Monday, September 9, 2024

September Meal Plans: Week 1 Review and Week 2

This was my meal plan for the 1st week of September:

Brunches: Pancakes✔, egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches✔(for dinner), scrambled egg and toast✔, salad✔, cereal and milk yogurt✔

Dinners: Cold cuts sandwich ✔and salad✔(for brunch), Sauteed chicken, rice, and vegetables✔, Gyoza/pot stickers✔, Pizza? Leftovers✔

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit✔, Yogurt,✔ Crackers with cheese or peanut butter✔, sesame seed crackers, cookies✔, nuts.  

Here's how that worked out:


Brunch: Pancakes, syrup
Dinner: Cold cuts sandwich with lettuce, mustard, and multi grain bread
Snacks/Desserts: Mango

Daily Points Total: 3.25


Brunch:  Pancakes, seeni sambol (sweet and spicy onion relish)
Dinner: Chicken, leftover rice mix, corn
Snacks/Desserts: Papaya, nectarine, cookies, 

Daily Points Total: 3

Brunch: Subway sandwich (from Subway): cheesy garlic steak, red onions, bell pepper (and my stomach let me know what it thought of the raw onions and bell pepper!)
Dinner: Tuna salad on multi grain bread
Snacks/Desserts: Orange juice, 1 Fuyu persimmon, nectarine, 1 tea cookie

Daily Points Total: 3


Brunch: The other half of the Subway sandwich (I took an antacid and pulled out most of the onions and bell pepper strips!)
Dinner: Tuna salad on multi grain bread

Snacks/Desserts: Peanut butter and crackers, papaya

Daily Points Total: 0


Brunch: Yogurt, peach jam, cereal for crunch
Dinner: Salad (lettuce, cucumber, cashews, chicken)

Friday Salad

Snacks/Desserts: Crackers, pears, strawberries

Daily Points Total: 4


Breakfast: Scrambled egg, slice of multigrain bread toasted, orange juice
Lunch: Salad (lettuce, carrots, cherries, chicken)

Saturday Salad

Dinner: Chicken and vegetable gyoza
Snacks/Desserts: Half a pear

Daily Points Total: 3

Breakfast: Leftover gyoza, granola bar
Lunch: Corned beef sandwich
Dinner:  Rice, chicken curry (12 ingredient curry powder, chili powder, curry leaves, tomatoes, onion), dhal (red lentils, turmeric, curry leaves, garlic, onion, tomatoes), moringa curry, plus coconut milk and lemon juice in all three curries 

Sunday Dinner

Snacks/Desserts: Asian pear, Calamondin juice infused water

Daily Points Total: 11 14 

Daily cup of tea = 1 point

Weekly Plant Based Food Points Total = 28.25 31.25

I think I did well enough, this week.  I  followed the meal plan for the most part and I almost met the 30 different plant based items for the week.   I had forgotten to add the fact that the curries on Sunday included coconut milk and lemon juice and that I had added calamondin juice to a glass of water that I drank.

I am not sure if I will continue to count the plant based points anymore.  Instead, I will focus more on getting the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, a day.  

Moving on to September Week 2 

It's almost too hot to think of food!  We are supposed to cool down to highs in the 80s (F) by the end of the week, so that's something to look forward to!  In the meantime, this is the plan:

Brunches: Corned beef sandwiches, tuna salad or egg salad sandwiches, salad, pancakes or waffles, smoothies?

Dinners: Rice, chicken curry, dhal and moringa curry and/or beets; Thai fried rice (take out),  Leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts, "nice-cream" (frozen banana dessert).  

I fully expect that there will be some changes to this meal plan.  

But, as always, I am thankful for having the blessing of access to a variety of food, for having plenty, for being able to pick and choose as I please.  

What are you planning to have this week?

*Edited to add  coconut milk and lemon juice to the curry ingredients and that I had added calamondin juice to a glass of water that I drank.


  1. Your salads look delicious and I like that you are having multigrain bread.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. This is the ideal weather for salads. I still prefer white bread, but, the multi-grain bread is better for me, isn't it?

  2. Cavolo sei proprio brava a riuscire a seguire un piano alimentare regolare, io da quel punto di vista li sono un disastro

    1. Thank you, Stefania. I look at meal planning as meal options - a list of possible meals based on what I have on hand. I have found that having a set meal plan, with a certain meal on a given day, doesn't work that well for me. But meal options work and maybe they might work for you, too?

  3. You did do well with your meal plan and plant based points. I think counting the points each week was a good exercise which has made you more aware of what you need to be eating for a healthy diet. Although our weather is cooling I've still not felt like making roast dinners so still plenty of salads for us. I have an intolerance to onions too although my husband loves spring onions and raw red onion, definitely not for me!

    1. Thank you, Eileen. Yes, counting the plant points definitely make me more aware of how much or how little plant based food I eat a week. I find it a little difficult to maintain the variety, but, I've just realized that I had forgotten to list the calamondin juice I added to a glass of water on Sunday and the lemon juice and coconut milk I added to the curries! So, I did exceed the 30 points, after all! I need to go back and edit the post!
      It's good that you are still having plenty of salads. I'm sure that there will be plenty of time for roast dinners as it gets cooler. :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Belinda. I'm not a big salad person, but, I am trying to change that!
      Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting.

  5. I am with you and think mine are meal options rather than a plan. As soon as I start trying to plan daily meals, I find I start creating reasons NOT to have whatever was planned.

    1. Meal options seem to work best for me, Anne. At one time, I thought that meal planning on the basis of something like, "chicken on Monday, pasta on Tuesday, beef on Wednesday, etc." - you know, a sort of set menu to simplify meal planning, but, that didn't really work for me, and an even more detailed "chicken curry on Monday, stir fried beef on Tuesday" worked even less. The options work better. :)

  6. Your Sunday dinner looks delicious. I managed to get lots of veggies into my curry, earlier on this week. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules. You did well to get lots of veggies into your curry. :)

  7. I wish you were my neighbor so I could watch you make curry and then I could eat some.
    And then we could have tea & crochet in front of the oscillating fan.

    1. Wouldn't that be fun if we were neighbors? In addition to eating curry and crocheting, you could also read my collection of Betty Neels books! I seem to recall you saying you liked them. :)

  8. lol Yes, I would borrow those books :)
    Do you reread them? They kind of all blend together in my mind. And the Dutch names - I'm sure I've mangled them in my mind as I'm reading. I think I'm drawn to these books because I enjoy reading about the financial struggles of the heroine and her wonderful way of handling things. The stories are simple and I'm not always a fan of the often brutish leading men but her stories are enjoyable.

    1. I have reread some of them. Her stories are rather predictable, but, I do enjoy reading them. :)


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