Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Problems Commenting on the Blog?

At least one regular reader has said that she had problems commenting on my blog and I know that some others have mentioned that they are unable to comment on some other blogs.  

I'm not sure what is going on or what I can do about it, but, I'm sorry if anyone is unable to comment on my blog. I do really look forward to your comments and try my best to reply to them all.

My email address is at the top of the blog, so, if anyone else is having trouble commenting, please send me an email so I know.  Thank you.

"No blog comments?"


  1. I read your post and as you see, I was able to leave a comment. So that is good news.

    1. Thank you, Terra. Hope all is well with you and your hip pain is better.

  2. I have been having problems for some months, as you know. It varies from blog to blog, but in the case of yours, I can usually, with persistence, get in as myself, or, as a last resort, anonymously. This has not changed. I have been looking into your blog almost every day but am still not really in the mood for chatting much. Anyway I am glad your garden is serving you well and that your hip seems to be improving.

    1. Thank you, Lady Ella. I appreciate you leaving a comment. You take as much time as you need to and know that I am thinking of you.

  3. Write the comment, then select and copy it before you attempt to publish. If you get an error message, refresh the page then press PASTE, usually it will publish if you do that.

  4. I seem to have no problem. andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Appreciate you commenting. :)

  5. Luckily, I have not had problems commenting on your blog.

    1. I'm glad to hear that, June. Blogging is not as much fun if there aren't any comments!

  6. I've not encountered problems posting comments. Sometimes they go as anonymous, but I think that's because I occasionally clear out cookies and forget to sign back in. And sometimes I read posts but am just too tired to comment. Dancer looks like he has a definite opinion about this!

    1. Thank you, Celie; not commenting because you are tired is perfectly fine. But, I got worried that someone who was trying to comment couldn't do so due to error messages! Dancer definitely has an opinion about people posting comments! :D LOL.

  7. Trying it out! Always love seeing a good Dancer photo! 😍

    1. Thank you, Mandy. Dancer likes having his photo posted! :D

  8. That's a wonderful photo of Dancer. I'm happy I have no problems commenting on your blog.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; I'm very happy that you have no problems commenting on my blog. :)

  9. I've noticed that sometimes an error message comes up on blogs, but then I take a look at what I have written and see if I want to change anything and then try again and often it works! Nonsense of course! Other times I just double click and that sometimes helps it go through. Just a question of patience usually, but it is annoying to have to mess around and wait.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. The reader who couldn't post a comment, earlier, switched to a different browser, she said, and was able to comment after that! So, apparently, that is one way of getting around being unable to comment on blogs!

  10. Your garden looks lovely. I'm having trouble commenting on most blogs including replying to comments on my own! I can post but not comment as Google won't let me. Went down a few weeks ago don't know why

    1. Thank you, Sally; glad your comment came through! That's interesting that you can't reply to comments on your blog!

  11. I haven't had problems commenting on any blogs for a while now, although I've probably just jinxed it :)

  12. My problem turned out to be on my end not yours but I am back in business using the Chrome browser instead of Safari which kept showing error messages when I would try to post my comment.
    Hi Dancer! Good boy looking straight into the camera for your Mom's blog readers :)

    1. Well, I'm glad that you are able to comment now, Debra. :) Dancer was worried! LOL!


Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. Your comments are much appreciated. Please comment in English. Thank you.