Monday, August 14, 2023

August Meal Planning - Week 2 Review and Week 3

August Week 2 meals were based on a package of chicken curry and a package of baked chicken thighs I had taken out from the freezer, plus various other things I had in the fridge and freezer.  This was the plan:

Brunches: Salad (Monday), Toast and peanut butter (Tuesday), cream cheese and toast, scrambled eggs and toast or fried potatoes

Dinners:  The last of the macaroni and cheese with chicken curry (Monday); baked chicken with boxed rice/wild rice mix and snowpeas (Tuesday); coconut roti and chicken curry; rice, chicken curry and spicy sauteed potatoes; leftovers.

Snacks: Fresh fruits. cheese and crackers or peanut butter and crackers, cereal, banana nice cream, the last of the brownies

What I didn't plan for was the delicious tabouleh and almond flour cake that neighbor S brought over!

This is how it turned out:

Brunch - Salad (lettuce, cucumber, garbanzo beans, bottled dressing)
Dinner - Macaroni and cheese with chicken curry

Brunch - Toast and peanut butter
Dinner - Baked chicken with boxed rice/wild rice mix and snowpea pods 

Brunch - Tuna salad on toast
Dinner - Leftover baked chicken with boxed rice/wild rice mix and snowpeas 

Brunch - Tuna salad on toast
Dinner - Leftover baked chicken with boxed rice/wild rice mix and snowpeas 

Brunch - Salad
Dinner - Toast, scrambled egg, salami (Breakfast for dinner!)

Breakfast - Pancakes and chicken curry (one pancake with syrup, too)
Dinner - Tabouleh, homemade potato chips, almond flour cake

Breakfast: Last pancake with bottled seeni sambol (spicy onion sambol)
Lunch - Tabouleh, boxed rice/wild rice mix with chicken curry, almond flour cake
Dinner - Chicken curry sandwiches

I did go slightly off the meal plan, but, it was not too bad, was it?  I didn't keep track of the snacks but, I had toast and cream cheese, crackers and cheese, crackers and peanut butter with peach jam, almond flour cake, a piece of brownie, cereal, roasted peanuts, fresh fruits (apples, the last few blueberries, mandarins).

On to August Week 3!

This week's meal plan is, once again, based on what I have on hand in the fridge, freezer, and pantry, although I plan to put in an order of groceries sometime this week (haven't done any grocery shopping in August, yet).

Brunches: Salads, French toast, boiled mung beans (haven't had that in a long time; need to remember to put the mung beans to soak overnight!), scrambled egg and fried potatoes, leftovers.

Dinners:  Coconut roti and chicken curry; leftover tabouleh, boxed rice/wild rice mix and roast chicken; hamburgers; ground turkey keema curry, rice, tomato curry, and broccoli leaf mallung; leftovers!

Snacks: Crackers with cheese or peanut butter; apples, roasted almonds and/or peanuts, cereal, banana nice cream, that last piece of brownie that's still hanging around in the fridge.

Once again, that is the plan!  My meal plan is a list of options and sometimes, I stick to the plan and sometimes, I go off the plan!  I realize that I am blessed to be able to do that!

How about you?  If you make a meal plan, do you have a set date for each meal or do you have a list of options like I do?  If you don't make a meal plan, do you have a vague idea of what you might make ahead of time or do you decide on the day?  


  1. Some great ideas, Bless. I really must get back to meal planning again soon. It makes it so much easier when I'm deciding what to cook each evening. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. It is helpful to have an idea about what to have for dinner, isn't it?

  2. You don't do too bad at all with your meal planning and how wonderful to have such kind and generous friends and neighbours who bring you such delicious treats. I'm happy to say my freezer stock is going down nicely and husband reminded me we should soon be thinking about stocking up for Christmas, doesn't that come around quickly :-)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I am, indeed, blessed to have lovely neighbors who bring me treats! Oh, my, yes, Christmas will soon be here! There is just a bit over four months! And before that, we will have Thanksgiving at the end of November! The year is flying by!

  3. We do not have a formal meal plan, but I do try to think about some ideas so we're not as tempted to get something out as often. Now if we could only get our neighbors to bring us food, we might never have to go out. :)

    1. Having some ideas as to what to make that week is good enough. Very often, that's what my meal plans are, except for the fact that I write them down, here. You missed your opportunity to buy the house next door - then you could have had neighbors bringing you food! :D

  4. You do so well with your meal plan it's really an inspiration. I do pretty well with mine, though this week I've been a bit off. I went to the store and was going to combine shopping with trying on a couple of clothing items I needed. I got a few grocery items in my cart, went to pick out the couple of clothing items I needed only to find they no longer had changing rooms! I ended up getting flustered, put the clothing back and didn't finish the grocery shopping, so I had to go back again the next day. Sigh.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. All I do is come up with a list of options and I either keep to it or tweak it! I think the trick to my meal planning is, I base it on what I have on hand (or what I've already bought, based on sales). Unless it is a special meal, I generally don't make a meal plan and then shop for the ingredients. There is, also, a lot of repetition - I don't try to have something different each day, partly because there is just myself to please and partly because I don't have to cook every day, then (unless I want to).

      Oh, dear! How upsetting to find out that the changing rooms are no longer available! I would have got flustered, myself, I'm sure!

  5. I always plan, to help me with my shopping list. But I'(m not very good at sticking to the list, so end up with little extras that "look nice". Ah well. Love FD xx

    1. As long as it works for you, then, that is fine, I think. :) These days, I order groceries to be picked up, but, back when I went into the store to grocery shop, I'd pick up things that were on sale even if they were not on my list! Items that were on clearance or the store's "unadvertised specials".


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