Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Crossing Things Off the List on Monday

Two Non-Essential Craft Books

I decluttered two craft books over the weekend.  One is about soap making and the other about candle making.  I have always wanted to make soap; I thought it would be a useful thing to know how to do, but, it seems to be a rather expensive hobby and I am not sure if I can be trusted to handle lye in a safe manner!  I have made some candles over the years, however, using sheets of beeswax or melting candle wax.  My daughter and I made tea cup candles one year to give as holiday gifts.  I've had both books for several years, I've read through them and enjoyed looking at the pictures, but I've decided that neither of them are essential books.  In any case, there are plenty of how to videos available online, if I should ever want to try soap making or do a bit more candle making.  Decluttering craft books is difficult for me, partly because I just enjoy looking through them and partly because it is an acknowledgement that I am not likely to make any of the lovely things shown in the books!

On Sunday night, before I went to bed, I wrote out a To Do List for Monday.  It included a bunch of little things I needed to do, including a couple of things that I had been procrastinating doing.

So, on Monday, I went down the list and called my primary care physician's office to request a refill on my asthma inhaler (left a message and the nurse called back), applied the car registration renewal decal to the license plate,  picked up Dancer's new medication (went in to the doughnut shop, but, decided I didn't want to spend $1.65 on a doughnut when I was not really craving them; the applefritters looked tempting, but, they were $2.85 each!), watered selected plants in the front garden with water I had collected while waiting for the shower water to warm up, paid the natural gas bill and the combined water/electricity/sewage/solid waste collection bill, took the trash cans to the curb, cleaned Dancer's litter box (a daily task) and finally vacuumed the family room!  

Later, I video chatted with my daughter. 

On Monday, I was grateful for:

- Dancer's new medication was available
- His new cat food was delivered
- A safe drive to pick up Dancer's medication
- Water for the garden
- What I was able to accomplish today

Today's joyful activity was reading several chapters in my library book

Brunch had been a salad; dinner was leftover mac & cheese with chicken curry.

Plans for tomorrow include making a meal plan and making a couple of birthday cards.  The kitchen floor needs to be mopped, too.  

How was your Monday?  What are your plans for Tuesday?


  1. Monday utterly exhausting as we have a bright and bouncy 7½ year old with us for the week. We cycled to and from her swimming lesson, then drove to collect her library book, then did origami, maths practice and writing up a holiday diary. She is great fun but she has boundless energy. I don't!

    1. It does sound tiring! Maybe put some of that energy to work and have her dig up a new planting bed for you?

  2. I find it satisfying to cross things off a To Do list. And I find I'm more productive if I make one. Good job with your list.

    1. Thank you! It feels good to have all those little things done without constantly thinking, "I must do x, y, and z!"

  3. It's true that there are so many good craft videos available on-line but it is pleasant to browse through a book. However, it is good to know that information is not lost altogether when we need to declutter them.

    1. I much prefer to look through a book than watch videos, especially when crafting or cooking, but, I suppose I could borrow something similar from the library, too, if I needed to.

  4. Good for you for crossing some things off your list. Those books look really interesting. I've tried my hand at both. They are fun, but I have lots of other hobbies that I enjoy more.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Yes, I think knitting and patchwork will be my favorite hobbies, plus gardening and reading. :)

  5. A list is a good motivator. It always feels satisfying to tick thing off once completed. Xx

    1. Yes! Crossing things off a list feels great, doesn't it? :)

  6. What a good job checking things off of your list. And you did check quite a few off too.
    You showed some discipline not buying the doughnuts when they were right in front of you lol. I'm not sure I would've been as strong- no that's not right, I would certainly NOT have been as strong lol

    1. Thank you, Debra. I was very pleased with what I was able to cross off the to do list! Too often, though, Mondays seem to be the most productive day of the week!
      Ha, ha, I was not really craving doughnuts on this occasion. Besides, I told myself, I've brownies at home. Maybe next time - I might even splurge and buy an apple fritter! (Or, maybe I should just try out that recipe I found online and make my own!)


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