Thursday, August 10, 2023


Flowers on the Volunteer Tomato Plant

There are flowers on the volunteer tomato plant that is growing in the apple seedling planter!  I wonder if we'll get any tomatoes?  

Yesterday, Wednesday, was an unusually cool day for August and we even received about 25 drops of rain!  Other areas received more rain, but, in my neighborhood, we just had a scattering of rain drops.  Not enough to wet the ground, but, just enough to leave spots on my car's windshield as I drove to the pharmacy!

Gardener friend M was here in the late morning, yesterday, and he mentioned encountering some rain on his way over, too.  But, it hadn't rained here at that time.  He watered the garden and sprayed more flea spray around the back door and the walkway to the front door.  He will be taking a vacation for the next two weeks, so I won't be seeing him until later this month.

After he left, I drove to the library to return my book and borrow the new one that was waiting for me.

From there, I drove to the pharmacy (and that's when it started to "rain").  I picked up my asthma inhaler that my doctor had called in and it has increased in price from $30 to $50.  However, I received a $4 off my next purchase coupon (which is not valid towards prescriptions) and I decided to shop for some snacks with that coupon.  I checked the aisles to see what was on sale and decided to buy some granola bars:

Free Granola Bars

These are among my favorite granola bars and they were on sale, this week, for $1.99 a box.  At the grocery store, they are priced $5.99 a box (or $5.49 with a $0.50 coupon).  I bought two boxes for my $4.00 coupon, without spending a cent!  One box has a "best by" date of April 2024 and the other by May 2024.  One box will be added to my "grab and go" earthquake emergency bag and the other box will be kept in the pantry for regular use.  I am very pleased with my bargain purchase!

I went off my meal plan a little bit and had a tuna salad sandwich for brunch (and shared some of the tuna with Dancer who liked it so much that I had to open another can of tuna just for him!)  Dinner was leftovers - the boxed wild rice/rice mix, baked chicken, and steamed snowpea pods. 

Today, Thursday, has been another cooler than usual day, cloudy in the morning, but, sunny in the afternoon.  I walked in the back garden for a bit and tried to take a picture of a Swallowtail butterfly on the plumbago bushes; I was hoping to get a picture of it with its wings open, but, I couldn't.  You can just about see it at the very top of the flowers

Plumbago Bushes 

Dancer had made a mess in the family room for me to clean up when I woke up and he sought refuge under the bed:

"Don't tell Mummy where I am hiding"

He knows when he does something he is not supposed to do!  He withdrew the tip of his tail as soon as I took this photo!  LOL.

I had a fairly relaxed day, today. I replied to blog comments, visited a few blogs, watched a few videos online, and, started on a crochet project while I watched the videos and the evening news.  Later, I walked up and down my driveway for 15 minutes.  Just as I finished my walk, my daughter called and we chatted on the phone for a bit.  Her acrobatics instructor had asked her and another student to teach their class for a couple of weeks while they were away and she was excited about teaching her first acrobatics class!  

Today's meals were a repeat of yesterday's - tuna salad on toast for brunch and leftover rice mix, baked chicken, and snowpea pods for dinner.  I had an Asian pear freshly picked off the tree in the afternoon - this year's Asian pears are tiny!  I am hoping they will grow a bit bigger before I pick the rest. 

I am grateful for:
- Being able to borrow books from the library again
- The availability of medications
- Free granola bars
- M's help with the garden
- A relaxed day

My midweek joyful activities have been tending to the garden, another quick visit to the library, and finding a bargain on the granola bars at the pharmacy!

Plans for tomorrow (Friday) include doing a load of laundry, doing some housework, and reading.  

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday? 


  1. My volunteer tomato is smothered in little green cherry Tom's. Hoping the heat this week will ripen them

    1. Sounds like you'll have a lovely crop of tomatoes to look forward to, Angela.

  2. We've had a few swallowtails around. They are so pretty. I seem to spend my store bucks on snacks, too. (That I don't need, BTW.)

    1. Swallowtails are very pretty! I feel less guilty about buying snacks when I use coupons to buy them! LOL!

  3. I think you will miss M when he is away on holiday! I hope that the weather will be kind to your plants in the meantime. Dancer is so cute hiding but leaving out his tail. He really loves tuna, doesn't he? Does he ever go off it? Does he like it especially because he is sharing yours?
    I'm doing laundry and hoping that the forecast is accurate as it doesn't seem to imply a downpour any time today. I really want to use the washing line.

    1. Yes, I will miss M - he is usually the only person I see, in person as opposed to the computer screen, on a regular basis, you know. We are having mild temperatures this week, but, it might warm up a bit over the weekend.
      Dancer does love his tuna. Occasionally he'll go off it and then, there's the canned cat food, although he's picky about which flavors he likes. Just because he likes one flavor on one day, it doesn't mean he'll like it the next day or the day after that! I have about 5 different opened cans of cat food in the fridge currently! And two kinds of kibble available to him at all times! Thank goodness Mama Cat is not that fussy and what she won't eat, Chicken Little and the possums will polish off! :D
      I hope you have good weather to get your laundry dried, Bushlady. :)

  4. Dancer leaving his tail out is so cute! My cat is very picky too. They do go through phases of what they'll eat. I can't imagine being so fussy with my mother!, I'd have been sent off to bed without dinner! Your plumbago bushes are lovely.

    1. I would ignore Dancer's pickiness, except for the fact that he has lost so much weight and the vet had said that he had lost a little more weight at the last visit. So, I'm indulging him - I sent my daughter a picture of his "Friday night buffet" - there were three different dishes with three different varieties of food, plus a bowl of water, all lined up in a row on the kitchen floor! :D And he was still meowing at me for something else!

      We planted the plumbago plants because my mother wanted blue flowers to take to temple and was not happy with the blue dyed carnations we would buy from the grocery store floral department. :)

  5. I love those granola bars too! They're a little cheaper in France but not much. They taste like flapjacks but aren't as crumbly!! Love FD xx

    1. They are a good snack to have on hand, aren't they? I often take one of them with me when I go to medical appointments, especially if I have to be fasting for blood tests, etc., to have on hand to eat afterwards, if I need to.

  6. Dancer is quite a cheeky monster, isn't he! The photo made me laugh.

    Great purchase. I did quite well yesterday too. Picked up three reduced items, paid with a money off voucher and then paid the remaining pound with a gift card that had been sent to me by the company as compensation after a complaint! Ha!

    Would love to see and photograph a swallowtail.

    1. Dancer is too much!
      You did very well with your purchases, finding reduced priced items, paying with a money off voucher and a gift card! We have to be savvy shoppers these days, don't we?
      There are several pairs of swallowtail butterflies who visit my garden; maybe you can bring your camera when you come to dinner and stay the weekend, eventually! :D

  7. Fingers crossed you get some bonus tomatoes. There isn't any chance of mine ripening just yet, as we're getting much more than 25 drops of rain here today! X

    1. Thank you, Jules. I hope your tomatoes will ripen soon. Or, you might have a whole bunch of green tomatoes to preserve!

  8. That little tomato seedling is doing great!
    I have one too but it got broken off almost to the ground by something, it has continued to grow but nowhere near the growth of yours.
    You did really well using your coupon for those granola bars. They are tasty for sure :)
    As you know I'm behind so maybe you've already mentioned this.
    With gardener M going on his vacation, did he cut it short to help people prepare for the hurricane? I know you mentioned he helped you.
    That is a pretty cute picture of Dancer hiding lol

    1. Thank you, Debra; that little tomato plant has baby tomatoes on it! It weathered the storm, too! I thought it might break, but, it just bent a little from the rain and I straightened it up, again. :)
      I'm very happy with my bargain granola bars - they come in handy if there is an emergency and I need to evacuate (not too heavy to carry and they are ready to eat) or if I need a snack!
      M only took a week off. He was back at work on the Friday before the storm. I had texted him on Thursday to ask if he could just help me take the a/c unit down, if he was taking Friday off, too, but, he said he'll be back on Friday. Then, he stopped by on Saturday, too, to put the bags of gravel and mulch up (not that it was needed, after all, but, better over prepared than not!)
      Dancer knows how to hide well, doesn't he? :D


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