Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Guess Who is Laying Again?


Do You See Them?

When I watered the back garden on Monday evening, I noticed two white things near the nectarine tree.  Do you see them?  

I went closer to have a look:

One Outside the Planting Bed

Chicken Little, have you been busy again?

One Inside

If M had seen them on Friday evening, when he watered the garden, he didn't say anything.  So, I suspect that they were laid over the holiday weekend.  When we had high temperatures.  Anyway, I marked them, 1 and 2, and left them in place.

On Tuesday, I checked to see if there were any new eggs and there weren't.  Also, the one just outside the planting bed had been moved further away.

I checked again, this morning (Wednesday) and the one egg that had been moved had been pecked at and mostly eaten!  I did read online that chickens will eat their own eggs for various reasons (a need for calcium, for protein, out of boredom, etc.)  Maybe it was a 'bad egg'!  LOL.

Yesterday (Tuesday), I picked up Dancer's medication from the pharmacy.  I considered treating myself to a doughnut from the adjacent doughnut shop, but, decided against it.  Instead, I came home and ate leftover pancakes (from Monday's brunch) with seeni sambol (which is a sort of sweet and spicy onion relish).  Later in the afternoon, when it got hot (99F), I went into the bedroom and turned the window a/c unit on.  Then, I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening, opening the door for a cat who hates a closed door!  "Let me in!" "No, let me out!" "I want in, again!"  He'd spend 5 minutes on the bed and then, it's back to "Meow, meow, let me out!"  LOL.  In between letting him in and out, I watched some documentaries and videos on the laptop and attached another row of crocheted granny squares to the blanket I am making.  Dinner was leftover rice, sauteed chicken, and corn. 

Today, Wednesday, it is hotter (101F right now, but, supposed to go up to 103F).  M watered the garden and I told him to try and stay in the shade as much as possible.  The pharmacy has my medication refill ready for pick up, so I will do that later.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- A sunny, warm (101F) day
- M's help with the garden
- Fans and the electricity to run them
- The pharmacy has my medication refill  ready to be picked up
- The little a/c unit in my bedroom, should I want it on 

Today's joyful activity has been picking a ripe persimmon from the garden:

Ripe Fuyu Persimmon

It felt hot to the touch and I had to put it in the fridge to cool, before I could eat it!


  1. Good to see Chicken Little is still around, if hiding from you! Maybe you need a small cat door in the bedroom door! Cats are always wanting to be out, or in?

    1. Chicken Little is no longer hiding! She pecked at the sliding glass door the other day to let me know that she didn't have any kibble to eat!
      I wonder if Dancer would even know how to go through a cat door! He just hates a closed door!

  2. I love seeing what all your garden provides! Including the eggs!

    1. Thank you, Anne. I picked red chilies and the persimmon, today. :)

  3. Yay, Chicken Little!
    And you can guarantee cats will always want to be on the other side of a closed door. Xx

    1. Yes, yay Chicken Little!
      Dancer definitely wants to be on the other side of a closed door! LOL.

  4. That's nice that chicken Little is laying again.. Now Mama Cat has gone are you leaving any kibble for Chicken Little to eat although I know you shouldn't need to? Haha I think you might need to install a cat flap for Dancer to use :)

    1. Yes, I'm looking forward to Chicken Little laying more eggs! I am still feeding Patches and Chicken Little gets her share of kibbles, too! Knowing Dancer, he'll just sit on the other side of the cat flap and meow! LOL. He is so silly that, if some of his wet food spills over out of his bowl onto the lined box lid on which I place his bowl, he won't eat the bit that fell out, but, will meow at me until I put it back into his bowl for him to eat!

    2. Oh my goodness, you really are Dancer's servant :)

    3. That I am! And he certainly knows it! LOL.

  5. Chicken Little is back—nice! ☺️
    Your persimmon is beautiful! 👏🏼
    I sent some clothes to a friend who resells clothes and I am dropping off donations today. I’m up to 33 items decluttered. 🤗

    1. Yes, Chicken Little is back and the persimmon was delicious, after I had chilled it, a bit.
      Wow! Look at you go at that decluttering! Well done!

  6. I can imagine that the persimmon might have cooked if you hadn't picked it when you did. I'm sure it was more refreshing after a stint in the refrigerator.

    1. I think it was partially baked as it was! But, it was delicious after it had cooled a bit. :)

  7. I'm not sure I've ever eaten a persimmon...Love FD xx

    1. They are one of the tastiest fruits, in my opinion. Fuyu persimmons can be eaten before they are very ripe, but, Hachiya persimmons must be very, very ripe and almost mushy before you eat them, otherwise, they are very astringent. I love both varieties.

    2. I don't like the mushy ones, but I have seen that variety used in Japan as a kind of wood protector/creosote!
      I would also have put the fruit in the fridge, rather than eat it warm. I hope you get more.

    3. Thank you, Lady Ella. There are quite a few persimmons on the tree, but, I don't know if they are being partially baked in this heat!

  8. I'm glad Chicken Little is back. I was worried about her. Do you plan to eat any of the eggs?

    1. I might eat any new eggs she might lay. If I find them before they get parboiled in the heat! It's 109F right now!

  9. Oh wow - more eggs. It took me a bit but I did notice the eggs in the picture before moving on. I have to say, I wasn't looking for eggs so they were a surprise.
    Oh. my. It was hot. I hope the temps have cooled off a bit for you.
    It's been very pleasant here but we need some rain.
    Beautiful persimmon. I've never had one.

    1. Chicken Little hasn't laid any more eggs since then, so, I guess it was a one time thing! LOL.
      Yes, it was hot - and now, it has cooled off quite a bit! Hope you get some rain, soon. We haven't had any since June, I think, or, was it May? :D


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