Monday, September 9, 2024

On Sunday

Sunday Pickings

On Sunday, I woke up at 7:00 a.m. and after opening up the windows to get as much of the cooler morning air as possible and having a cup of tea, I went out to the back garden to water it.  Afterwards, I picked four moringa pods that were ready to be picked, two Asian pears, a handful of red chilies, and three calamondin fruit, which I immediately cut and added to a glass of water to make some infused water.

Then, while it was still relatively cool, I cut up and cooked the moringa pods and made a curry.  Then, I cooked some dhal, as well, and took out a package of sauteed chicken from the freezer to thaw.  I was hoping I had chicken curry in the freezer, but, I didn't, so after the sauteed chicken thawed, I turned it into a curry by adding curry powder, chili powder, curry leaves, spices, and coconut milk to it.

Breakfast had been some leftover gyoza and a granola bar.  Later, I had a corned beef sandwich as a late lunch.  Dinner was rice, chicken curry, moringa curry, and dhal:

Sunday Dinner

I closed the windows around 11:00 a.m. as it was getting hot by then.  Today's high was 106F.  By late afternoon, it was quite hot and I took a cooling shower.  Then, went into the bedroom and turned the a/c unit on.  I stayed in the bedroom and read two library books I had borrowed, coming out only to drink water, feed Dancer, and, later, open the windows, again, in the evening.  

I haven't been wearing my compression socks because it's been too hot to wear them, but, my feet have been swelling for the heat and on Sunday, they were quite swollen, so, I put on the compression socks, again.  

On Sunday, I was grateful for:
- Water for the garden
- The garden harvest
- Electricity to run the fans and the a/c unit
- Library books
- Being able to video chat with my daughter

My joyful activity was reading in the air conditioned room.

My plan is to wake up early, again, on Monday, and maybe get a few house cleaning tasks done before it gets hot.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?



  1. Hai passato proprio una bellissima domenica, da noi invece ha piovuto molto e quindi io sono dovuta stare in casa.
    Per questa settimana, dato che sono in ferie i programmi sono tanti 😄, e spero di riuscire a fare tutto.

    1. Thank you, Stefania; yes, I did have a wonderful Sunday. I'm sorry it rained a lot there and you had to stay indoors. But, hopefully, you found some fun things to do while you stayed indoors. :)
      I hope you have a lovely holiday and are able to accomplish all the things you've planned to do. Enjoy yourself!

  2. I have a tin of corned beef in my fridge and I think it's about time I opened it and made corned beef sandwiches for us, you have reminded me :). Time for you to put your feet up if they are swollen from the heat, it must be uncomfortable having to wear compression socks when it so hot.
    It rained non-stop yesterday and I waited until late afternoon to walk Tilly and yes, we got soaked. It's fine today so far but is getting much chillier and the night's are drawing in earlier and earlier now.

    1. Every now and then, I really enjoy a corned beef sandwich! I hope you enjoy yours, too. :)
      Yes, I've been avoiding wearing the compression socks in this heat, but, the swelling was pretty bad, yesterday, and I got a little worried.
      You are getting a lot of rain! Poor Tilly and you getting soaked on your walk. Glad it's fine, today, but, it sounds like autumn is definitely on its way! It's 104F/40C here, today!

  3. I had to look up calamondin and moringa, as I had never heard of them! Calamondin trees look beautiful - you can grow them in pot sin the UK if you bring them inside in the winter months. I picked the apples on my tree over the weekend. About a dozen lovely fruits [ for eating not cooking] Today the weather has turned very cool and there has been a lot of rain

    1. I've seen calamondin grown in pots, here, too, but, my tree is planted in the ground. Ooh, apples from your own tree! How wonderful! I'm sure you and Bob will enjoy eating them. :) Sounds like autumn weather is on its way, over there, too. It's 104F/40C here; but, it's supposed to cool down by the end of the week. No rain in the forecast, though.

  4. What a lovely harvest! Nice things to be grateful for!

  5. I'm thinking, poor you in the heat, and poor Dancer - he has a fur coat!

    1. Yes, poor Dancer is right here, complaining about his fur coat! He sometimes lies down on the ceramic tiles in the bathroom, but, the tiles are warm, too!

  6. Another good harvest. You closing the windows to keep the heat out, has just reminded me to close mine to keep the warmth in. It's sunny, but quite chilly today. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; not too many things to harvest now, but, I picked some ripe chilies, today. :)
      Yes, opening and closing the windows to regulate the temperature! :)

  7. Oooh how does it feel to be too hot?! It's cooled down a lot here, and evenings are very chilly. This afternoon we had rain. I think the weekend is going to be dry and sunny so I plan to do some washing and maybe tidy up the garden a bit. It's been a pretty short summer this year, but I'm hopeful it isn't quite over yet! I want more courgettes!

    1. It felt uncomfortable. I had the fans on, but, they were blowing hot air. I prefer being too warm to being too cold, but, these days, anything above 104F/40C seems too hot.
      I hope you have many more days of sunshine and warmth before autumn sets in and the garden will continue to grow and produce. I have some zucchini in my freezer, still - I can bring you some when I come to pick the blackberries, if you'd like. :)

    2. OK! I will have some zucchini from the summer of zucchini! I really only use frozen stuff for soups, but I haven't frozen any this year, so some of yours would be good, thanks. (Could you also bring me a nashi - nicely chilled in the fridge please. No need to peel, I can do that myself! ;o) )

    3. You can make zucchini bread with the frozen zucchini, just grate it a bit in a blender or food processor. I'd be happy to bring you a couple of nashi as well; the frozen zucchini will keep them nicely chilled on the journey. I've been eating them, peel and everything! :D

  8. This day was a really good food day! All of the food you made and ate sounds really good.
    I've never worn those compression socks but I have been told they are quite uncomfortable.
    Would a pair of your knee highs be a compromise in such heat?
    Gosh the heat sounds awful.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I bought some "light" compression socks from CVS and that's what I've been wearing - I find them quite comfortable to wear, actually. I didn't think about the knee highs! Anyway, it has cooled off since then and I am back to wearing the compression socks.


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