Thursday, February 29, 2024

February Monthly Photo Challenge - Older Than You

Eileen at A Bracelet of Days is hosting the monthly photo challenges and February's theme is "Older Than You".  It's getting harder to find things that are older than me, at least in and around my house, and I have already photographed some of them for previous photo challenges, but, here are my finds:

The House: Built 1944

My Father's Much Battered Carved Elephant

My Mother's Figurine

Two Dictionaries:
Sinhalese-English and English-Sinhalese

One Published in 1924

The Other Published in 1936

Both Gifted to my Step Aunt by her Mother in 1944

And, in turn, gifted to me by my step aunt (step-father's sister) because my great-grandfather (mother's paternal grandfather) worked on the preparation of the dictionaries.

My Mother's Recipe Book

Dated: 3rd September, 1953
(She wrote her name, address, and the date inside the front cover)

The First Recipe: Sponge Layer Cake

And finally:
NOT Older than Me!

Dancer Says, "My Mummy is older than me!

Thank you, Eileen, for hosting the monthly photo challenge.  Looking forward to March's theme!


  1. I love the old books. I have some old publications from the Baptist Missionary Society too!

  2. Really interesting photo choices Bless and you've done well. You have some really old items passed down to you and I love that Dancer is older than you :) I like that you have a book from the Baptist Missionary Society I looked it up and it's a Christian Missionary Society founded in England in 1792.
    At first I thought it would be a difficult challenge but I found it fun and interesting to do. When I saw the inscription inside my aunt's New Testament I was able to research the church she attended and as she was nine years older than my mother I expect she took my mother to church with her. My aunt attended a Mission in the town they lived in at the time and my parents were married in a Fellowship Mission Hall in the same town. I am deeply involved in researching my ancestors so Eileen's photo challenge gave me something else to look into :)

    1. Oops I meant to say you are older than Dancer.

    2. Thank you, Eileen. I, too, thought it would be a difficult challenge but, then, I remembered the books. I have some old coins, too, but, I didn't feel like pulling out the box in which I store them!
      That is so interesting that you were able to research some more into your family history as a result of the photo challenge prompt! :)

  3. Bless that was a fun post. Your books are most interesting treasures. I like old cookbooks, especially to see the handwriting of a loved departed person. Dancer certainly likes to make his jokes :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. The ink on the old cookbook is quite faded, but, it's interesting to see the recipes my mother wrote down. :) Dancer is too much! :D

  4. Great photos! It’s such a pretty view of your house through the flowery tree. I feel as though I’ve had a visit to the Museum of Bless. I enjoy learning what you treasure from your family, especially your mother’s cook book. There’s something about seeing our predecessors’ handwriting that draws us into the thread of family history. And your glamor shots of Dancer make me smile. 📷

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Ha, ha, yes! The Museum of Bless! Sometimes, I feel that I AM living in a museum with all my collectibles around me! :D Glad you enjoyed the pictures of Dancer. :)

  5. That was an interesting prompt with interesting pictures. I especially enjoyed the old dictionaries and recipe.

    1. Thank you, June. At first, I thought it would be hard to find the minimum five photos, but, I was able to squeak by! :D

  6. I bet your house is well built being from that era. You have some very interesting photos. The recipe book reminds me of my mother's, with the handwritten recipes, but it is even older as it contains wartime recipes during food rationing and ingredients include such things as powdered eggs and soya flour (used for mock marzipan I believe).

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I do hope the house is well built! I believe the houses in my neighborhood were built as starter homes for returning GIs. :) Your mother's recipe book sounds like a treasure! Have you made any of the wartime recipes in it?

  7. I love the cook book, what a wonderful keepsake

    1. Thank you, Jozien; yes, it is definitely a keepsake. :)

  8. The recipe book looks well loved. Xx

  9. That's a nice angle of your house with the flowers in front.

    Your mother's recipe book is such a special item to have. I'm sure it pleases you to still have it and is something you can pass on to your daughter.
    Haha. - the Dancer comment was funny.

    1. Thank you, Debra. Yes, the old recipe book is becoming a family heirloom! Dancer has to find a way to be in these monthly photo challenges, you know. :)


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