Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Heat Goes On


Raspberry Plant

I knew that Chicken Little was eating the strawberries, but, then, I saw her happily pecking away at the raspberry plant, too, even though there were no berries!  I asked M to wrap some chicken wire around the plants to try to discourage the chicken from getting at them.

Strawberry Plant

The other morning, I heard Chicken Little carrying on as if something was very wrong and it woke me up.  I went to the back door to check what was going on and she was standing on the patio table where the strawberry plant has been placed, protesting very loudly about being denied access to the plant!  Sorry, Chicken Little, but, the strawberry and raspberry plants are not part of your diet!

Yesterday (Monday) was another hot day with the temperature rising to 105F (40.5C)  I resisted putting the a/c on and managed with the fans.  However, the heat meant that I did minimal housework.  Instead, I read another library book and did the day's decluttering.

But, it was a social sort of day.  I had a long conversation with former neighbor T's daughter who brought me up to date on some health issues T had been having.  Later, my neighbor S brought me some Armenian cookies and a chocolate her friend had made; she asked if her daughter could park in my driveway that evening and I was happy to help out.  Later, I had a chat with friend R. 

Today (Tuesday) was a little cooler, with a high of only 96F (35.5C).  However, it was still uncomfortable in the afternoon.  I brought the trash cans in, did some paperwork, accepted a couple of packages for friend R, and confirmed Dancer's appointment at the vet's office on Wednesday.  Later, I read and then, watched some TV programs, including the presidential debate.

Wednesday will be a busy day.  I have a bone density scan scheduled early in the morning, then, M will be here to tend to the garden, later in the morning, and I have to take Dancer to an appointment with his vet in the late afternoon.  It is supposed to be cooler, tomorrow, however, and that will be nice.

Today, I'm grateful for:
- The slightly cooler temperatures
- Electricity to run the fans
- Weekly trash collection services
- Being able to help friend R by accepting her packages for her
- Being able to borrow books from the online library

Today's joyful activity was reading.

How is your week coming along?


  1. Chicken Little certainly has got attitude :) I hope your scan goes well and Dancer doesn't protest too much having to visit the vet. The weather here is dreadful and I got soaked again in the rain yesterday but it was cold and windy too, it feels like winter has arrived.

    1. She seems to have a sense of entitlement! She had a lot to say about the garden, this morning! LOL.
      The scan went well, thank you; of course I won't know about the results until I see the doctor. Dancer still doesn't know that he's going to the vet's this afternoon! I'm planning to give him the sedative about one hour before we leave.
      I am sorry that your weather is dreadful and you got soaked in the rain, especially since it was cold and windy, too. We are having a cooler day, today; the afternoon high will be 81F/27C per the forecast. It's very comfortable as far as I'm concerned. No need for a fan or anything. :)

  2. Yuck that heat sounds horrible! I hope some cooler weather comes soon. That's really funny about Chicken Little protesting like that.

    1. It was pretty miserable when it was so hot, Sharon, and usually I'm fine with warmer temperatures. It's much cooler, today, with a high of only 81F.
      Chicken Little was complaining this morning, too, that she couldn't reach the ripening strawberries! :D

  3. That's funny that Chicken Little was protesting about access to the strawberry plant. She probably thinks that if she leaves you eggs, she should be able to have strawberries and raspberries. :)

    1. She is a very entitled chicken! She was complaining this morning, too - there are two tiny strawberries that are starting to ripen and she can't reach them! There have been no further eggs since those last two which I didn't pick.

  4. I can't imagine 105 and no a/c. I do think reading is the best way to spend a hot day, or any day for that matter. But you are right, chores can wait for a cooler day.

    1. It's about the max temperature I can take without a/c. Yes, reading is one of the best ways to spend a day, isn't it? Well, that cooler day is here, today, so, I guess I should get off the computer and tend to the chores. :)

  5. Poor Chicken Little ;)
    I hope your scan went well, Bless. And I hope that Dancer co-operated at the vets.
    Please accept my apologies for my recent comments being so late. Xx

    1. The cover around the raspberry plant had been knocked down, today! No idea who did that!
      The scan went well although I don't know the results, yet.
      Dancer behaved well at the vet's; he wasn't happy about it, but, he took it well.
      There is no need to apologize for comments being late, Jules; thank you for taking the time to comment in the first place.

  6. Poor Chicken Little, wanting to get at those wee strawberries before they even have a chance to ripen. Perhaps you need to leave out some tiny scraps of peach or apple for her. Our squirrel loves to have an apple core, and sometimes parks it in one of the bushes and comes back for a peanut. He got a shock today when the neighbour's little dog came over with them and chased him. He quickly shot up a bush onto the porch roof. It's a hard life sometimes for entitled garden visitors!

    1. Something had knocked the wire mesh off the raspberry plant this morning! M put it back in place. I will try tossing out the pear core that I have and see if CL will enjoy that! Oh, the poor squirrel! Getting chased by the neighbor's dog! Glad he didn't get caught!

  7. Chicken Little sure has attitude! The temps there are way too hot for me. I'd be shut up in the air conditioning. Be sure to drink lots of water! I hope the vet trip went well, and that your scan results are all good.

    1. She sure does! It cooled off quite a bit, today. We stayed under 90F. Didn't even need a fan! :) Thank you, Celie; the vet visit went well. I'll find out my scan results when I see the doctor next.

  8. It's starting to be autumnal here - I've already put a blanket on my bed, but I'm thinking I may be adding a duvet before much longer. Cool (13°C) and blustery today, with rain forecast later.

    1. 13C sounds cold to me! That's like a winter day, here! I'd definitely have a quilt or two on my bed in that weather!

  9. I also hope your and Dancer's medical appointments are all fine. I'm glad you found a CL deterrent for your fruit plants. I once had several layers of chicken wire over and around my strawberries but squirrels could easily find a way in so I gave up. I hope the replacement barricade stays up a bit longer!

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. The appointments went well. We shall have to wait and see what the test results say. I checked on the wire mesh this morning and it is still in place. :)


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