Monday, July 8, 2019

Daughter Leaves on Monday

My daughter went back to Berkeley, today.  We spent a relaxed morning and I drove her to the airport in the afternoon.  Saying goodbye to her wasn't too hard, this time, as I'll be seeing her again at the end of the week!  Yes, she's coming down, again, on Friday, to attend a conference, next week!  Then, I came home and started on the day's work.

Last night, daughter "erased the evidence" of her costume making activities and put away the bits and pieces of fabric and paint, etc.  As a result, I had very little tidying to do, today.  I did a load of laundry, including bed sheets and a blanket; took the trash cans and recycling bins to the curb for pick up, tomorrow; remade my bed; did the dishes; watered the garden, both front and back; and washed the kitchen trash can.

I had intended to go to the library to pick up a book I had put on hold, but, I forgot!  I plan to do that, tomorrow.  I am also thinking of going to one of the museums.  Entry is free on the second Tuesday of the month and it's been several years since I last visited that museum. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- Daughter had a safe flight and journey back to the apartment
- She tidied up and put things away so I didn't have to!
- I was able to send the rest of the pastries and some of the cooked chicken with her
- A working washing machine and dryer
- I'll be seeing daughter again at the end of the week!

Monday's To Do List:
- Take daughter to the airport - DONE
- Do laundry - DONE
- Remake her bed - Will do tomorrow
- Take the trash cans to the curb - DONE
- Water the garden - DONE
- Dust the living room - DONE
- Tidy/dust the dining area - DONE

Tuesday's To Do List:
- Go to the library
- Bring the trash cans in
- Dust family room and my bedroom
- Water the house plants
- Go to the museum (maybe)

How was your Monday?  What have you planned for Tuesday?


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Natalia. Hope you are enjoying your summer.

  2. Hope you make it to the museum today. That sounds interesting and fun.

    1. I did go to the museum today, and it was quite enjoyable. :)

  3. i enjoyed seeing pics of your daughter's outfits and the dance videos- she is lovely-
    the usual regards from texas-

    1. Thank you, Barb. Hope all is well with you.

  4. How long is your daughter staying for next time. I suppose it doesn't matter how long as at least you get to spend some more time with her.

    What sort of museum is it?

    1. She'll spend the weekend with me, then, I'll drive her down to the hotel where she'll stay during the conference, and she'll spend two more days with me before she flies back on the following Friday. She has plans to get together with at least one of her friends on one of those days she will be with me, but that is fine. :)

    2. I forgot to say - it's the Autry Museum of the American West. They have art exhibits, movie memorabilia, and some Western artifacts.

  5. How nice that you get a little more daughter time so soon!

    1. Yes, it'll be nice to see her again! I was reminded of the time I was having chemo treatments, when she used to come down every weekend to take to me the treatments. She arranged her class schedules so that she didn't have any classes on Fridays and Mondays and I arranged with my oncologist to have chemo treatments on Fridays. Daughter would come down Thursday night, be with me over the weekend, and fly back Monday afternoon. We did this for a little over 3 months!

  6. Glad you had a good visit with your daughter. Mine was nice too though I shan't be seeing my daughter so soon. There is a long time between visits this time - it won't be until November that I see her again. Sigh. I am sure the time will pass quickly.

    1. (((HUGS))) Sharon. But, you'll be spending time with your mother during some of that long wait! So, I'm sure the time will pass quickly. :)


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