Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Meal Planning September Week 3 Review and Week 4 Plan

This was my meal plan for September Week 3:

Brunches: Leftover blueberry pancakes (Monday)✔; French toast✔; scrambled eggs (with or without bacon and fried potatoes or toast)✔; uppuma (Indian style cream of wheat)✔; soup (?; it's supposed to rain on Thursday) (it didn't rain); leftovers

Dinners: Leftover beef curry with rice and eggplant curry;✔ leftover cheese burek with salad✔; leftover hamburger patty with salad or fried potatoes and cooked vegetables (snowpea pods)✔; chicken curry with rice and moringa curry (from the freezer)✔; leftover chicken curry, moringa curry, and rice; gyoza (from the freezer)✔; leftovers or a breakfast for dinner; Harissa chicken and salad dinner compliments of neighbor S!
The theme for this week's dinners seems to be leftovers!  LOL.

Snacks/Desserts: Yogurt✔, cereal, apples✔, banana chocolate chip cookie compliments of gardener M, ice cream, homemade chocolate pudding, chicken curry sandwich, cherry Danish compliments of S! crackers with cheese or peanut butter, granola bars, canned fruit, maybe a peach dump cake with frozen peaches?

And here's how it worked out:

Brunch: Leftover blueberry pancakes (2 pancakes) with syrup
Dinner: Rice, beef curry, eggplant curry
Snacks/Desserts: Caramelized apple slices and ice cream

Brunch: Leftover rice, beef curry, eggplant curry, tomato chutney
Dinner: Leftover cheese burek with salad
Snacks/Desserts: Yogurt

Brunch: Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast
Dinner: Gyoza
Snacks/Desserts: Banana white chocolate chip cookie from M, yogurt

Brunch: Uppuma (Indian style cream of wheat)
Dinner: Rice, chicken curry, moringa curry
Snacks/Desserts: Chocolate, canned peaches, chicken curry sandwich

Brunch - Leftover uppuma
Dinner - Hamburger patty, fried potatoes, and snowpea pods
Snacks/Desserts - Chocolate pudding

Brunch - French toast, bacon
Dinner - Salad, harissa chicken with yarma (cracked wheat)
Snacks/Desserts - Cherry Danish

Breakfast - Leftover French toast and bacon
Lunch - Harissa chicken with yarma
Dinner - Gyoza
Snacks/Desserts - Cheese burek, ice cream, toast with butter and peach jam

Well, I guess I kept to the plan for the most part!  With some changes to keep it interesting!  LOL.

On to Week 4!  Once again, I have a few bits and pieces of leftovers in the fridge (a little bit of chicken curry, a little bit of moringa curry, a piece of bacon, one of the cheese bureks from neighbor S, etc., they will be incorporated in the week's meals.  I am also planning to order and pick up some groceries, tomorrow (Tuesday), so there will be some fresh fruits, other than apples, for snacking, etc.

Brunches: Toast with butter and peach jam (Monday), toast with peanut butter, cheese burek, scrambled egg and toast, tuna salad sandwiches, soup?

Dinners: Chicken curry sandwich (Monday), stir fried "noodles" (spaghetti) with sausage and vegetables, sauteed chicken with rice or potatoes and vegetables, fried rice, leftovers!

Snacks/Desserts: Gyoza (Monday), apple slices (Monday), bananas, yogurt, muffins or biscuits (if I bake some), cheese and crackers.

I am not feeling very inspired to meal plan, today, so, this meal plan will probably be subject to change!    
How about you?  Are you making a meal plan this week?  


  1. I have planned, as I always do, but you'll have to wait until my Thursday post to find out what we're eating!! Your planned meals all sound good. Love FD xx

    1. Thank you, FD; I shall look forward to your Thursday post! :)

  2. We had a large piece of mutton in the freezer, which Bob had intended to cook in his smoker over the summer for a family meal. He cooked it on Saturday and we have portioned it out - enjoyed in three different ways, and still another meal left! I stocked the freezer well for when we had lots of summer visitors, and now we are eating up the leftovers!

    1. Sounds delicious! I haven't had mutton in a long time! Usually, only the ethnic stores have it and I haven't been to them since the pandemic as they don't offer pick up services.

  3. We're going to be traveling and staying in a Vrbo, so we actually have a meal plan for this week. One things for sure, we won't go hungry.

    1. Sounds wonderful, June! Enjoy your vacation and plenty of good meals with the family! Safe travels!

  4. I am still managing to make out my meal plan each week, ...it's one of those things that I do tend to start and then stop after not very long ... and it's mostly goes to plan. I just tick the things I do have and carry the meals that i don't have over to the next week, or jam things in the freezer and forget about them. ;-)

    1. I've been enjoying seeing your meal plans, Sue. Too funny about putting things in the freezer and forgetting about them! I've some of those long ignored, if not exactly forgotten, meals in the freezer, myself! :D

  5. Your meal plan does change compliments of your kind neighbour and those cherry Danish sounded yummy. Your planned meals sound very good as always.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I am not complaining about having my meal plans changed due to gifts of food from my neighbor! :D I suppose I could always decline her offers, but, I enjoy having something different and it's one meal that I don't have to cook! :D

  6. You do so well with your meal planning! It really is an inspiration. Considering how things are going I haven't done too bad. It was good the week I was feeling particularly lousy as I had a bunch of easy-to-fix things that husband could do.

    I like not having to go to the shops all the time - that's what keeps me going with the meal planning!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I don't always keep to my planned meals, though! But, it's OK to have the freedom to change things around depending on how I feel. It was great that you had easy to fix meals planned for when you were not feeling well.

      It is good that the meal planning is helping with not needing to shop as frequently. I will usually stock up when things go on sale and then, plan my meals based on what I have! Pasta is on sale this week for $.99/lb. (store brand); I am planning to buy 4 packets and I'll have a pasta based meal every other week or so over the next few months. I'm buying angel hair pasta so I can use it as noodles for a stir fry!

  7. I always enjoy the "inserts" to your plan from neighbor S and Gardener M pops in now and then with a treat too.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I'm blessed by their thoughtfulness and they keep my meals from being too monotonous!


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