri Lanka. She is the cleverest and nicest person I know. We used to try to stretch our undergraduate budget by eating cheaply and found an absolutely wonderful Sri Lankan restaurant where the food was magnificent and bafflingly inexpensive. Reading your blog sent me into a spiral of nostalgia so I googled the restaurant. It's still there and identifies as the UK's first purely Sri Lankan restaurant. I still dream about the string hoppers and mutton rolls. I now live in a different part of England and there are Indian, Pakistani, Nepalese and Bengali restaurants but only one that identifies as Sri Lankan/South Indian. It is with a watering mouth that I report that my husband and I are going to eat at that restaurant this evening!

    I would love to thank you for the way your beautiful blog has put me back in touch with Sri Lanka.

    With love,


    1. Hi Heloise! What a lovely comment! Wow, you read almost 10 years of blog posts? You deserve an award, just for that! How lovely to read that your best friend at university was from Sri Lanka and you still consider her as a good friend. By the way, I agree with your Dad's opinion of Ceylon tea! :D
      I hope you and your husband enjoy the meal you will be having at the Sri Lankan/South Indian restaurant. I hope you'll comment again and say if you liked the food. Look forward to hearing from you, again. :)

  6. Your goals are always so useful. I like the way they give your days structure. I think I will need something similar once I retire. Right now I'm struggling to get through the work days, and I'm afraid if I do not set some goals for retired life I'll get lazy! You do very well with your goals.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I actually started doing this balanced life/wheel thing when I was working and struggling to have a work/life balance. I was working full time, caring for my semi-invalid mother, being a single parent to a preteen who had several extracurricular activities, trying to stay on top of housework, etc., etc., etc. I felt I had no time for myself and I felt very unbalanced. Now, I'm retired and on my own, and I feel that, unless I make a point of attending to various areas, I might just waste my time playing games or watching videos! :D

  7. I think you're living your best life with all of those high scores. I hope February is as good for you.

    1. Thank you, June. I hope that I'm not tempting fate, but, yes, life does feel very good, right now. :)

  8. I like the idea of a tangerine tree in your garden. You are well ahead with your house, with deep cleaning already started and it isn't even spring yet!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. A tangerine tree does sound good, doesn't it? I reminded M about it, today, so he can let me know when the nursery gets the new stock of fruit trees; he sort of looked around the garden as if he was wondering where there is room for one, but, he didn't say anything! :D
      I'm doing my new year deep cleaning! I hope to have it all done by spring! :)


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