Wednesday, September 13, 2023


September Rose

It was cooler, today, with a daytime high in the low 80s.  At least one of the rose bushes is starting to flower, again.

Poor Dancer was still recovering, this morning, from yesterday's trauma and the sedatives he received.  He used the litter box this morning, but, left a mess on the bathroom floor for me to clean up and then, he got on the bed to nudge me awake and yes, I had to wash my bed sheets for the second time this week!  (I had washed them on Monday.)  Then, I washed the sofa dust sheets and the towel I keep on the back of the sofa where he likes to perch, and the bath mats, and mopped the bathroom floor.  Sigh.  He spent the majority of the day sleeping under the bed, coming out only to ask for food.  

M was here to tend to the garden this morning and we chatted for a bit.  After he left, I picked up my groceries.

Later, I remade the bed with the washed and dried sheets and put a cover sheet on top.  Someone could hardly wait until I had finished making the bed to jump up on it (sorry for the blurry photos - my cell phone is not very fast at taking pictures):

"What?  I thought you made the bed for me!"

"I'm going to vaporize you with my laser beam eyes!"

"Then I'm going to ROBLOL"

"That stands for Roll On Bed, Laughing Out Loud!"

I guess someone is feeling better?

Today, I am grateful for:
- Dancer seems to be recovering nicely
- M tending to the garden
- Being able to order groceries online and pick up from the parking lot
- Receiving all the items I ordered
- Working appliances (washing machines)

Today's joyful activity was being in the garden, enjoying seeing the flowers

Lantana Bushes in the Front

Hibiscus in the Back

Plans for tomorrow include doing some of the paperwork I didn't do today!

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday? 


  1. I'm glad that Dancer is recovering from his ordeal but he seems to be making you pay in more ways than one.
    Your lantana bushes are absolutely gorgeous.
    I've done housework at the start of this week and spread it over three days but it does tire me out these days.

    1. Yes, he seems to be getting back at me for taking him to the vet's! :D
      Aren't the lantana bushes lovely? They are full of flowers right now!
      I, too, need to spread the housework over the week, Eileen; I no longer have the energy to get the whole place cleaned in one go! The problem with taking it one area or room a day is I feel that the housework is never quite done!

  2. Poor Dancer (and poor you with extra laundry) You have some amazing shades of pink in your garden

    1. Thank you, Angela. I think Dancer was taking revenge on me for taking him to the vet's, yesterday! LOL. The garden is having some nice color, again, late in the season. :)

  3. I'm so glad Dancer is feeling better! He has made a lot of work for you. Your lantanas are beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Celie. I guess he got back at me for putting him through that horrible experience on Tuesday! The lantanas are really looking good, aren't they?

  4. One of our cats used to hiss at us and the other cats for several days after we took him to the vet. I'm glad that Dancer is recovering a little faster than that. Your lantana are so pretty. I planted some in a pot at the beginning of summer and they are just beginning to fill out. But they look nothing like yours do. I miss when I lived in a warmer climate where lantana grew heartily.

    1. So far, Dancer has not hissed at me! He's almost back to normal now, although, still having some digestive issues.
      It has taken the lantana a few years to reach this state of growth, but, it seems to be thriving now. I hope you are able to overwinter your lantana - bring the pot indoors before the first frosts and keep it near a sunny window (they require a certain minimum number of hours of sunlight to flower). But, keep the plants out of Annie's reach as the leaves are supposed to be toxic. There are several articles about growing lantana indoors, online.

    2. I might give that a try. I would have to repot them because they are in a big pot - too big for handle easily inside.

    3. Yes, give it a try and see what happens. :)

  5. What a beautiful rose, and the other flowers are lovely, too. Dancer has something to laugh about, but not so funny for you having to clean up! I like his scary eyes!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady; the roses are blooming now that it is no longer so hot. Dancer is too much, but, I think it's partly the after effects of the sedatives. But, he was sitting on a stool I keep near my bed and watching me remake the bed and then, as soon as I put the covering sheet on, he jumped up and rolled around!

  6. You must be relieved that Dancer appeared to recover quickly from his ordeal. Even if it meant having extra laundry to do.
    Perhaps that will have just been the after effects of any sedation he was given. Xx

    1. Yes, that's what I thought, too, Jules, that it was an after effect from the sedation. He's quite recovered, now.

  7. Dancer seems very happy with his (your!!) clean bedding.
    What a chore taking care of all of that must've been.
    The lantana is beautiful!

    1. He loved the fresh, clean bed! LOL. It was a bit of a chore, but, poor Dancer was not feeling his best after the sedatives. I am not looking forward to the next vet visit!
      Thank you! The lantana is the star performer in the garden, right now!


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