Thursday, August 17, 2023

Mid Week and Mid August!

A Very Fluffy Granny Square

This is the fluffiest of the granny squares I've made!   I've completed six squares now and have started on the seventh.  I'm still planning to make nine squares and then, do a border right round.

We had a touch of rain very early this morning, around 4:00 a.m. and it lasted for about three minutes at the most!  But, the day itself was sunny with a high of 92F.  This was the temperature in the family room at 7:00 p.m. 


I was comfortable with the ceiling fan on.  But, I'm glad I didn't decide to bake anything today!

I spent another relaxed day, crocheting granny squares, watching a few online videos, chatting with aunt C, and watching the news.  Later in the evening, I watered the back garden and picked a few fruits:

Passionfruits and Mini Asian Pears

The Asian pears are tiny, this year!  There are plenty of fruit on the tree, but, they never got bigger, for some reason.  Maybe, next year, we will thin them out and see if that helps.  

The passionfruits are not quite ripe, but, they have started to wrinkle up for the heat, I think.  I picked them to see if they were ripe, but, they are still ripening:

Not Quite Ripe Passionfruit

I still cut them open and scooped out the pulp and made a very refreshing drink, adding the pulp to a glass of water and stirring in a spoon or two of sugar to sweeten it.  I did not strain the seeds as I don't mind the seeds being in the drink.  I will leave the rest of the fruit on the vine to pick later.

Neighbor T's daughter was at the house when I went outside to collect the mail and we chatted for a bit.  The charity had finally picked up the items she had left out for them (they picked them up, today).  She asked me if I had found anything I wanted and I told her that I had been tempted to take the storage boxes, but, didn't because I really have all what I need.  She said that another neighbor had texted to ask if they could have the storage boxes, so I guess the boxes went to someone who really needed them.  

Still later in the evening, I video chatted with my daughter.  She used her cell phone to video chat, instead of her laptop!

Brunch was a piece of my homemade bread with chicken curry.  In the afternoon, I made some banana nice cream, with a frozen banana, a spoonful of peanut butter, and the juice of an orange.  It was a very refreshing treat on a warm day, without the same guilt as a bowl of ice cream!  LOL!  Dinner was the last of the frozen gyoza.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- Ceiling fans and the electricity to run them
- Water for the garden
- Fresh fruit from the garden
- Phone calls and emails from family and friends
- My yarn stash

Today's joyful activities included crocheting and being in the garden.

Plans for tomorrow include ordering some groceries.  They have their "Buy 5 or more participating items and get $1 off each" sale, again!  I think I'll order at least 6 items, this time - that way, if they are out of one item, I might still qualify for the deal!  

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. That is a beautiful granny square and I can't wait to see your finished blanket, I take it it will be a lap blanket. Wow to your temperatures I think I would be melting! Your nice cream sounds very refreshing on such a hot day. I'm glad you are still able to keep i contact with your daughter via her phone and good plan for the supermarket offer, I hope it works out well for you.
    I watched the England ladies football yesterday and am so pleased they have reached the final. My fingers are crossed for them to win against Spain.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, I'm making a lap blanket, something to keep my legs warm when I'm sitting down to watch TV, etc., when it is winter.
      I love the heat - between 80F/26C and 85F/29C is my comfort zone, which is why I'm "freezing" when it goes down to 65F/18C. But, a frozen treat feels good on a hot afternoon. :)
      I didn't watch the football match, but, I saw the highlights, online, afterwards. It should be an exciting game when England plays Spain for the final!

  2. I found some knitting in my craft cupboard, which I ought to start again - especially as the wool was expensive. It was/is a poncho, but I might change and just make it a cosy shawl (or wide scarf) The problem with knitting is that the cats get very interested in the needles and the wool! I remember George (our cat who disappeared) used to take my knitting out of the basket and trot round the house with it - trailing wool everywhere. Bearing in mind the house is 4 stories tall, you can imagine how much wool I had to roll into a ball again!! Love FD xx

    1. I hope you will be able to start on your knitting project and have a nice poncho, or shawl, or scarf for this winter! Maybe give the cats a small ball of inexpensive yarn to play with? Dancer used to love to play with yarn, but, now, he's not that much interested in it. He has a fluffy scarf that I knitted that he likes to drag around the house. It's his "lovey"!

  3. The climate here is not right for growing passion fruit and I don't see if much in the grocery stores. How do you tell when it's ripe?

    1. This particular variety of passion fruit turns purple when ripe and will fall off the vine. I picked the fruit yesterday before they fell off the vine because I was concerned that they were getting wrinkly. But, I will leave the rest of the fruit until they ripen fully and fall off. I've seen passion fruit for sale only at the farmers markets, around here; the grocery stores don't seem to sell them.

  4. Hi Bless, I loved the rain. It really helps the garden and the soil. I didn't know you could grow passion fruit in LA. My persimmons are wrinkled, too. I think it's from the heat.

    1. Hi Stephenie. We didn't get much rain, but, every drop is appreciated, isn't it? Yes, passion fruit will grow in LA and you might be able to grow it at your cottage, too. It's a vine, so, you'll have to provide some sort of trellis or fence for it. I think the fruits are getting wrinkled for the heat. And I am probably not watering everything as much as I should!

  5. Now that is really a square with attitude! It could almost be framed, it's so pretty! Your passionfruit drink sounds refreshing in the hot weather. I have used all the lemon syrup so I guess I should think about buying more lemons. I was thinking to make your banana nice cream recipe for dessert today.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It is the fluffiest of the lot! :D
      The passionfruit drink was wonderful! I shall make some lemonade, next, I think. I still have one or two lemons on the tree. Enjoy the banana nice cream! I think I will buy a few extra bananas to freeze just to make this dessert! :)

  6. Another lovely granny square! I do like the fuzzy yarn! In decluttering last a box of things from my parents, I found a small bag with some granny squares my mother had made! They are small and in pale colors. I will give them to a teenage great-niece who does crotchet and knitting. Hopefully she'll appreciate that they were made by her great grandmother.

    1. Thank you! I. too, like the fuzzy yarn, but, I guess it's no longer in style! I'm glad I can use it in my scrappy lap blanket! I'm sure your great-niece will appreciate the granny squares made by her great grandmother! Hopefully, she can put them together to make a blanket or something. :)

  7. That Granny Square looks really fluffy! It's lovely. Are you going to make more fluffy ones, or was that some spare yarn?

    It rained hard most of the morning here. I managed to get out for a small walk - which was really sunny and nice - before it absolutely fell down! I was glad to be home at that point.

    That's too hot for me! It's supposed to get hot here again next week, but thankfully I'll be in England where it is definitely cooler!

    1. That's the only fully fluffy granny square. some of the others have a bit of the fluffy yarn in them, but, they are not completely fluffy. All the squares are made with leftover yarn I have in the stash.
      I'm glad you were able to go for your walk before it started to rain.
      Enjoy your holiday and the cooler weather in England. Maybe, by the time you come back, the cooler Fall weather will have started. :)

  8. Oh, anonymous who likes the fuzzy yarn was me, Celie I don't know why blogger did that!

    1. Hi Celie! I had wondered who it was! :D I guess blogger does funny things when people comment! Lately, I've been finding some of my replies to comments in the spam folder! My own comments on my own blog! LOL. I have to click on them and say they are not spam! :D

  9. The granny square is incredibly fluffy! I like it. X

    1. Thank you! I'm betting that that will be a certain kitty cat's favorite square! :D

  10. What a fun wonderful granny square. I think it will be the star of your new blanket.
    I hope your daughter was able to get her information transferred easily to a new (non-smoking) lap top.

    1. Thank you, Debra. :)
      My daughter took the smoking laptop to the store to have the data transferred to a usb flash drive she already had, but, the store said that the flash drive had some other files on it which would need to be reconfigured before the other files can be transferred, so, she told them to transfer the files to a new flash drive, which they did. She will pick it up today (Wednesday), on her way home after work. The store has a recycling program so she will recycle the old computer.


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