Saturday, July 6, 2019

Saturday's Cosplay

On Saturday, daughter went dressed as Taichi (or "Tai") from the anime Digimon, holding Koromon:

Taichi and Koromon
Blue T-shirt from Michael's ($2.50) and capri pants from the thrift store made into shorts.  Koromon started out as a bouncy ball from the dollar store, that she painted.  She's also holding a "digivice" that she made from polymer clay.  The white socks are part of the costume. 


Koromon Close-Up
Daughter said she received lots of compliments on her outfit. 


  1. Your daughter is very creative.
    I Know nothing about anime characters but costumes look very nice. 😊

    1. Thank you, Nil. Welcome back and I hope you get over your jet lag, soon!

  2. Like Nil said, "Your daughter is very creative." But I guess we knew that already. I didn't realize that you wore a different costume every day to the convention.

    1. Thank you. You don't have to wear a different costume every day (and some don't dress up, at all), but, my daughter loves creating different costumes and dressing up! :)

  3. As Nil said, your daughter is very creative and it's lovely that the convention is in your home town.

    Do you never feel the urge to dress up and go with her?

    1. Thank you, Eileen. There are anime conventions held in other cities, too, but, so far, my daughter hasn't been tempted to go to them!

      No, I don't think I have the stamina to stand in lines for hours, just to get in! Plus, I am not that much of a fan of anime to pay the ticket price!

  4. Cool costume, but I am totally clueless about the character!

    1. That's OK, Anne. The only reason I know about the character is I've watched some of these anime videos with my daughter, when she was younger.


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