Friday, August 4, 2023

More Chutney on Thursday

More Tomato Chutney

I made another batch of tomato chutney, today, with 4 lbs. ripe tomatoes.  I made 13 half-pint (8 fl. oz.) jars and a single one pint (16 fl. oz.) jar.  I am planning to give the half pint jars as holiday gifts, this year; perhaps make up a basket with a jar of chutney, a jar of peach jam, and maybe some homemade cookies or something.

I also cut up and froze 2 lbs. of tomatoes to be used for cooking (I like to add tomatoes to my curries, etc.)  That used up all the ripe tomatoes I've picked.  There are still more tomatoes on the vines, but, they are still green.  I might leave them to ripen or pick them while green and make green tomato chutney.  I need to buy more ginger if I plan to make more chutney.

Other than making chutney, I've had a fairly relaxed day.  I watched news coverage of the former president's arraignment, tidied up the big dining table and put away the baking trays that I had taken out when I made the brownies (I store some of my frequently used baking trays in the oven for easy access, but, it means I have to take everything out when I bake something).  

Later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Tomatoes from the garden
- Access to news coverage on TV
- Exchanging emails with friends
- Video chatting with my daughter
- My blender

Today's joyful activity was making chutney.

Brunch had been leftover milkrice with chicken curry; dinner was gyoza/potstickers/dumplings.

Plans for tomorrow (Friday) include an appointment with the oncology nurse practitioner in the early afternoon and tending to the garden with M in the evening.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday? 


  1. Preparation for Granddaughter's visit will take up much of today. I am impressed by your chutney but NOT making any myself this year. I guess the Presidential Legal Shenanigans are dominating the US news right now. Praying that whatever the outcome. there will not be any civil unrest in the streets

    1. Sounds like a busy day, but, how lovely to have your granddaughter visit you.
      LOL, that's fine if you aren't going to make any chutney this year! I think you mentioned that you had plenty leftover from last year. :)

  2. That is a lot of chutney and a nice idea to give them as gifts with some of your peach jam. I do that with my baking trays and some roasting tins that fit inside each other, store them in the oven but have to take them out when I cook something. I don't watch much news on TV as I read what I want to online and it's the summer recess for our Parliament but when they are sitting I like to watch a daily programme called Politics Live. Another dull but warm day here no plans apart from my grocery delivery arriving and putting away. I hope your oncology appointment goes well.

    1. It is a lot of chutney, isn't it? But, I have made a good start on my holiday gifts with a dozen jars of chutney on hand. :)
      I like to watch the news as well as read select items online. Often, though, the news is there in the background while I do other things.
      Hope your grocery order was delivered without any problems and you get to enjoy some warm weather. The oncology appointment went well, thank you. :)

  3. Home made chutney & jam sound like great holiday gifts. I'm sure they'd be appreciated by everyone. Love FD xx

    1. Thank you, FD. :) I like to give consumables instead of adding to people's clutter!

  4. I have never had tomato chutney before, so I looked up a recipe. I'm not sure if I would like it or not. May have to give it a try, if the tomatoes keep producing. But for now, extras will go into the freezer as sauce.

    1. My tomato chutney recipe (based on a Sri Lankan chutney recipe) is on my blog. It makes a very spicy and sweet chutney.
      If you looked online and found a recipe that called for onions and raisins, etc., then, that is not the chutney I make.

    2. Yep. It was onions and raisins. I don't do spicy, so I may not be a good fit for your recipe either.

    3. Hm, I suppose you could cut down on the amount of chili called for in my recipe; maybe halve it. It would still make a good chutney. :)

  5. A holiday gift basket with jars of chutney and jam, plus something else homemade (I vote for cookies or cake) would be wonderful! It's very thoughtful and not the usual type of things that mostly adds to clutter.

    1. That is what I thought, Celie; something consumable and not add to the clutter! :)

  6. I do admire you making all that chutney and also freezing the tomatoes. I hope your appointment with the nurse practitioner goes well. Tending the garden with M sounds like a pleasant way to spend the evening.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I don't want to let any garden produce to go to waste, but, I think I am just about done with the preserving for this year. I considered canning the tomatoes, but, I don't have a pressure canner and everything I've read about canning tomatoes say to use a pressure canner and not a regular water bath.

  7. That sounds like an ideal gift for the holidays. I'm hoping to make some chutney myself, but I'm waiting for the tomatoes to ripen. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; I hope your tomatoes ripen, soon. :)

  8. Look at that beautiful chutney! What a wonderful color.
    You've certainly got a nice amount of chutney for your gift baskets (which sound like a perfect gift)
    Your tomato harvest has been really good hasn't it?
    I have many many green tomatoes but have only harvested 2 Early Girls, a handful of cherry tomatoes and a couple Romas. But in another week or two I will (hopefully) have my hands full.
    I freeze tomatoes too and they turn out to be quite useful from the freezer.

    1. Thank you, Debra; it is a beautiful dark red color, isn't it? Yes, I've had a plentiful crop of tomatoes, this year, but, the majority of them are the size of cherry tomatoes! Not very big, at all. I suppose it's good in a way, because if I had that many big tomatoes, I would have been overwhelmed!
      Sounds like you'll have a good crop of tomatoes to harvest, yourself, once they are all ripe. :)


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