Friday, September 20, 2024

Slow Days

The Bottlebrush Tree

The bottlebrush tree in the back garden has leafed out very nicely after we pruned it back in early March. 

Here's how it looked after it was pruned:

How it looked in early March after the pruning

M wasn't sure if it would ever recover from the pruning, but, I was confident it would be just fine and it is!

I've been having a few slow days so far, this week.  It's been fairly cool with the afternoon highs being in the low 70s.  It's like we went from the height of summer to fall, overnight!  

I baked a cake on Monday because it was finally cool enough to turn on the oven, again.  It was just a yellow cake from a boxed mix, but, I added a little freshly grated nutmeg and some almond essence to the batter.

On Tuesday, I took a piece of the cake to friend R when I dropped off the packages that had been delivered to my address.

On Wednesday, M tended to the garden and he enjoyed a piece of the cake I had baked on Monday, along with a persimmon I had picked from the tree.  I also chatted on the phone with former neighbor T and friend R.

On Thursday, I dusted the family room and sorted through the cabinet where I keep the table cloths and napkins, etc.  

I have been sorting through drawers and cupboards this week, as I look for things to declutter.  Decluttering is not easy for me and most of the time, I end up putting things back in place.  But, I'm making progress.

This week, I am grateful for:
- The cooler weather
- M's help with the garden
- Being able to help friend R with her packages
- Phone calls, emails, and texts from family and friends
- Library books

Joyful activities have included visiting friend R (brief, curb-side visit), tending to the garden with M, and baking a cake.

How is your week coming along?



  1. Wow, the bottlebrush tree grew back so full and lush!
    Don’t you love a slow week now and then? I am relaxing between trips and just enjoying being home and chatting with my visiting nephew.
    I like your cake mix enhancement. Sounds delicious!

    1. Yes, the bottlebrush tree is doing well. I almost wish I had it cut down to where the main trunk branched off! But, that might have been a bit too much.
      I do like slow weeks - gives me a little time to catch up on a few things.
      I'm glad you are relaxing between trips and enjoying your nephew's visit.
      The cake turned out well with the additions. It's mostly gone, now!

  2. I think your bottlebrush tree likes you, as it has fulfilled your expectations and looks great, despite the severe lopping in March!

    1. It has certainly recovered from its pruning, hasn't it? I grew it from a seed from neighbor T's tree, which has since been cut down and removed by the new neighbors. The hummingbirds love the nectar in the flowers.

  3. That tree is amazing! You know what you're doing.
    I enjoy seeing how busy you are, even if you think you're not! andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. The tree responded well to the pruning, didn't it?
      LOL, I do find things to keep myself occupied, don't I? :)


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