Friday, September 6, 2024

Hot on Friday

Today's Forecast: Taken at 12:54 p.m.

Did I mention that it was hot?

The house had no chance to cool off during the night, as it was still around 90F when I finally closed the windows and went to bed, around 3:00 a.m.  I woke up at around 7:00 a.m. and opened a window or two to get any cool morning air, but, it was already in the 90s.  I went back to bed and slept for another couple of hours before getting up for the day.  We were already 109F just before 1:00 p.m.

I braved the heat and went out into the garden to check if there were any new eggs, but, there weren't.

I did minimal housework, but, there were some dishes to wash, so I put the fan on in the kitchen (I keep a table fan on the counter) and washed the dishes and cleaned a small section of the counter.  

The pharmacy had texted that another medication refill was ready and I was debating whether to go during the afternoon or wait till evening.  Then, gardener friend M texted to say that he was coming over early, today, and I decided to go to the pharmacy in the evening.

Earlier in the week, the flushing mechanism in my toilet stopped working.  Fortunately, I have a second bathroom, so, I didn't call the plumber, right away.  On Wednesday, I happened to mention the broken toilet flush to M, saying I needed to call the plumber.  He offered to take a look at it and said he could replace the mechanism for me on Friday, if I could wait till then, rather than pay $200 for the plumber (the last two times I had the plumber fix something, he charged me $225 plus cost of parts).  

So, today, Friday, M bought the part for me and installed it.  I reimbursed him for the part and paid him a little over what I pay him for a week, for his time and effort.  He was happy with that and I am happy, too, to have my toilet fixed for less than what a plumber would have charged me.

In the evening, around 6:00 p.m., after M had left, I went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication refill.

On the way back, I was tempted to go to the Thai food place to order some fried rice, but, I resisted the temptation and came home, instead, and made myself a salad, with some sauteed chicken added to it, for dinner.  Not as satisfying as my favorite beef fried rice, though! 

After dinner, I called friend R to check on her.  

I have resisted the urge to retreat to the bedroom and put the a/c on, all day, because, once I am in the cooled room, I don't want to come out and the rest of the house feels even hotter when I do leave the room.  Maybe I'll just cool off the room before I go to sleep.  According to the news, we did eventually go up to 114F, today.  The electricity flickered on and off for a bit in the late afternoon, but, it didn't go off completely, and I am very thankful for that.  An adjoining city did lose power for a while, according to the news.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Electricity to run the fans and the fridge/freezer
- M for helping me by replacing the toilet flushing mechanism
- Pharmacy getting the refills ready for me
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- It has cooled down to 86F at almost 10:30 p.m. as I type this

Today's joyful activity was a short nap on the sofa.

Plans for Saturday will depend on how hot it gets (103F according to the forecast).  I have some laundry to do and I'd like to get the kitchen and the bathroom mopped, but, it all depends on how hot it will be.

How was your day?  What are your plans for the weekend? 


  1. Son1 called today to tell me how hot Portland was. We are rarely cooler than there during the summer but today it was pleasant here.

    1. Yes, it's quite hot in several western states, right now, isn't it? I'm glad that you had a pleasant day. Hope it continues to be pleasant. :)

  2. It's kind of M to fix the toilet for you, he seems an all round handy man and very good friend to you. I feel for you it being so hot, I think I'd be melting in that heat!

    1. It was very kind of M to have fixed the toilet. I really appreciated it. He's a very helpful friend.
      It's a little cooler, today; 101F/38.33C. As long as I have the fan blowing on me, I'm OK. :)

  3. I think it would be okay to stay in your bedroom all day with the AC. Get a book, some crocheting, and music or podcast to listen to and consider it a vacation. A Staycation of sorts. When is a break in the weather supposed to happen? Once again, M proves what a gem he is.

    1. Thank you, June. Yes, I think I will stay in the bedroom, tomorrow (it's supposed to be 107F again, tomorrow; today is cooler at only 101F). I could have the a/c on and clean the bedroom - or not! LOL.
      It's supposed to cool down later next week, with highs only in the 80s. Guess who will be complaining it's cold! :D
      M is really a gem! I think it worked out well for both of us. :)

  4. Wish you were here to enjoy NYC’s beautiful early September weather!
    How nice to get your repair done by M—he has good skills.
    I hope you take it easy in the heat today. Your mop isn’t going anywhere and you can catch up on housework when it cools a little. 🌞

    1. Thank you, Taconix. We are supposed to cool down to the 80s by the end of next week, so I'll get the housework done then. :)
      I'm so thankful that M could fix the toilet for me. He is so helpful!

  5. How wonderful to have a friend who is able and willing to help you with odd jobs like that! I have several "silly" things that need to be done - someone with the right tools could do the whole lot within half an hour but I don't know anyone so I am having to save them up till the decorating is finished and then probably get someone out of the directory and hope they are a) capable b) reasonable c) nice. Some of them do charge a call-out fee, on top of the time they spend/jobs they do.

    1. It is very wonderful! We trade off little jobs - he brings me some of his clothes to be mended - ripped pockets, buttons to be sewn on, etc., and in return, he fixes some of the plumbing for me or puts up the window a/c unit for me. I hope you find a reliable and reasonable person to do the work for you. Maybe ask a neighbor to recommend someone? The plumber I've used in the past was recommended by a neighbor; they do charge to come out and give an estimate, but, they've been reliable.

    2. I've asked around locally in the past, but no joy.

    3. I see. I'm sorry. It's hard to find a good handyman, isn't it?

  6. I guess Chicken Little is finding it too hot to lay eggs!

  7. It's great that M could fix the toilet for you. I think most plumbers charge a standard call out fee, whatever the job is.
    I'm a little late to reply to your post, but I hope you managed to stay cool. Xx

    1. Yes, most plumbers do have a standard call out fee. I was very thankful that M could fix the toilet for me, though. It worked out well for both of us, I think.
      Yes, I did manage to stay cool, thank you. :)


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