Friday, September 6, 2024

Sunny September Days

Thursday's High

We went up to 108F, today, and according to the weather app, that felt like 113F:

"Feels like 113*"

It's midnight now, as I type this, and it has cooled down to 90F.

Gardener M made sure that the persimmon tree will get a bit of shade from the scorching sun:

Shade for the Persimmon Tree

I checked the garden to see if there were any new eggs, today, but, there weren't.  

It was hot enough for me to retreat to the bedroom and put the a/c on.  Even Dancer consented to spend several minutes in the cool room before he asked to be let out and then, let in, again.

I had a long chat with Aunt C in the afternoon, then, unpicked the stretched out elastic from the waist band of one of my two pairs of shorts, watched some videos online while I did that, decluttered my five items for the day, and had a generally relaxed day.  It really was too hot to do anything.

Today, I am grateful for:
- The a/c unit in the bedroom
- Electricity to run the a/c and the fans
- Shade for the persimmon tree
- Chats with my aunt
- Being able to order cat food online and have it delivered

Today's joyful activity was spending the hottest part of the day in the cooled bedroom.  

According to the forecast, Friday is supposed to be just as hot.  My plans for the day include tending to the garden in the evening with M.  I hope it will have cooled off a bit by then.

How is the weather where you are?


  1. Cooler than it has been,but bright and sunny this morning. You have inspired me to declutter - last night I sorted a kitchen shelf!

    1. Glad it's a bright and sunny morning and hope it stayed that way the rest of the day. Well done on sorting out a kitchen shelf!

  2. That is hot where you are and what a good idea to give shade to your persimmon tree.
    Our weather is very changeable and has felt like autumn with leaves starting to fall from the trees and I have seen and heard a few flocks of geese migrating but not sure where they are heading. Today it is sunny and warm so no complaints from me.

    1. It's even hotter, today! Sounds like it is autumn if the geese are flying south! Hope you get more sunny and warm days before it gets cold, again.

  3. Now I finally know how hot it has to get for you to turn on the AC. :) Wow, that's hot. I hope today is better for you.

    1. LOL, yes, now you know how hot it has to get! :D It is even hotter, today - 109F at 1:00 p.m. and supposed to go up to 111F. It's 90F in the family room and I'm OK with the fans on. I'll probably retreat to the bedroom and put the a/c on later in the afternoon. :)

  4. Good that you have a cool room to relax in! The weather in New York City is perfection right now. I wake up to cool mornings, then it quickly warms all the way through early evening. At night, it’s good sleeping temperatures. I had been walking after the evening news, but it’s getting darker earlier and the mosquitoes have been out. I’ll have to take an earlier stroll in the neighborhood.
    My nephew is arriving Sunday for a month. He will stay with our dogs during 2 family trips since the pet-boarding won’t take them any longer due to their age. We’re lucky nephew just moved back from Ireland and hasn’t started working. It will be nice to have him here visiting.
    I hope it’s cool enough in California for you to have some garden time this evening! 😊

    1. Thank you, Taconix. Sounds like you are having some perfect weather. Yes, the evenings are getting dark earlier and you might want to walk before the evening news.
      How wonderful that your nephew is able to stay with you for a month and look after the dogs when you take your trips!
      It's 109F right now (at 1:10 p.m.), and our high is supposed to be 111F. Hopefully, it will be cool enough to water the garden in the evening.

  5. I'm glad you were able to order your cat food and have it delivered. That heat is not good to venture out in. We have 60°F and rain right now, what a difference from your weather!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. It really is too hot to be out and about, but, I have another medication refill ready for pick up...
      Your 60F and rain is definitely a far cry from our 109F (going up to 111F) and sunny! :D

  6. That is hot! I would be shut in the room with the a/c! It's in the upper 60s here. I taught the first lab and lecture today. It went well, and I enjoyed it. But I do think that I won't do it again, so my replacement needs to get here by next semester!

    1. Yes, it is hot, isn't it? It's even hotter, today, but, so far (almost 4:00 p.m.) I haven't retreated to the room with the a/c.
      Glad your first lab and lecture went well, today. Consider it an opportunity to know if you really want to be retired full time or part time. :)

  7. Pampered persimmons! I don't know what 108F is and can't be bothered to look it up with my computer humming furiously at me, but Shikoku regularly nudges 40C and I have never seen persimmon trees so solicitously protected! (Mind you they are all over the place so I don't suppose anyone cares if there are one or two thousand fruits more or less!)

    1. Yes! Very pampered persimmons! They are getting baked on the tree! 108F is 42.22C according to Google. :) It's hot enough for me!

  8. We've experienced a couple of chilly nights recently. Temperatures are set to drop even further over the next two days, then increase again at the end of the week. I've brought my lemon trees indoors as a precaution. Xx

    1. Sounds like autumn is starting in your corner of the world, Jules. Good idea to bring the lemon trees in. We've cooled off to a very comfortable 81F (27C), today. No need for fans, at all!


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