Sunday, September 22, 2024

September Decluttering Week 3

Continuing with my September Decluttering Challenge - as many items per day as the date.

Week 1's decluttering is here

Week 2's decluttering is here

15th - 2 craft books, 9 magazines, 3 hair bands, 1 CD

Day 15: 1 CD, 2 Books, 3 Hair Bands, 9 Magazines

16th - 12 magazines, 3 VHS videos, 1 seed necklace from Sri Lanka (a gift from sister)

Day 16: 12 Magazines, 3 Videos, 1 Necklace

17th - 10 magazines. 1 knit top (given by cousin), 1 multi outlet plug in (I bought it, but, it doesn't fit my outlets), 2 CDs, 3 brass bottle openers from Sri Lanka (souvenirs/gifts; there were 4 and I kept one)

Day 17: 10 Magazines, 1 Knit top, 1 Multi-outlet plug in, 2 CDs
3 Brass bottle openers from Sri Lanka

18th - 6 doll stands (from when I used to collect dolls), 1 ice bucket/vase; 1 ceramic cannister/jar, 2 board games, 1 cookbook, 1 perpetual desk calendar with quotes, 2 larger doll bodies (for crocheted doll cushions, still in their sealed packages, originally bought by my mother), 2 smaller doll heads and hands (for smaller crocheted dolls), 1 small doll head, 1 brass ashtray in the shape of Sri Lanka

Day 18: Doll Body Parts, Stands, and Games

19th - 9 books (Christmas Crafts/Decorations, Crafts/Cardmaking, Cookbooks), 5 Crafts magazines, 4 doll hats, 1 torn clothing item (not pictured)

Day 19 - 9 Books, 5 Magazines, 4 Doll hats, 1 Clothing item (not pictured)

20th - 3 Crafts books, 5 CDs (including 1 boxed set of 4), 6 packages of binder divider tabs, 6 crafts booklets

Day 20: 3 Crafts books, 5 CDs, 6 Sets Divider tabs, 6 Crafts booklets

21st - 1 Patchwork Designs book, 1 CD, 3 VHS tapes, 1 Brass ornament, 4 Scarves, 1 Platter, 6 Shell shaped silver plated dishes, 4 Apple shaped silver plated dishes

Day 21: 1 Book, 1 CD, 3 VHS tapes, 1 Brass ornament, 4 scarves
1 Platter, 10 Silver plated dishes

Week 3 decluttering = 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 = 126

Here are the decluttering totals to date:

Week 1 = 28

Week 2 = 77

Week 3 = 126

Total number of items decluttered so far in September = 28 + 77 +126 = 231

Decluttering doesn't come easily to me.  And it's getting more difficult to find decide which items to declutter and which items to keep.  At the beginning of the challenge, I had stated that, continuing to declutter all month would give me 465 items decluttered, but, I have given myself permission to stop at 300 or to continue until I reach 500.  

I am now approaching the last week plus of decluttering for this month.  Will I manage to declutter 465 items?  Will I stop at 300? Will I keep going until I reach 500?  What do you think?

If you are decluttering, how are you doing so far?


  1. I think you’ll stop at 300 items. Rome wasn’t built in a day! It really gets harder and harder as you go along.
    I’ve completely fallen off, after a good start. Time to get back at it. Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you, Taconix. It is getting harder to declutter as I go.
      I thought you weren't going to declutter this month because you were going away with family. Don't worry about it; you can declutter in October. :)

  2. Wow! You really are doing great! I'm content right now with just letting go of some of the too many magazines I have. I intend to start on more in the upcoming months. There are still a couple more trips away we'll be doing.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I am pushing myself to declutter. You are doing well with decluttering the magazines. I have a tendency to hold on to my magazines, but, I think I've decluttered all but 2 or 3 that I want to keep. I'm sure you'll declutter more when you have the time. :)

  3. I can tell that some of those items were hard to part with. Good job. Do you have another stack of magazines you could use to get your numbers up for the last week?

    1. Thank you, June. I had been going back and forth over some of the items; the brass birds and bells decoration in the last picture, for example, was a gift from my mother and the platter was a housewarming gift from my cousin who is now in declining health due to dementia. But, I'm thinking that if I need to downsize, someday, it is better to have at least some of the stuff out of the house in advance.
      Unfortunately, I don't have anymore magazines to declutter! Well, actually, I have 3 that I have kept for now - one from the month and year when I first came to this country, one I brought with me from when I was in Hong Kong (a knitting/crafts magazine that a cousin gave me), and one from the month and year when my daughter was born. I'm keeping them for now. :)

  4. That is an impressive amount of stuff you're decluttering! I think you can stop anytime you want now, or keep going!

    1. Thank you, Celie. I'm still waiting for the decluttering euphoria to hit me; so far, I'm just feeling a bit stressed at letting go of some of the things!

  5. Wow, you are doing amazing with this!

    1. Thank you, Mandy. I can see myself struggling next week, though!

  6. You have done really well with the decluttering but I would say stop if it becomes stressful for you. I know I would struggle with that challenge so I didn't even start it.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It is getting a little stressful, but, I am still motivated to keep decluttering, so I will continue. I really want to get to a point where I can feel that I have decluttered enough, but, I might reduce the number of items per day, depending how I feel. :)


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