Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 11

On Wednesday morning, as I drove myself to the appointment for the bone density scan, I passed one of the local fire stations and all the fire fighters were standing at attention just outside the fire station.  I assumed they were observing a minute of silence to honor the New York City Fire Fighters who lost their lives on September 11.  Somehow, the sight of those firefighters standing in a line made me feel emotional.

I was required to be at the clinic at 7:30 a.m. for the scan and I was there in good time.  The scan itself was done without any fuss and I was home by 9:30 a.m.  I stopped and put gas to the car on the way home.  

It was a fairly cool morning at 68F.  I walked for 15 minutes for the first time in several days as it had been too hot to walk during the heatwave.  It was a much cooler day, today, with an afternoon high of only 88F.  I didn't even need to turn on a fan.

I did a load of laundry after I got home, scrubbed the toilet, and started cleaning the bedroom (this week's room of focus).

M was late to get to my place, because he had been busy at another client's garden.  I was just getting ready to have my brunch (pancakes and dhal curry); I offered him some rice and curries for lunch, and he accepted.  He likes my Sri Lankan cooking and thinks I should open a stand somewhere and serve curry!  LOL.

Dancer's appointment with the vet was at 4:30 p.m.  I gave him the sedative at 3:15 p.m. and he was mostly fine on the way to the clinic.  The vet checked him and he had his blood drawn for thyroid tests, he received his arthritis injection, and had his claws clipped.  He was very quiet on the way home and at one point, I was rather concerned, but, he was just tired and waiting to get home.  

I was tired, too, and after watching the evening news, I fell asleep on the sofa!  

Later, I chatted a bit with friend R, had dinner, and watched a documentary on one of the public TV channels about the attacks on the Twin Towers.  

On Wednesday, I was grateful for:

- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Free parking at the clinic
- M's help with the garden
- Dancer had a fairly stress-free vet visit
- A cooler day

Today's joyful activity was an evening nap.

How was your Wednesday?  Any plans for Thursday? 


  1. Hard to believe it was 23 years ago that the 9/11 attacks occurred, it's still as raw to remember. Good to know your scan went well and Dancer was less stressed about his visit to the vet. I'm sure your curries taste wonderful!

    1. Yes, Eileen, hard to believe that it's been 23 years, already.
      Both Dancer and I felt tired, yesterday, but, we are feeling fine, today. Thank you. :)

  2. I would have been emotional too seeing the firefighters lined up. Sept. 11 was a horrific day that I will never forget.

    1. It really was a horrific day, wasn't it? My daughter and I were talking about it, last night; she had been in elementary school at the time.

  3. I will never forget the descriptions of the firefighters going in and up the stairs. They were true heroes.
    I think if you did open a curry stand, you know who your best customer would be!

    1. Yes, they were true heroes.
      Maybe I should book a stall at the Farmers' Market and sell my curry! LOL!

  4. The anniversary always seems to come around quickly, and I can't think that it has been 23 years.
    I'm glad your scan went well, and I hope Dancer feels much better for having had a good sleep. Xx

  5. Yes, it's hard to imagine that 23 years have passed already. I will always remember that day.
    Thank you, Jules. Dancer is currently napping in a spot of sunshine on the living room carpet. :)


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