Monday, February 5, 2024

Rainy Sunday

Colorful Frozen Vegetables

It rained fairly steadily all day, Sunday, although, it would slow to a drizzle from time to time.  There were strong winds, too, and I was very glad that I had pruned the eucalyptus tree, earlier.  There is an evacuation warning in effect for an area a bit north of me, but that area has hilly terrain and subject to landslides.  My area will probably have flooded intersections from all the rain we've received; in fact, the National Weather Service just issued a flash flood watch warning for my area, but, we won't experience any landslides.

I had a productive day.  I vacuumed the living room, dining area, kitchen, and hallway, cleaned the bathroom, and washed the insides of the living room and dining room windows.

Former neighbor T called shortly after that and I had a nice chat with her.

Afterwards, I made a pot of ham and split pea soup.  I used a ham bone I had in the freezer and green split peas I had in the pantry.  I diced some red onions, celery, bell pepper, and some tomato (all from the freezer) and added a can of sliced carrots, plus some minced garlic and a bay leaf.

Ham and Split Pea Soup

I had a bowl of it for a late lunch and another bowl, with a piece of toast, for dinner, followed by some home canned peaches and whipped topping for dessert.

I offered some of the soup to neighbor S, but, she declined my offer.  I might try freezing a serving or two for later, but, if the weather continues to be wet and cold, a bowl of soup makes a nice, warming meal.

On Sunday, I was grateful for:

- The rain to water the garden
- A good roof over my head!
- Working appliances
- A well stocked freezer and pantry
- Having electricity, phone, and internet services

Sunday's joyful activities included exchanging texts with cousin N.

Plans for Monday include paying bills and cleaning the kitchen.  

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?



  1. We have a pot of squash,chilli and coconut soup on the go at the moment. Thick and comforting. I do like soup, but haven't made as much of it this winter. I've just related what my weekend was like, over at my blog (I've signed in today, in case anyone wants to click on the link!) and on Monday I have tasks like teaching and writing to my pension provider. And sorting out my weekly "To Do" list, which keeps me on track.

    1. Your soup sounds delicious, too! I took a quick peek at your weekend post - sounds like you were busy! Hope the rest of the week goes well for you. :)

  2. Hopeully you will get a break in the rain to allow the systems to handle all the rain to date. I agree this weather is certainly soup weather. You were certainly Prompt in getting your windows ready for the returning sunshine :)

    1. "When it rains, it pours"! The rain has caused some damage in various parts of the state.
      Thank you! At the rate I'm going, I'll have my spring cleaning done just in time for fall cleaning! :D

  3. That's good you are having plenty of rain for your garden and hope you don't suffer any flooding. I like pea and ham soup yours looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; so far, no floods in my immediate neighborhood. The garden is getting a thorough soaking!
      The soup turned out well, but, I'm wondering if I should blend it to make it a smoother soup. What do you think?

    2. We had the most delicious pea and ham soup while on holiday one time. There were chunks of ham in but the vegetables had been blended. I should make it myself sometime.

    3. Thank you, Eileen. I'm going to blend a portion of the soup and try it. Yes, maybe add the soup to your meal plan to make one day. :)

  4. Split pea soup is so hearty and perfect for a rainy day. It looks delicious.

    1. Thank you, June. That ham bone had been in my freezer for a long time, waiting to be made into soup! :)

  5. It’s a sunny Monday morning. I walked the dogs, folded laundry, and will start working (work from home) after visiting favorite sites on my cellphone.
    Thank you for the congratulatory note! You’re very caring to remember my daughter’s job search. It’s exciting news for us and we’re happy for her. My older daughter is already planning to help by driving across the country together. ☺️
    Your split pea with ham soup looks delicious. You’re plugging away on those canned carrots. 😂 I am making some headway in using up the pandemic pantry finally. I also just squeaked by my item-per-day decluttering in January. Now to get busy for February goals. 😬

    1. Glad you are having a sunny Monday! It's a rainy Monday, here!
      Of course I remembered that your daughter was interviewing for a job in Fresno! I might not remember where I put my car keys (happened last week - they had dropped into the tote bag I was carrying!) or my own daughter's birthday (happened one year and she will never let me forget that!), but, I remembered your daughter's job interview! LOL! That's lovely that your older daughter is already planning to help with the drive across the country! My mother, stepfather, and I drove across the country from Florida to California, one year. We packed all our belongings in the car (gave away everything that we couldn't bring with us) and moved to California!
      Yes, still have several cans of carrots in my pandemic pantry as you call it! :D It's a good thing I don't pay too much attention to expiry dates on canned items! :D
      Well done on meeting your decluttering goals for January! Wish you well with the February goals!

  6. I freeze my leftover soups in 1 portion serving sizes. Our temps are warm right now, but we will have another cold snap or two and then those cups will come in very handy!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I think that's what I will do with some of my soup. They'll come in handy on those days when I don't want to cook. :)

  7. That soup will be nice and nourishing in damp weather. I hope you don't get any problems with flooded intersections. Thank goodness your home is not anywhere prone to landslides.

    1. Yes, this is definitely soup weather! Although, I drink soup in the summer, too! Thank you; I haven't driven anywhere since Friday and I don't need to go anywhere until later this week, but, there are at least two intersections on the main road near my house that flood every time it rains. I'm very thankful that I'm not in a landslide prone area! I do remember checking the 100 years and 500 years rain flood zones before I bought my house.

  8. Yum. Your soup sounds very good. I make a lot of soup. I like it and my husband likes whatever I give him (nice guy that he is)
    It just always seems like a good idea to make a pot of soup.
    Especially with the weather you've been having.
    I'm glad your situation stayed stable. The news was full of scary stories about California.
    Good job getting all that cleaning done!

    1. Thank you, Debra. That's wonderful that your husband likes whatever you make for dinner! Some husbands are fussy about what they will or will not eat!
      I'm already planning what I'll make for my next pot of soup, but, I need to finish what I've already made (or freeze some of it for later).
      It's mostly cloudy, today, but, dry. There is more rain in the forecast, however, for tonight!
      Thank you; some days, I get more cleaning done than on other days, but, I'm making some good progress. :)


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