Sunday, September 15, 2024

September Decluttering - Week 2

My September Decluttering Challenge is to declutter as many items a day as the date.  I should have 465 items decluttered by the end of the month.  However, I am giving myself permission to stop at 300 items decluttered or carry it until I have a total of 500 items.  We shall see how it goes!  But, to keep myself accountable, I am taking pictures of what I've decluttered each week.

Here's the link to September Decluttering Week 1

Onto Week 2 of decluttering:

8th - 1 cook book - all the kinds of pies one would ever want to make, but, I don't make that many pies, anymore and when I do make one, I have another cookbook with some pie recipes or can look online; 7 CDs

Day 8: 1 Cookbook, 7 CDs

9th - boxed set of 9 books - The Little House series of books by Laura Ingalls Wilder - much read and practically falling apart, as you can see!  The 9th book no longer fits into the box!  I am finally ready to part with them!

Day 9: Boxed Set of 9 Books

10th - 7 expired medications, 3 empty pill containers (didn't take a picture)

11th - 6 expired medications & supplements; 5 plastic forks (didn't take a picture)

12th - 1 metal tray, 2 calendars, 1 cookbook, 1 blue rose, 1 floral pen, 1 empty pen box, 3 heavy duty binder clips, 1 dried out/non-sticky packing tape and dispenser, 1 yellow flowered hair clip, 

Day 12: 12 Miscellaneous Items

13th - 6 brass napkin rings, 4 cooking utensils, 1 empty pill container, 1 box, 1 item of clothing (last 3 items not pictured)

Day 13 - 6 Brass Napkin Rings, 4 Utensils (plus 3 other items)

14th - 11 magazines (daughter gave me a magazine subscription as a birthday gift in 2019 and they were such a delight during the initial Covid lockdown period when I couldn't go to the library), 3 craft books

Day 14: 11 Magazines and 3 Craft Books

8+9+10+11+12+13+14 = 77 items decluttered this week.

Week 1 = 28

Week 2 = 77

Total decluttered so far in September = 28 + 77 = 105

The second week of decluttering wasn't too hard.  I am starting to see a bit of a difference.  It's going to get more difficult as I get to the bigger numbers from now on, but, I am making progress.  

Those of you who have joined me in decluttering this month, how are you coming along?

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Things One Finds


A Poem

I am still decluttering, going through my belongings, one by one.  This morning, I was going through my desk drawers and tucked under my spare glue sticks and post-it notes, I found a folded piece of paper.  I opened it to see what it was and it was a poem I wrote several years ago when I was remembering a loved one who had died in their sleep who used to tell me, "Don't cry when I am gone".  There is no title or a date, but, I think I wrote it sometime in the 1990s. 

A Poem: Written by me, a long time ago.

I still dream of you
at night
when I am asleep
and my defences are low
you come to me
shrouded in a swirling veil of mist
I see you smile
I hear you laugh
I feel your touch
your warmth
your nearness
your love
I still dream of you
at night
even though you are gone
and I have lost you forever.

You stole away
one night
when I wasn't watching
you didn't say goodbye
or even kiss me goodnight
you just stole away
like a thief in the night
with only a faint echo
of an admonishment long ago
for me not to cry
when you are gone.


I think I'll continue to keep this.

Friday, September 13, 2024

All Shook Up on Thursday

Dinner and Treats from Neighbor S

I was woken up just before 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, as the house shuddered and shook and the Emergency Alert system notifying me that we were experiencing an earthquake and to "duck, cover, and hold".  It was a 4.7 magnitude quake.  I listened, but, didn't hear anything fall or break, so I just went back to sleep!  I hadn't gone to bed until after 4:00 a.m. and I wasn't quite ready to get up!  I didn't feel any of the afterquakes, but, there had been at least two, according to the news.  

The weather was quite pleasant, sunny with the highs only in the mid 80s (F).  I did a load of laundry including my bed sheets, made pancakes for brunch (ate them with the last of the dhal curry and some chicken curry), sorted through and tidied the second drawer in my bedside table, went through two kitchen drawers, and sorted through some of the plastic "Tupperware" type containers, and one kitchen cabinet.  

Later, I called former neighbor T for a short chat, spoke with my half-sister, had a phone call from friend R, and, had a call from neighbor S who offered to bring me some salad and pastries both sweet and savory that she and a friend had made.  Me, being greedy, accepted offer quite eagerly and she brought me salad, a cheese burek (pastry), and gata (Armenian cookies).  In addition she brought some frozen egg roll/taquito type rolls that her daughter had bought and wanted to share with me.  I enjoyed some of the salad and the cheese burek for dinner and had one gata for dessert.

On Thursday, I was grateful for:

- The earthquake was quite moderate and there was no damage and no one was hurt
- Just the right temperature for me
- Phone calls with family and friends
- Neighbor S bringing me dinner and treats
- Working appliances

Thursday's joyful activities included phone calls with family and friends and enjoying the lovely food neighbor S brought me.

Plans for Friday include mopping the bathroom and kitchen floors, tending to the garden with M, and maybe vacuuming my bedroom.

How was your Thursday?  What are your plans for Friday...the 13th!


Thursday, September 12, 2024

September 11

On Wednesday morning, as I drove myself to the appointment for the bone density scan, I passed one of the local fire stations and all the fire fighters were standing at attention just outside the fire station.  I assumed they were observing a minute of silence to honor the New York City Fire Fighters who lost their lives on September 11.  Somehow, the sight of those firefighters standing in a line made me feel emotional.

I was required to be at the clinic at 7:30 a.m. for the scan and I was there in good time.  The scan itself was done without any fuss and I was home by 9:30 a.m.  I stopped and put gas to the car on the way home.  

It was a fairly cool morning at 68F.  I walked for 15 minutes for the first time in several days as it had been too hot to walk during the heatwave.  It was a much cooler day, today, with an afternoon high of only 88F.  I didn't even need to turn on a fan.

I did a load of laundry after I got home, scrubbed the toilet, and started cleaning the bedroom (this week's room of focus).

M was late to get to my place, because he had been busy at another client's garden.  I was just getting ready to have my brunch (pancakes and dhal curry); I offered him some rice and curries for lunch, and he accepted.  He likes my Sri Lankan cooking and thinks I should open a stand somewhere and serve curry!  LOL.

Dancer's appointment with the vet was at 4:30 p.m.  I gave him the sedative at 3:15 p.m. and he was mostly fine on the way to the clinic.  The vet checked him and he had his blood drawn for thyroid tests, he received his arthritis injection, and had his claws clipped.  He was very quiet on the way home and at one point, I was rather concerned, but, he was just tired and waiting to get home.  

I was tired, too, and after watching the evening news, I fell asleep on the sofa!  

Later, I chatted a bit with friend R, had dinner, and watched a documentary on one of the public TV channels about the attacks on the Twin Towers.  

On Wednesday, I was grateful for:

- A safe drive to the clinic and back
- Free parking at the clinic
- M's help with the garden
- Dancer had a fairly stress-free vet visit
- A cooler day

Today's joyful activity was an evening nap.

How was your Wednesday?  Any plans for Thursday? 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Heat Goes On


Raspberry Plant

I knew that Chicken Little was eating the strawberries, but, then, I saw her happily pecking away at the raspberry plant, too, even though there were no berries!  I asked M to wrap some chicken wire around the plants to try to discourage the chicken from getting at them.

Strawberry Plant

The other morning, I heard Chicken Little carrying on as if something was very wrong and it woke me up.  I went to the back door to check what was going on and she was standing on the patio table where the strawberry plant has been placed, protesting very loudly about being denied access to the plant!  Sorry, Chicken Little, but, the strawberry and raspberry plants are not part of your diet!

Yesterday (Monday) was another hot day with the temperature rising to 105F (40.5C)  I resisted putting the a/c on and managed with the fans.  However, the heat meant that I did minimal housework.  Instead, I read another library book and did the day's decluttering.

But, it was a social sort of day.  I had a long conversation with former neighbor T's daughter who brought me up to date on some health issues T had been having.  Later, my neighbor S brought me some Armenian cookies and a chocolate her friend had made; she asked if her daughter could park in my driveway that evening and I was happy to help out.  Later, I had a chat with friend R. 

Today (Tuesday) was a little cooler, with a high of only 96F (35.5C).  However, it was still uncomfortable in the afternoon.  I brought the trash cans in, did some paperwork, accepted a couple of packages for friend R, and confirmed Dancer's appointment at the vet's office on Wednesday.  Later, I read and then, watched some TV programs, including the presidential debate.

Wednesday will be a busy day.  I have a bone density scan scheduled early in the morning, then, M will be here to tend to the garden, later in the morning, and I have to take Dancer to an appointment with his vet in the late afternoon.  It is supposed to be cooler, tomorrow, however, and that will be nice.

Today, I'm grateful for:
- The slightly cooler temperatures
- Electricity to run the fans
- Weekly trash collection services
- Being able to help friend R by accepting her packages for her
- Being able to borrow books from the online library

Today's joyful activity was reading.

How is your week coming along?

Monday, September 9, 2024

September Meal Plans: Week 1 Review and Week 2

This was my meal plan for the 1st week of September:

Brunches: Pancakes✔, egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches✔(for dinner), scrambled egg and toast✔, salad✔, cereal and milk yogurt✔

Dinners: Cold cuts sandwich ✔and salad✔(for brunch), Sauteed chicken, rice, and vegetables✔, Gyoza/pot stickers✔, Pizza? Leftovers✔

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit✔, Yogurt,✔ Crackers with cheese or peanut butter✔, sesame seed crackers, cookies✔, nuts.  

Here's how that worked out:


Brunch: Pancakes, syrup
Dinner: Cold cuts sandwich with lettuce, mustard, and multi grain bread
Snacks/Desserts: Mango

Daily Points Total: 3.25


Brunch:  Pancakes, seeni sambol (sweet and spicy onion relish)
Dinner: Chicken, leftover rice mix, corn
Snacks/Desserts: Papaya, nectarine, cookies, 

Daily Points Total: 3

Brunch: Subway sandwich (from Subway): cheesy garlic steak, red onions, bell pepper (and my stomach let me know what it thought of the raw onions and bell pepper!)
Dinner: Tuna salad on multi grain bread
Snacks/Desserts: Orange juice, 1 Fuyu persimmon, nectarine, 1 tea cookie

Daily Points Total: 3


Brunch: The other half of the Subway sandwich (I took an antacid and pulled out most of the onions and bell pepper strips!)
Dinner: Tuna salad on multi grain bread

Snacks/Desserts: Peanut butter and crackers, papaya

Daily Points Total: 0


Brunch: Yogurt, peach jam, cereal for crunch
Dinner: Salad (lettuce, cucumber, cashews, chicken)

Friday Salad

Snacks/Desserts: Crackers, pears, strawberries

Daily Points Total: 4


Breakfast: Scrambled egg, slice of multigrain bread toasted, orange juice
Lunch: Salad (lettuce, carrots, cherries, chicken)

Saturday Salad

Dinner: Chicken and vegetable gyoza
Snacks/Desserts: Half a pear

Daily Points Total: 3

Breakfast: Leftover gyoza, granola bar
Lunch: Corned beef sandwich
Dinner:  Rice, chicken curry (12 ingredient curry powder, chili powder, curry leaves, tomatoes, onion), dhal (red lentils, turmeric, curry leaves, garlic, onion, tomatoes), moringa curry, plus coconut milk and lemon juice in all three curries 

Sunday Dinner

Snacks/Desserts: Asian pear, Calamondin juice infused water

Daily Points Total: 11 14 

Daily cup of tea = 1 point

Weekly Plant Based Food Points Total = 28.25 31.25

I think I did well enough, this week.  I  followed the meal plan for the most part and I almost met the 30 different plant based items for the week.   I had forgotten to add the fact that the curries on Sunday included coconut milk and lemon juice and that I had added calamondin juice to a glass of water that I drank.

I am not sure if I will continue to count the plant based points anymore.  Instead, I will focus more on getting the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, a day.  

Moving on to September Week 2 

It's almost too hot to think of food!  We are supposed to cool down to highs in the 80s (F) by the end of the week, so that's something to look forward to!  In the meantime, this is the plan:

Brunches: Corned beef sandwiches, tuna salad or egg salad sandwiches, salad, pancakes or waffles, smoothies?

Dinners: Rice, chicken curry, dhal and moringa curry and/or beets; Thai fried rice (take out),  Leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts, "nice-cream" (frozen banana dessert).  

I fully expect that there will be some changes to this meal plan.  

But, as always, I am thankful for having the blessing of access to a variety of food, for having plenty, for being able to pick and choose as I please.  

What are you planning to have this week?

*Edited to add  coconut milk and lemon juice to the curry ingredients and that I had added calamondin juice to a glass of water that I drank.

On Sunday

Sunday Pickings

On Sunday, I woke up at 7:00 a.m. and after opening up the windows to get as much of the cooler morning air as possible and having a cup of tea, I went out to the back garden to water it.  Afterwards, I picked four moringa pods that were ready to be picked, two Asian pears, a handful of red chilies, and three calamondin fruit, which I immediately cut and added to a glass of water to make some infused water.

Then, while it was still relatively cool, I cut up and cooked the moringa pods and made a curry.  Then, I cooked some dhal, as well, and took out a package of sauteed chicken from the freezer to thaw.  I was hoping I had chicken curry in the freezer, but, I didn't, so after the sauteed chicken thawed, I turned it into a curry by adding curry powder, chili powder, curry leaves, spices, and coconut milk to it.

Breakfast had been some leftover gyoza and a granola bar.  Later, I had a corned beef sandwich as a late lunch.  Dinner was rice, chicken curry, moringa curry, and dhal:

Sunday Dinner

I closed the windows around 11:00 a.m. as it was getting hot by then.  Today's high was 106F.  By late afternoon, it was quite hot and I took a cooling shower.  Then, went into the bedroom and turned the a/c unit on.  I stayed in the bedroom and read two library books I had borrowed, coming out only to drink water, feed Dancer, and, later, open the windows, again, in the evening.  

I haven't been wearing my compression socks because it's been too hot to wear them, but, my feet have been swelling for the heat and on Sunday, they were quite swollen, so, I put on the compression socks, again.  

On Sunday, I was grateful for:
- Water for the garden
- The garden harvest
- Electricity to run the fans and the a/c unit
- Library books
- Being able to video chat with my daughter

My joyful activity was reading in the air conditioned room.

My plan is to wake up early, again, on Monday, and maybe get a few house cleaning tasks done before it gets hot.

How was your Sunday?  What are your plans for Monday?


Saturday, September 7, 2024

September Decluttering - Week 1

My September Decluttering Challenge is to declutter as many items a day as the date.  I should have 465 items decluttered by the end of the month.  However, I am giving myself permission to stop at 300 items decluttered or carry it until I have a total of 500 items.  We shall see how it goes!  But, to keep myself accountable, I took pictures of what I've decluttered this week:

1sr - 1 Magazine (free; M picked it up when he attended the tomato festival and bought the heirloom tomato plants)

1 Magazine

2md  - 2 Empty Containers (Yellow one came with some toiletries, I think)

2 Containers

3rd - 1 Artificial succulents planter (a gift), 1 blue and white decorative teapot (I bought for my collection), 1 decorative pot cover (something that most people would have thrown away as soon as they bought the plant, but, I thought I could reuse for another potted plant and didn't)

1 Planter, 1 Teapot, 1 decorative pot cover

4th - 1 Purple plastic pot, 3 brass coasters (from Sri Lanka - there must have been 4, but, I don't know what happened to the 4th one)

1 plastic pot, 3 brass coasters

5th - 1 Beaded cat design purse (beads coming off), 1 flower that used to be attached to a head band or something, 2 fabric masks that I sewed and used at the beginning of Covid, 1 paper mache wallet

5 Items on the 5th

6th - 1 foil baking tray, 1 foil serving tray, 1 plastic serving tray(all three given to me with food at various times), 1 tote bag (used to take it to work), 1 Trivial Pursuits game (from neighbor T's yard sale; I took it thinking daughter and I or daughter and friends will play when she came down over the holidays, but, we haven't played), 1 pair of barely working head phones

6 on the 6th

7th - Seven pairs of knee highs (don't wear them much, anymore, since I retired; I've more in the drawer if I need them!)

7 pairs of knee highs

1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28 items decluttered.

And there you have it - the first week of decluttering!

Are you decluttering, too? 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Hot on Friday

Today's Forecast: Taken at 12:54 p.m.

Did I mention that it was hot?

The house had no chance to cool off during the night, as it was still around 90F when I finally closed the windows and went to bed, around 3:00 a.m.  I woke up at around 7:00 a.m. and opened a window or two to get any cool morning air, but, it was already in the 90s.  I went back to bed and slept for another couple of hours before getting up for the day.  We were already 109F just before 1:00 p.m.

I braved the heat and went out into the garden to check if there were any new eggs, but, there weren't.

I did minimal housework, but, there were some dishes to wash, so I put the fan on in the kitchen (I keep a table fan on the counter) and washed the dishes and cleaned a small section of the counter.  

The pharmacy had texted that another medication refill was ready and I was debating whether to go during the afternoon or wait till evening.  Then, gardener friend M texted to say that he was coming over early, today, and I decided to go to the pharmacy in the evening.

Earlier in the week, the flushing mechanism in my toilet stopped working.  Fortunately, I have a second bathroom, so, I didn't call the plumber, right away.  On Wednesday, I happened to mention the broken toilet flush to M, saying I needed to call the plumber.  He offered to take a look at it and said he could replace the mechanism for me on Friday, if I could wait till then, rather than pay $200 for the plumber (the last two times I had the plumber fix something, he charged me $225 plus cost of parts).  

So, today, Friday, M bought the part for me and installed it.  I reimbursed him for the part and paid him a little over what I pay him for a week, for his time and effort.  He was happy with that and I am happy, too, to have my toilet fixed for less than what a plumber would have charged me.

In the evening, around 6:00 p.m., after M had left, I went to the pharmacy to pick up my medication refill.

On the way back, I was tempted to go to the Thai food place to order some fried rice, but, I resisted the temptation and came home, instead, and made myself a salad, with some sauteed chicken added to it, for dinner.  Not as satisfying as my favorite beef fried rice, though! 

After dinner, I called friend R to check on her.  

I have resisted the urge to retreat to the bedroom and put the a/c on, all day, because, once I am in the cooled room, I don't want to come out and the rest of the house feels even hotter when I do leave the room.  Maybe I'll just cool off the room before I go to sleep.  According to the news, we did eventually go up to 114F, today.  The electricity flickered on and off for a bit in the late afternoon, but, it didn't go off completely, and I am very thankful for that.  An adjoining city did lose power for a while, according to the news.

Today, I am grateful for:

- Electricity to run the fans and the fridge/freezer
- M for helping me by replacing the toilet flushing mechanism
- Pharmacy getting the refills ready for me
- A safe drive to the pharmacy and back
- It has cooled down to 86F at almost 10:30 p.m. as I type this

Today's joyful activity was a short nap on the sofa.

Plans for Saturday will depend on how hot it gets (103F according to the forecast).  I have some laundry to do and I'd like to get the kitchen and the bathroom mopped, but, it all depends on how hot it will be.

How was your day?  What are your plans for the weekend? 

Sunny September Days

Thursday's High

We went up to 108F, today, and according to the weather app, that felt like 113F:

"Feels like 113*"

It's midnight now, as I type this, and it has cooled down to 90F.

Gardener M made sure that the persimmon tree will get a bit of shade from the scorching sun:

Shade for the Persimmon Tree

I checked the garden to see if there were any new eggs, today, but, there weren't.  

It was hot enough for me to retreat to the bedroom and put the a/c on.  Even Dancer consented to spend several minutes in the cool room before he asked to be let out and then, let in, again.

I had a long chat with Aunt C in the afternoon, then, unpicked the stretched out elastic from the waist band of one of my two pairs of shorts, watched some videos online while I did that, decluttered my five items for the day, and had a generally relaxed day.  It really was too hot to do anything.

Today, I am grateful for:
- The a/c unit in the bedroom
- Electricity to run the a/c and the fans
- Shade for the persimmon tree
- Chats with my aunt
- Being able to order cat food online and have it delivered

Today's joyful activity was spending the hottest part of the day in the cooled bedroom.  

According to the forecast, Friday is supposed to be just as hot.  My plans for the day include tending to the garden in the evening with M.  I hope it will have cooled off a bit by then.

How is the weather where you are?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Guess Who is Laying Again?


Do You See Them?

When I watered the back garden on Monday evening, I noticed two white things near the nectarine tree.  Do you see them?  

I went closer to have a look:

One Outside the Planting Bed

Chicken Little, have you been busy again?

One Inside

If M had seen them on Friday evening, when he watered the garden, he didn't say anything.  So, I suspect that they were laid over the holiday weekend.  When we had high temperatures.  Anyway, I marked them, 1 and 2, and left them in place.

On Tuesday, I checked to see if there were any new eggs and there weren't.  Also, the one just outside the planting bed had been moved further away.

I checked again, this morning (Wednesday) and the one egg that had been moved had been pecked at and mostly eaten!  I did read online that chickens will eat their own eggs for various reasons (a need for calcium, for protein, out of boredom, etc.)  Maybe it was a 'bad egg'!  LOL.

Yesterday (Tuesday), I picked up Dancer's medication from the pharmacy.  I considered treating myself to a doughnut from the adjacent doughnut shop, but, decided against it.  Instead, I came home and ate leftover pancakes (from Monday's brunch) with seeni sambol (which is a sort of sweet and spicy onion relish).  Later in the afternoon, when it got hot (99F), I went into the bedroom and turned the window a/c unit on.  Then, I spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening, opening the door for a cat who hates a closed door!  "Let me in!" "No, let me out!" "I want in, again!"  He'd spend 5 minutes on the bed and then, it's back to "Meow, meow, let me out!"  LOL.  In between letting him in and out, I watched some documentaries and videos on the laptop and attached another row of crocheted granny squares to the blanket I am making.  Dinner was leftover rice, sauteed chicken, and corn. 

Today, Wednesday, it is hotter (101F right now, but, supposed to go up to 103F).  M watered the garden and I told him to try and stay in the shade as much as possible.  The pharmacy has my medication refill ready for pick up, so I will do that later.  

Today, I am grateful for:
- A sunny, warm (101F) day
- M's help with the garden
- Fans and the electricity to run them
- The pharmacy has my medication refill  ready to be picked up
- The little a/c unit in my bedroom, should I want it on 

Today's joyful activity has been picking a ripe persimmon from the garden:

Ripe Fuyu Persimmon

It felt hot to the touch and I had to put it in the fridge to cool, before I could eat it!

September Decluttering Challenge

I have been considering doing another decluttering challenge to get myself motivated to declutter yet another layer of my belongings.  I have been stating an item a day for several months, now, and while I have decluttered some items, I haven't been very consistent.  I thought that September would be a good month for me to rev up my decluttering.  

I am trying to decide between 10 items a day for the 30 days of September, resulting in 300 items decluttered or as many items a day as the date (1 item on the 1st, 2 items on the 2nd, and so forth) which starts off easy, but, becomes more difficult as the month goes on.  But, doing so will result in decluttering 465 items (and then, a further push to maybe bring it up to 500).  I have done both ways of challenging myself to declutter in the past.  I think I will start with the as many items per day as the date and go from there, while giving myself permission to stop once I've reached 300 items.

I will post weekly lists of decluttered items, to keep myself accountable.  So far, I've decluttered:

9/1 - 1 magazine

9/2 - 2 containers

9/3 - 1 artificial plant, 1 blue and white decorative tea pot, 1 decorative plant pot cover

Would anyone else like to join me in the challenge?

Monday, September 2, 2024

August Week 4 Meal Plan Review & September Week 1 Meal Plan

This was the meal plan for August Week 4:

Brunches: Cold cuts "subway" sandwiches with French bread; Bread and cheese; Sardines on toast; Salad; Fruit, Milk Rice (Sunday, September 1)

Dinners: Cold cuts "subway" sandwiches, Breakfast for Dinner; Sauteed salmon with salad or rice and vegetables, Sauteed chicken and salad or rice and vegetables,  Fried breaded shrimp with fries and salad, leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts.  

This is how it all worked out:


Brunch: Homemade version of a subway sandwich with French bread, cold cuts, mayo, mustard, and lettuce
Dinner: Another "subway" sandwich
Snacks/Desserts: Leftover Fruit salad (banana, kiwi, grapes, dates, cashews)

Daily Points Total: 6.25


Brunch:   Another "subway" sandwich
Dinner:  Baked breaded shrimp and leftover fries (from Saturday's burger meal)
Snacks/Desserts: Banana, crackers

Daily Points Total:  0


Brunch: Cold cuts sandwich, banana
Dinner: Sardines on toast; corn on the cob, papaya
Snacks/Desserts: Sesame crackers, regular chocolate (not 70% or above cocoa)

Daily Points Total: 3


Brunch: Banana, peanut butter
Dinner: Salmon with onions and tomato,, fried potato, lettuce, cucumber

Snacks/Desserts: Papaya, sesame crackers

Daily Points Total: 3


Brunch: French bread and chicken curry
Dinner: Salmon with onions and tomato, wild rice mix, cucumber salad 

Salmon with wild rice mix and cucumber

Snacks/Desserts: Banana, tea/coffee biscuits, chili mango, lemonade

Daily Points Total: 2


Brunch: Cereal and milk
Dinner: Sauteed chicken with onions and tomato, and wild rice mix
Snacks/Desserts: Mango, orange juice

Daily Points Total: 0

Brunch: Milkrice, chicken curry, seeni sambol (curry powder, curry leaves, etc. = 3.25 points)
Dinner:  Sauteed chicken, wild rice mix
Snacks/Desserts: Orange juice, mango

Daily Points Total: 3.25

Daily cup of tea = 1 [point

Weekly Plant Based Food Points Total = 18.50

Well, that wasn't a very good week for having a variety of plants in my diet!  I didn't try very hard, I guess, as I didn't have the salads I was going to have!

Well, it's a new week and a new month!  On to September Week 1:

Brunches: Pancakes, egg salad or tuna salad sandwiches, scrambled egg and toast, salad, cereal and milk

Dinners: Cold cuts sandwich and salad, Sauteed chicken, rice, and vegetables, Gyoza/pot stickers, Pizza? Leftovers

Snacks/Desserts: Fresh fruit, Yogurt, Crackers with cheese or peanut butter, sesame seed crackers, cookies, nuts.  

As always, the meal plan is subject to change!  It's going up to 100F this week; I might just want ice cream!  LOL.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Retirement Planning - What I Had Planned To Do

Thank you to everyone who showed an interest in my previous post about my retirement planning process.   Although I had been asked to write about it by a blog reader, I really wasn't sure if anyone else would be interested, especially since it all happened almost six years ago!  

As I mentioned in the previous post, the major portion of my retirement planning focused on financial matters.  However, once I had decided I was going to retire and people got to know about it, the number one question everyone asked was not if I could afford to retire, but, what was I going to do after I retired?  What would I do with all my time?  I really hadn't given it a lot of thought, until then, but, I had vague ideas of spending my time doing all the things that I didn't have enough time to do when I was working, such as my crafts projects (knitting, crocheting, quilting, etc.), gardening, getting the house organized, and just, plain relaxing!

But, people had other ideas! My doctor was concerned that I would spend too much time, sitting around.  "Get a dog", she said, "You'll be forced to take it on daily walks".  "No, thank you", I said, "The cat wouldn't like to have a dog around", but, I made a mental note to start walking on a more regular basis.

Friends and colleagues asked if I would travel.  I gave that some consideration, but, I knew that I was a homebody and, in any case, I didn't want to travel on my own.  Even if I were to go with a group of people, I would still have wanted to share the experience with my daughter and she was working full time.

My daughter was concerned that I would be lonely and bored by myself at home, because she knew what an introvert I was.  So, I assured her that I would make it a point to interact with other people.  It was then that I came up with a few things to do in retirement.  I even made a time schedule to keep me on track!  I still considered it as part of my overall monthly balanced life goals and added a sub-category, under Time Management, for Retirement Planning to make sure I submitted my retirement paperwork on time!  

Here are some of the non-financial things I considered doing after retirement:

Spiritual:  I planned to resume Friday night meditation sessions at the Temple and there were weekly services I could participate in if I wanted to.  In addition, at the time, there were monthly prayer gatherings that I attended.  At the beginning of retirement, I went to the Friday night meditation sessions two to three times a month.

House: I had many plans to deep clean, declutter, and organize the house in retirement!  I would have all day to get the house as clean and tidy as I liked, without waiting until the weekend or find time after work.  At the end of the first month, I had deep cleaned several rooms and had gathered 20 bags of decluttered items to donate.

Garden: I was going to get some long term gardening projects done after I retired, as I would have more time to garden.  Some projects took longer than planned and some have not been done, yet, but, tending to the garden was definitely on my list of retirement activities.

Family and Friends: Again, I was going to get together more often with them and visit them, etc.  I made it a point to visit relatives and to get together with friends.  There were visits to some places of interest with my friend R who was one of the few friends who was free to go places and do things with me; we went out to lunch, we toured gardens and cultural monuments, we watched some movies at the library, etc.  We had planned to do some other things, too, but, then, there was a pandemic and that put an end to those plans.

Community: I considered attending meditation sessions and participating in the temple activities as a community activity.  Then there was blogging.  In addition, I was participating in the American Heart Association's drive to raise awareness of congenital heart disease by knitting red hats for newborns.  One of the new community activities I decided to participate in for additional social interaction was joining the weekly knitting club at the library.  I attended it several times, although it didn't quite deliver the social interaction I was hoping to find, mostly because there was a language barrier between me and the other participants.  I stopped attending it after a few months, but, at least I tried.

I had also considered becoming a volunteer, at the library or a museum.  I went as far as to obtain the applications and then, decided it was not for me!  

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time:  This was the area I had planned to do most in retirement!  I had several crafts and hobbies I wanted to spend more time doing - knitting, crocheting, patchwork and quilting, sewing, scrapbooking, etc.  I've always felt that I could spend the entire day working on my craft projects.  Unfortunately, when I do that, I tend to neglect the other areas, such as house cleaning!  

I had also wanted to resume piano lessons once I retired as now I'd have time to practice.  I started taking piano lessons from my neighbor S and I enjoyed them, switching to online lessons once Covid hit, but, after some time, I found it hard to keep up with the lessons and it became more stressful than joyful, so I stopped.  

Looking back, the biggest impact on my planned retirement activities was the Covid pandemic.  I stopped going places and doing things that would require social interactions.  I am not someone who needs to be constantly doing things or going places or being with others, in the first place, so I didn't feel like I missed out on anything (except, perhaps, grocery shopping in person!)  I found plenty to do at home and enjoyed it.

More recently, I have started going to the library, have visited the temple, and visited family, but, I am not quite ready to be without a mask in public and prefer to keep my risk of exposure levels as low as I possibly can.  I am constantly weighing the benefits of going out or doing something against the risks I take of getting ill, and usually, the risks outweigh the benefits, for me.   

On the whole, I am enjoying being retired.  I like being able to spend my days at home, doing mostly what I want to do, on my own schedule.  It works for me.  

But, yes, if anyone is considering retiring, ask yourself not only if you can afford to retire, but, what you plan to do after you retire.