Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Things One Finds


A Poem

I am still decluttering, going through my belongings, one by one.  This morning, I was going through my desk drawers and tucked under my spare glue sticks and post-it notes, I found a folded piece of paper.  I opened it to see what it was and it was a poem I wrote several years ago when I was remembering a loved one who had died in their sleep who used to tell me, "Don't cry when I am gone".  There is no title or a date, but, I think I wrote it sometime in the 1990s. 

A Poem: Written by me, a long time ago.

I still dream of you
at night
when I am asleep
and my defences are low
you come to me
shrouded in a swirling veil of mist
I see you smile
I hear you laugh
I feel your touch
your warmth
your nearness
your love
I still dream of you
at night
even though you are gone
and I have lost you forever.

You stole away
one night
when I wasn't watching
you didn't say goodbye
or even kiss me goodnight
you just stole away
like a thief in the night
with only a faint echo
of an admonishment long ago
for me not to cry
when you are gone.


I think I'll continue to keep this.


  1. That is a lovely heartfelt, tho sad, poem. Yes, that is a keeper. What a kind poem to write in rememberance of your loved one.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I sort of cringed when I saw a cliche or two in it, but, it is what I wrote. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Anne. I might scrapbook it, along with the eulogy my daughter wrote, at age 12, when her grandmother died.

  3. Oh my goodness that is so beautiful. Of course you must keep it and treasure it.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I think I should write my name on the actual piece of paper and maybe scrapbook it. :)

  4. That is so beautiful. It has brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing such a personal expression of loss ❤️

  5. Che bella questa poesia che hai ritrovato nel cassetto

  6. It gave me goosebumps, Bless. At the very least, I would scrapbook it.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, I think I'll scrapbook it, although I might have to cut it in two to fit on one page!

  7. It's beautiful. Definitely a keeper.

  8. A beautiful and poignant description of loss and grief. You must certainly keep it and write your name on it. Hugs for the loss that you endured at that time.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. Yes, I should probably write my name on it! :)

  9. It's lovely poem, Bless. Brought tears to my eyes and reminded of my dad.

  10. I have been deliberating for several days what to write here. Various things in mind, but I'll just say I'm sorry that you were in the position to write it.

    If I am allowed a question: roughly how long after the loss did you put pen to paper? (No need to respond.)

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I wrote the poem several years after the person died. I wish I had written down the date, but, it must have been at least 6 or 7 years after the loss, maybe even longer.


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