Sunday, September 17, 2023


Serrano Chilies

Saturday was another cool and overcast day, although there was sunshine in the afternoon.  I walked around the garden and picked chilies from my Serrano chili plant.  I only have one chili plant, but, it has given me quite a few chilies.  I prefer to pick them while they are still green, but, I might let a few turn red.  I freeze them and use them in my cooking.

I had a rather relaxed day, although I accomplished a few household tasks and walked up and down the driveway a few times.  

I made pancakes for brunch and added the blueberries I've been picking to the last of the batter and made three blueberry pancakes, as well.

For dinner, I warmed up a hamburger patty I had previously cooked and frozen.  I cooked the few green beans I had picked from the garden and some of the potatoes I had grown, along with some frozen corn to have with the hamburger patty, and added a spoonful of my tomato chutney, too:


I had some canned peaches for dessert.  

On Saturday, I was grateful for:

- Being able to have a relaxed day
- Homegrown vegetables
- Sunny afternoons
- Video chats with my daughter
- Dancer seems to be fully recovered

Today's joyful activity was spending time video chatting with my daughter - she had done some shopping at her favorite Japanese store and wanted to show me what she had bought.  


  1. Your dinner looks very tasty and how wonderful to be able to use your home grown produce and blueberry pancakes sound delicious. I am so pleased to know Dancer is well and fully recovered.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. It pleased me no end to be able to use some of my garden produce to make my meals! :) My green bean plants didn't produce well this year. I might have to try a different type of green beans, next year. Maybe runner beans instead of bush beans.
      Yes, Dancer is back to normal! This morning, he attacked my toes because I wouldn't get out of bed when he wanted me to! LOL!

  2. My sister gave me some jalapeno peppers I'm going to try to dry. I don't enjoy spicy food, so I will probably give most of them to my sons. However, I may save a few to cook with because my husband does like a little heat to his food.

    1. Most of the heat is in the seeds, so, if you remove the seeds before adding the peppers to your dishes, you might get less heat. I've had to lower the heat levels of my curries because I can no longer tolerate it as hot as I used to - it gives me heartburn and one of the medications I take says, "Avoid spicy food"! Ha!

  3. I often have a pancake for dinner when I'm too tired to cook. I remember your tomato chutney, I should make some. Your recipe for eggplant curry, yesterday, looks really good! I am making eggplant lasagna today, as a birthday present for a friend, at her request. I'm happy to make it. I got three nice eggplants from the farmers market this morning . I'll have one left over, so I might try the curry later in the week.

    1. Pancakes are good at any time of the day, aren't they? I consider them as a substitute for a type of Indian flat bread called dosa - they don't taste the same as the dosa batter is made from a fermented mixture of fenugreek and rice, but, the concept is the same - a type of bread for eating with curries. :)

      Ooh, eggplant lasagna sounds good! My neighbor S said her sister-in-law used some of the zucchini I gave her (back when I had all those zucchini) to make lasagna, too!

      If you are making the eggplant curry, my cousin said that she usually panfries the eggplant strips instead of deep frying them - so that's an option, too.

  4. You have just reminded me that I should chop and freeze the jalapeño peppers that my neighbour included in her gift of produce recently.
    I love how you manage to work your produce into your meals, even when there is just a small amount! The dinner looks delicious.

    1. Glad to have helped you to remember to freeze those jalapenos. :)
      Thank you, Bushlady. Small amounts are perfect when cooking for one. :)

  5. It must be nice to use some home grown produce in your cooking. So far, I've used a few ripe tomatoes from the garden but I'm hoping to harvest some of the corn before long. Xx

    1. I love using my home grown produce, Jules. I'd love to be able to grow most of the fruits and vegetables I use, but, any is better than none, right? Yum! Home grown corn! I must try growing corn, next year (I grew some once, but, it wasn't very successful).

  6. That dinner looks especially good as I sit here this morning with 50 degree air out my door - you would not be happy.
    I would eat those potatoes if they were placed in front of me right now!
    Did you add spices to give them a bit of a kick?
    Yeah for homegrown produce :)

    1. Thank you, Debra. Brr! No, I wouldn't be happy with that temperature! We have been going down to 60F or so at night, but, the daytime temperatures have been warmer.
      I didn't add any hot spices to the potatoes, only a bit of salt and garlic powder - just boiled them, then, flattened them a bit with a potato masher and sauteed them along side the hamburger patty. The tomato chutney, however, was spicy.
      I've a few more green beans ready to be picked, so will be adding them to my meal plan for this week!


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