Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Monthly Photo Challenge - August: Summer

"Summer" was the theme for the Monthly Photo Challenge, hosted by Eileen at A Bracelet of Days, for August.

Summer is:

Hot days when the temperature outside is 100F+

Heat Warning in Effect

 Although a little cooler inside:


When even Dancer says a cooling bath seems like a nice idea:

"It's Cooler in the Bathtub"

Garden flowers that don't mind the heat:

"Naked Ladies" (Amaryllis Belladona)


Pink Oleander

And scorched leaves:
Succulents (Euphorbia aurelia)

Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) Leaves

When the most important garden tool is the hose:

Garden Hose

Cold drinks of fresh fruit juice made with fruits from you own garden:

Passionfruit Lemonade

My favorite time of the year, when I'm finally feeling warm, although Dancer might not agree:

"Summer is too hot for a fur coat"

It hasn't been as hot as previous summers and we will cool down, again, soon.

Thank you, Eileen, for hosting the monthly photo challenge.  I enjoyed participating.  I hope you feel well again, soon. 


  1. Excellent photos Bless, I would melt in your temperatures. I feel sorry for our pets in their fur coats but Dancer has the right idea in the bathtub :-)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, our pets do feel the heat in their fur coats, don't they?

  2. Like Eileen, I would melt in that heat. I'm hoping it stays fairly warm and sunny here though, J have a lot of tomatoes which have yet to ripen

    1. I actually like the heat, although 86F is about the upper limit of my comfort level, even with the fan on. And this is why I feel so cold in the winter and complain! :D

  3. Like Eileen I would melt in that heat. I'm hoping for more sunshine here, as I have a lot of tomatoes yet to ripen

    1. Not sure if you meant to comment twice, Angela, but, I published them both! I hope your tomatoes will ripen soon.

  4. Your photos of summer captured the feel & heat of it! I felt warm (col). Your fresh fruit drink looks delicious. Dancer had the right idea to hide out in the cool of the bathtub.

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. Summer tends to get hot, but, it wasn't too bad, this year. Today's high is expected to be just under 100F! :D

  5. The naked ladies look like what I call surprise lilies. I've also heard them called reresection lilies, but naked ladies is a new name for me. I guess all of the names characterize the flower well.

    1. Yes, they are known by several names, I guess. I'm always surprised when they pop up! :)

  6. Oh Dancer, me too! I am with you on not liking the heat. But your mom is a hot house flower so at least one of you is happy.
    Stay cool and be careful climbing out of that bathtub.

    1. Dancer has found a cool spot under the bed (with just his tail out). Mom is happy it is nice and warm, but, she woke up with some sciatic pains (on the right side, this time), and isn't very happy about that!

  7. Great photos! My air conditioner comes on when it hits 78 inside. As I've aged I seem to have developed a narrow range of temperature for comfort! Dancer has the right idea!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I'm more heat tolerant, but, it makes winter feel colder!

  8. Those flowers certainly seem to be thriving in the heat but not so those other plants. Dancer looks as if he is glowing with heat, poor kitty!

    1. The garden suffered less damage this summer, partly because we didn't have too many triple digit days. Yes, Dancer's eyes are glowing green!

  9. The lemonade looks refreshing and delicious. I have Naked Ladies, too. Those oleanders and plumbago all do well in the hot weather in Los Angeles.

    1. The lemonade was very refreshing and delicious. The flowers are tolerating the hot weather, nicely, and add some color to the garden. Hope your garden is coming along nicely, too. :)

  10. Some great photographs, Bless. I don't think we've reached those kind of temperatures here, all summer. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I think you would have enjoyed some warm days like the ones we've been having over here! :)


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