Monday, September 23, 2024

September Meal Plan - Week 3 Review and Week 4 Meal Plan

Time to review how I did on my meal plan for Week 3 which was on the cool side, with highs in the low 70s.

This was the plan:

Brunches: Waffles and corned beef✔, egg salad sandwiches, Indian style cream of wheat, toast and peanut butter

Dinners: Tomato soup and toast (Monday)✔, Rice, chicken curry, beets, and moringa curry✔, Sauteed salmon with rice and vegetables; Breaded shrimp with salad✔, Leftovers✔.

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, sesame seed crackers, tea cookies, cake

Here's how it worked out:

Brunch: Cup of tea (I was not hungry)
Dinner: Tomato soup (made from the leftover salad that S had given; tomatoes, onion, bell pepper, basil, garlic powder; I tossed the black olives as I don't really like olives and didn't think they'd taste good in the soup)
Tomato Soup

Snacks/Desserts: Yellow cake, Fuyu persimmons from the garden

Brunch: Corned beef hash (leftover corned beef, potato, tomatoes, onion, chili powder, garlic powder) and a scrambled egg

Corned Beef Hash and Scrambled Egg

Dinner: Rice, Chicken curry, moringa curry
Snacks/Desserts:  Yellow cake, sesame crackers

Brunch: Waffle with corned beef hash

Waffle with Corned Beef Hash

Dinner: Waffle with chicken curry (didn't feel like cooking rice)
Snacks/Desserts: Persimmons, cake, peanuts

Brunch: The last waffle with corned beef hash
Dinner:  Curried chicken ramen
Curried Chicken Ramen

Snacks/Desserts:  Persimmon, Chili mango

Brunch: Scrambled egg with last of the corned beef hash
Dinner:  Fried breaded shrimp and fries, salad
Snacks/Desserts: Persimmons, tea cookies, a piece of jaggery

Saturday: (picked up groceries)
Breakfast: Cheese sandwich
Lunch: Croissant with butter, banana
Dinner: Croissant with butter and seeni sambol
Snacks/Desserts: Ice cream, tortilla chips

Brunch: Croissant with tuna salad and lettuce
Dinner: Croissant with tuna salad and lettuce (yes, I had the same thing for dinner)
Snacks/Desserts: Ice cream, banana, persimmon

Well, obviously I didn't quite keep to the plan, but, it worked out well.  

Moving on to September Week 4.  Here's the plan:

Brunches:  Croissants with tuna salad and lettuce; Cereal and milk, Scrambled egg and toast; Indian style cream of wheat

Dinners:  Croissants with chicken curry; Rice, chicken curry, beets, and moringa; Rice, chicken curry, leftover beets, sauteed cabbage; Salmon and salad, Leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Cake, fruit, tea cookies, tortilla chips, ice cream, maybe yogurt if I make some

Did you make a meal plan last week and, if you did, did you stay on plan?  Are you making a meal plan this week?


  1. When I first glanced at the tomato soup, I thought it was a pumpkin pie. :) However, both are good. Maybe next week, I'll see a picture of an actual pumpkin pie. Do you like them?

    1. Now that you've mentioned it, the soup does look a bit like pumpkin pie, doesn't it? I do like pumpkin pie, but, I don't think I will be having any until Thanksgiving. :)

  2. The meal plan this past week was:
    Sunday: chicken, pepper, onion, broccoli stir-fry & rice
    Monday: smoked turkey sausage, potato pancakes, corn
    Tuesday: haddock, peppers, rice
    Wednesday: zucchini, meatballs, sauce, salad
    Thursday: steak, broccoli, frozen cauliflower, mixed vegetables
    Friday: salmon, mashed potatoes, frozen vegetable mix
    Saturday: salad with anchovies & white beans.
    There were salads for lunch, soup and some bars, nuts, packaged snacks for nephew who was out and about most days.
    I love your photos of meals. The waffles look especially delicious!

    1. Your meal plan sounds delicious! Something different every day, too! I took the photos mostly to remind me what I ate! LOL. But, thank you!

  3. There aren't many foods that I don't like but tomato soup is one of them. Corned beef hash I do like. I have my grocery order delivered this afternoon and we will be having a roast lamb dinner this evening, the leg of lamb is roasting in the oven right now, I'm giving salads a miss now the weather is cooler.

    1. It's funny that I don't like fresh/raw tomatoes, but, I like tomato soup, pasta sauce, tomato chutney, etc. :) I hope you received everything you ordered, Eileen; your lamb roast sounds delicious! It's been a long time since I've had lamb - the regular grocery store doesn't have it, only the ethnic grocery stores carry it.

  4. That soup looks good! Seeing the waffles makes me almost regret donating my waffle iron a few years ago!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It was a good way to use up the tomatoes and peppers from the salad! Oops, sorry the picture of the waffles almost made you regret donating your waffle iron! I love waffles and so does my daughter, so I will be keeping my waffle iron. :)


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