Monday, September 2, 2024

August Week 4 Meal Plan Review & September Week 1 Meal Plan

This was the meal plan for August Week 4:

Brunches: Cold cuts "subway" sandwiches with French bread; Bread and cheese; Sardines on toast; Salad; Fruit, Milk Rice (Sunday, September 1)

Dinners: Cold cuts "subway" sandwiches, Breakfast for Dinner; Sauteed salmon with salad or rice and vegetables, Sauteed chicken and salad or rice and vegetables,  Fried breaded shrimp with fries and salad, leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts.  

This is how it all worked out:


Brunch: Homemade version of a subway sandwich with French bread, cold cuts, mayo, mustard, and lettuce
Dinner: Another "subway" sandwich
Snacks/Desserts: Leftover Fruit salad (banana, kiwi, grapes, dates, cashews)

Daily Points Total: 6.25


Brunch:   Another "subway" sandwich
Dinner:  Baked breaded shrimp and leftover fries (from Saturday's burger meal)
Snacks/Desserts: Banana, crackers

Daily Points Total:  0


Brunch: Cold cuts sandwich, banana
Dinner: Sardines on toast; corn on the cob, papaya
Snacks/Desserts: Sesame crackers, regular chocolate (not 70% or above cocoa)

Daily Points Total: 3


Brunch: Banana, peanut butter
Dinner: Salmon with onions and tomato,, fried potato, lettuce, cucumber

Snacks/Desserts: Papaya, sesame crackers

Daily Points Total: 3


Brunch: French bread and chicken curry
Dinner: Salmon with onions and tomato, wild rice mix, cucumber salad 

Salmon with wild rice mix and cucumber

Snacks/Desserts: Banana, tea/coffee biscuits, chili mango, lemonade

Daily Points Total: 2


Brunch: Cereal and milk
Dinner: Sauteed chicken with onions and tomato, and wild rice mix
Snacks/Desserts: Mango, orange juice

Daily Points Total: 0

Brunch: Milkrice, chicken curry, seeni sambol (curry powder, curry leaves, etc. = 3.25 points)
Dinner:  Sauteed chicken, wild rice mix
Snacks/Desserts: Orange juice, mango

Daily Points Total: 3.25

Daily cup of tea = 1 [point

Weekly Plant Based Food Points Total = 18.50

Well, that wasn't a very good week for having a variety of plants in my diet!  I didn't try very hard, I guess, as I didn't have the salads I was going to have!

Well, it's a new week and a new month!  On to September Week 1:

Brunches: Pancakes, egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches, scrambled egg and toast, salad, cereal and milk

Dinners: Cold cuts sandwich and salad, Sauteed chicken, rice, and vegetables, Gyoza/pot stickers, Pizza? Leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts.  

As always, the meal plan is subject to change!  It's going up to 100F this week; I might just want ice cream!  LOL.


  1. Your salmon, rice and cucumber looks very tasty. I don't blame you wanting to have ice cream when the temperature is so high. Autumn has arrived here and although not cold it is very grey with lots of rain. Husband even suggested I make a stew although I'm not ready for winter meals just yet :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Our nights are getting cooler, but, the days are as sunny and warm as ever. I'm sorry the weather is so wet and grey over there. I hope you'll have some sunny days before it gets cold enough for stews and soups, etc.

  2. Ice cream sounds good :)
    I'm in work today, so I've just made my lunch. I'm trying to eat healthier and increase my fruit and veg, so I've got a chicken and salad wholegrain wrap, banana and strawberries, and some flapjack. Xx

    1. Enjoy being back at work, Jules. Your lunch sounds very good and nutritious. :)

  3. It's frustrating I think when you eat lots of veggies & plant based food - but you've already had them this week, so you can't count them!! I managed 36 last week. So far, I think I've managed 10, but then I've had lots of repetitions! Love FD xx

    1. Yes, it is difficult to get the variety in when there's a lot of repetition. You did really well to get 36, last week!

  4. Overall, do you think counting plant points is changing the way you eat? Well, maybe not this week, but overall?

    1. That's a very good question, June. Keeping track of it is helping me to see just how unadventurous I am when it comes to eating a variety of produce! But, adding that variety means I need to change my shopping and meal prep habits and I haven't been doing that! For example, I'd have to buy one each of at least 7 different fruits and 14 different vegetables for the week for the variety and then, supplement that with nuts, seeds, whole grains, spices, and legumes, etc., to get me up to 30 different plant based food for the week. That's hard to do when you are meal prepping for one. Not impossible, but, difficult. So, the answer to your question is "No, it's not changing the way I eat, but, it is making me more aware of the shortcomings in my diet!"

  5. Your salmon looks more interesting than mine, with the tomato and onions. I tend to put butter, a drizzle of birch syrup and a drizzle of lemon juice and then bake it in parchment paper. But one gets tired of the same thing!

    1. I don't think I've ever had birch syrup!
      I saute the onions and tomatoes with a little garlic (or garlic powder) in oil and then, add the salmon and saute it, too, turning it over a couple of times to make sure it's cooked through. The onions and tomato become a sort of sauce. I used the black tomato that M gave me, which I had frozen, earlier. And I added some teriyaki sauce to the salmon.

  6. I *barely* made it to 30.5 points last week. Good luck to both of us this week!

    1. You did great! 30.5 is good! Yes, good luck to us both, this week! :)

  7. Lots of Subway sandwiches for Bless. My husband really likes cold cuts. My sister is coming for a visit and she likes sandwiches so I think we will be having our own Subway Sandwiches here on the east coast.

    1. I was on a subway sandwich kick, wasn't I? :D I really like French bread with just about anything - cold cuts, cheese, curry, seeni sambol, etc. Enjoy your sister's visit and your own Subway sandwiches! :)


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