Monday, July 8, 2019

Anime Expo Dance Workshop Videos

Daughter took part in some dance workshops at the Anime Expo, some of which were posted online by the person who conducted the workshops.  My daughter sent me the links and I have her permission to post the links to them on my blog! 

This is this year's J Pop (Japanese pop music) dance work shop.  Daughter is in the long yellow dress she wore as part of her Pikachu costume, to the right of the video:

This is last year's workshop video; she is in the green sleeveless T-shirt in the front row:


  1. Who knew that they had dance workshops at an anime expo. My son is on the staff that puts one on here every year and I've never heard him mention dancing. But I never asked.

    1. They have various J-pop and K (Korean)-pop dance workshops, demonstrations, and contests, too. My daughter loves to dance, so she always makes a point to attend them. There are also some panel discussions about various other aspects of Japanese culture - she attended two about Shintoism, this year.

  2. Your daughter is a very good dancer. xx

    1. Thank you, Eileen. She loves to dance and took many types of dance classes. :)

  3. Love these. I wish my left knee would like to dance as much as the rest of me would!


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