Saturday, September 21, 2024

On Friday


Friday's Harvest

On Friday, I picked some chilies and Fuyu persimmons.  There are four more persimmons left on the tree to ripen a bit more before I pick them.  

Friday was slightly warmer, with an afternoon high of 76F,  I was happy with that!

It was another relatively quiet day.  I washed a few items, including two doilies my mother had crocheted, by hand and hung them to dry.  I did some decluttering, which was a bit of a challenge.  I had a chat with my aunt C.

I had washed the cushion covers on the second sofa in the family room, earlier, but, had procrastinated on putting the covers back on.  I did that on Friday and noticed that the inner lining (which is some sort of bonded fabric) of one cushion was starting to tear:

A Tear in the Cushion Lining 

That called for a bit of mending:


Then, I put the covers back on and spread an old bed sheet over the sofa as a dust cover.  The dust sheets help to keep the sofas from getting dirty as quickly.  I also brought out the throw blankets I place on the sofas, now that it is starting to get cooler in the evenings.

In the evening, M tended to the garden and watered and weeded.  He was wondering if the avocado tree has died:

The Avocado Tree

It certainly got scorched during that heatwave we had earlier in the month!  But, I am thinking that it will revive.  We shall wait and see.  Maybe we can prune it back a little bit and see if that helps.

Later in the evening, I fell asleep on the sofa for about an hour!  

I must have been dehydrated, too, because, my hands started cramping, rather painfully, in the evening.  I was good about drinking plenty of water when it was hot, but, now that it has cooled off, I guess I haven't been keeping up with my water intake.  I've been drinking my water this evening and the cramping seems to have stopped.  Thank goodness for that!

On Friday, I was grateful for:
- A slightly warmer day
- The day's garden harvest
- M's help with the garden
- Chatting with aunt C
- The cramping in my hands have stopped

Friday's joyful activities included picking persimmons and reading.

Weekend plans include more decluttering, a load or two of laundry, and probably ordering some groceries.

How was your Friday?  What are your plans for the weekend?


  1. Dressing mice and decluttering today. Taking a church service in town tomorrow. I'm sure the avocado will revive... 🍐🍐🍐

    1. Nice plans for your weekend. Have fun dressing those mice. :) Thank you; I'm not giving up on my avocado tree, yet. :)

  2. I'm glad the cramping has stopped in your hands and you know to remind yourself to drink more in the cooler weather.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, I must make it a point to drink more water!

  3. Good mending to keep the cushion going. I do hope the avocado tree revives!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I am thinking that I might have to sew some inner cushion linings, eventually, but, the patch will work for right now. :) I, too, hope that the avocado tree will revive. It's the biggest I've managed to grow from seed till now!

  4. I too hope the avocado tree will revive. In the meantime, you should get another avocado and start the seed.

    1. Thank you, June. I've tried to get more avocado seeds to germinate, but, I haven't had much success. I've been trying with almost every avocado and mango seed I get my hands on; I will keep trying.


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