Saturday, August 12, 2023


Tabouleh and Almond Flour Cake

Neighbor S called me this afternoon.  Her mother had made tabouleh and her daughter had made a cake with almond flour and monk fruit sweetening; would I like to have some?  I told her I'd like some, but, just a little bit, please.  She brought me a plate of the most delicious tabouleh and two pieces of the cake.  I ate half of the tabouleh for dinner and a piece of the cake for dessert.  The cake was very light and very sweet.  I told S that she was always feeding me and she said she liked to do so!  I've said this before and I will say it again - I am blessed by some lovely neighbors!

I had another rather relaxed day, today.  I dusted the living room, watered the back garden, watched some online videos and documentaries, and crocheted another granny square.

Breakfast had been American style pancakes with chicken curry (had one with syrup).  Dinner was tabouleh and cake for dessert.  Snacks included some homemade potato chips and some roasted peanuts.  

Today, I am grateful for:

- Neighbor S sharing more food with me
- Water for the garden
- Online videos to watch
- Emails from friends
- Electricity to power the computer, light my house, and run the appliances

Today's joyful activities included being in the garden and crocheting.

No special plans for tomorrow (Sunday).  Another relaxed day and more crocheting, I think.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?


  1. I haven't made tabbouleh for ages. I shall get some next week! Saturday was busy, I was dressmaking for a friend while Bob did a reading marathon with Rosie. Now she is back with her family. After church we have two friends visiting - friends for over 40 years - it will be lovely to see them again

    1. You are a very busy lady! I'm sure Rosie was sorry to leave you, yet, happy to be with her parents and sister. Enjoy your visit with your friends. :)

  2. You do have lovely neighbours and it's nice that they want to treat you with delicious food. It's because you are such a nice neighbour to them.

  3. A relaxed day with food delivered from S. Sounds perfect. :)

    1. Yes, it was a very good day! By the way, I'm doing laundry, today! :D

  4. Looks delicious! Not to be outdone, I had Mum's dinner on Monday, leftovers on Tuesday and Wednesday, sister cooked for me on Thursday. You can imagine I was quite put out to have to cook for myself on Friday!!

    1. Aw, I do feel for you having to cook for yourself on Friday! LOL. What about Saturday and Sunday? Did they leave you to fend for yourself on the weekend, too?

    2. They did! Can you believe it? (But actually I had so much stuff that needed to be eaten up, I was getting a little stressed that it might go to waste. So I cooked a few things on Friday, ate some and put the rest back in the fridge. Now I am grazing from my own private buffet. And I popped to parents this evening and got more food from Mum!)

    3. Well, now you have more food from your Mum to go with what you have in the fridge. Maybe Oleg and his cousins can cook a meal for you later in the week! :D

  5. What a very kind & generous neighbour you have!! Are you able to share anything with her? Love FD xx (I remembered!)

    1. S is one of the kindest and most generous of neighbors. I shared some of my homegrown tomatoes with her. Yay for remembering! :)

  6. You are so fortunate to have neighbors who send treats and meals to you!

  7. I have missed the opportunity to buy next door to you, and thus have lovely neighbors S and Bless to give me delicious food and fruits.

    1. Well, there isn't anything on the real estate agent's website that it's in escrow, so maybe you still have the opportunity! :D You'll have some neighbors wanting to feed you all the time, but, you'll have to put up with some really loud music every so often! :D

    2. Occasional loud music is ok! :D

    3. Well, then, come on down! :D

  8. Delicious! Your neighbours are very kind. X

    1. This particular neighbor is very kind! She is very generous, too!

  9. You do well to have a relaxed day, especially with a gift of food to enjoy. After all, with the concern about the virus, you have hardly had any opportunity for a holiday. Perhaps it would be a good idea to mark a regular day off on your calendar to enjoy, or maybe it is more fun to just take a relaxed day when you find it suitable.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; you are very kind. Holiday? Ha, ha, what's that? I haven't been on a holiday in years! The last time I went away for the weekend was in June 2016 when I drove up to Berkeley for my daughter's graduation. :) Since then, she has always come home and I've not gone anywhere. I need to take a day off, every now and then, without feeling guilty about not doing any housework! :)

  10. The tabouleh looks very good. I've only ever made tabouleh once I think. Do you ever make it?
    I do like it and am not sure why I haven't made it more often.

    1. The tabouleh was delicious. I haven't tried making it myself, although S has told me how to. I just wait until she or her mother makes it and gives me a portion! :D A lot of fine chopping goes into making it.


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