Sunday, September 15, 2024

September Decluttering - Week 2

My September Decluttering Challenge is to declutter as many items a day as the date.  I should have 465 items decluttered by the end of the month.  However, I am giving myself permission to stop at 300 items decluttered or carry it until I have a total of 500 items.  We shall see how it goes!  But, to keep myself accountable, I am taking pictures of what I've decluttered each week.

Here's the link to September Decluttering Week 1

Onto Week 2 of decluttering:

8th - 1 cook book - all the kinds of pies one would ever want to make, but, I don't make that many pies, anymore and when I do make one, I have another cookbook with some pie recipes or can look online; 7 CDs

Day 8: 1 Cookbook, 7 CDs

9th - boxed set of 9 books - The Little House series of books by Laura Ingalls Wilder - much read and practically falling apart, as you can see!  The 9th book no longer fits into the box!  I am finally ready to part with them!

Day 9: Boxed Set of 9 Books

10th - 7 expired medications, 3 empty pill containers (didn't take a picture)

11th - 6 expired medications & supplements; 5 plastic forks (didn't take a picture)

12th - 1 metal tray, 2 calendars, 1 cookbook, 1 blue rose, 1 floral pen, 1 empty pen box, 3 heavy duty binder clips, 1 dried out/non-sticky packing tape and dispenser, 1 yellow flowered hair clip, 

Day 12: 12 Miscellaneous Items

13th - 6 brass napkin rings, 4 cooking utensils, 1 empty pill container, 1 box, 1 item of clothing (last 3 items not pictured)

Day 13 - 6 Brass Napkin Rings, 4 Utensils (plus 3 other items)

14th - 11 magazines (daughter gave me a magazine subscription as a birthday gift in 2019 and they were such a delight during the initial Covid lockdown period when I couldn't go to the library), 3 craft books

Day 14: 11 Magazines and 3 Craft Books

8+9+10+11+12+13+14 = 77 items decluttered this week.

Week 1 = 28

Week 2 = 77

Total decluttered so far in September = 28 + 77 = 105

The second week of decluttering wasn't too hard.  I am starting to see a bit of a difference.  It's going to get more difficult as I get to the bigger numbers from now on, but, I am making progress.  

Those of you who have joined me in decluttering this month, how are you coming along?


  1. I am in my second cycle of 1 - 10 items, decluttering in groups. Day one was a bag, to contain many of these discards so they can go to a charity shop. It's working well

    1. You are doing great, Angela. I really like your decluttering in groups method. :)

  2. Well done Bless, you are doing well and noticing a difference is a brilliant result.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. I'm looking forward to being able to say I've decluttered everything - still a long way to go, but, I am getting there!

  3. Well done with the decluttering! It is inspiring me to get back doing some of mine.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. Start with what is easiest for you to declutter. :)

  4. WOW Bless you are making some significant inroads to your decluttering challenge - well done. I also use the library for magazines, that way I can sample new ones to me, without cost :)

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. It's hard to let go of some of the books, but, I'm making progress! I will be making more use of the library, once again, especially since I have access to the online library, as well. :)

  5. You're doing great! I've not done any more. Actually, I forgot!

    1. Thank you, Celie.
      That's OK if you forgot. You are probably quite busy with teaching your classes, this semester. You can join in later, if you wish to. :)

  6. Great job. What do you do with the things you declutter?

    1. Thank you, June. Some of the items, such as books, CDs, and household items will be donated. Some of the Sri Lankan brass items will be offered to a friend of mine, first. Other items, such as the old beaten up paperbacks, and the plastic and aluminum trays I decluttered last week, are being recycled. The rest of the items are being tossed.

  7. I. am coming along with the bagging up and getting ready to donate items, but I have not actually taken them yet.

    1. Once you have them all bagged up and ready, I'm sure you'll take them in by the end of the month or so. :)

  8. You're doing incredibly well, Bless. As well as my decluttering, I'm also trying to be more mindful about items that I'm bringing into the house, and I'm really beginning to notice a difference. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. I'm trying hard not to bring any new items into the house, but, every now and then, things do come in, of course.

  9. I've done this challenge quite a few times over the years. I found for the bigger numbered days (30th and 31st) it helped get the numbers up by going through random drawers of bits and stacks of magazines. It's very satisfying isn't it. 😀

    1. I, too, have done this challenge before, Sue, and it does get harder towards the end of the month! I'm going through the magazines, right now, but, no doubt I'll be digging deeper in closets and drawers towards the end of the month!

  10. I'm up to 40 so far, and I am hoping to have time to add more items.

  11. I have never read any of the Little House books, but funnily enough someone told me that she had read the whole series four times recently. I suppose they must be good, then!

    1. It's a fictionalized version of the author's life from the time she was 5 years old until she was about 22 years old, and her family's migration from Wisconsin to Dakota. I first read what turned out to be the 8th book in the series, back when I was in Sri Lanka and I didn't realize that it was one of a series, back then. It was only after I came to the US that I realized there was a whole series (and there was a TV series, too, based on the books).


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