Monday, September 4, 2023

September Meal Plans: Week 1

The meal plan for the last week of August worked out quite well, even though I made some changes, cooking a mackerel curry to go with the milkrice and making a beef smore instead of a beef curry.  I also had a cup of noodles soup one night, instead of the planned rice and curries (I didn't cook the curries due to not feeling up to it with the painful hip).  I didn't keep a proper account of what I ate when, but, it all worked out.

Time to make a meal plan for the first full week of September!  I start out with some leftovers from last week (plus I never got around to using up the rest of the pastry and ground turkey filling from the patties!), but, I almost always have leftovers, don't I?  This week's meal plan is based on what I have on hand; I am not planning to do any grocery shopping this week.  

Brunches: Milkrice and beef smore (Monday), scrambled egg and toast, French toast, egg salad or tuna salad, leftovers

Dinners: Roti and mackerel curry, bread and beef smore,  smoked sausage stir fry and rice, soup (?), leftovers

Snacks: Yogurt, apples, crackers with cheese or peanut butter, granola bars, canned fruit, maybe something baked (although the forecast says that temperatures will be going back up to the upper 90s by the end of the week)

That is the plan, at least.  My meal plans are subject to change. though!

Are you making a meal plan for this week?  If not a detailed plan, do you have some possible meal options in mind?


  1. We are having a heatwave again so plenty of salads for us. I agree it's too hot to be baking when the weather is so hot.

    1. Oh, does that mean that you can uncover your patio furniture and enjoy sitting outside again? Salads are good when it gets hot. Yes, I prefer to bake during the cooler months, when added heat is welcome. On the other hand, some muffins or a cake would be nice, too. :)

  2. Hi Bless! I don't make meal plans per week, but I should! It would be very helpful. You are a good planner! andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. I might be a good planner, but, I don't always follow through with my plans! LOL. Still, it's helpful to have some idea of what to cook for the week so I remember to take things out to thaw, etc.

  3. We don't have a meal plan for this week except for leftovers from yesterday's cookout. I guess it's time to get some things in mind for the rest of the week. To the freezer I go. :)

    1. Leftovers from a cookout sounds good to me. Hope the rest of the week's meals will be easy to plan and make. :)


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