Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Ribbon Journal

Ribbon Journal

Ever since she was a little girl, my daughter has loved stationery; notebooks, note pads, pens, pencils, markers, etc.  I always get her some stationery for her birthdays and other holidays.

Several years ago, just before Christmas, I was looking in the stationery section of the pharmacy to see if they had any discounted items, when I saw a display of journals.  They had hard covers that had a printed design, a spiral bound spine, with ribbon tied to some of the spirals.  They would have made lovely gifts, not only for my daughter, but also for the 8 other preteen/teen girls on my gift list.

Except, they were priced at $7.99 each.   Which was beyond my holiday gift budget. 

Instead, I searched the dollar store for small spiral bound notebooks with a patterned cover.  They didn't have hard cover notebooks, but they had some with a plastic cover and smaller spirals.  But, at $1 each, they were priced right.  I bought 9 notebooks.  I had ribbons, purchased at $.10/yard during a close-out sale, in my stash at home.  I used about half a yard of ribbon, per notebook.  I cut the ribbon into pieces and tied to the spirals.

My daughter still has her ribbon journal, which is shown in the photo above.  

I thought I'll post about it, in case anyone is looking for an inexpensive gift idea.



  1. Good idea. I'm always looking for inexpensive, but still nice ideas. Especially around the holidays. I have 10 nieces and nephews I have to buy for and it adds up.

    1. Glad you liked it. Yes, it's a challenge to come up with inexpensive but nice gifts, isn't it?

  2. What a fabulous idea! I love things like stationary, notebooks, pens, etc. too- my kids take after me in that way. I think this is a great idea for a gift to give, it is such a cute journal- and I love how you came up with a frugal way to make it yourself! Thank you for sharing this idea! :)

    1. Thank you! I was happy to have 9 gifts for a little more than what 1 gift would have cost, had I bought the original journal.

  3. You always come up with wonderful and inexpensive gifts Bless, that look like you spent much more on them. You are inspiring.

  4. What a cute idea.. I will make some for my granddaughers.. thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm glad you like the idea. Hope your granddaughters will like them.

  5. bless, I too love journals and personalized 'day timers.' This year I'm continuing with a modified Bullet Journal that is functioning as a travel journal just now. It effectively tracks photos Who,Where,When & possibly Why so that when we finally return I can 'Adobe' my best shots and possibly tell a story or develop a few themes.

    We met a young Korean man who has recently completed his required military service and travelling to Penang to visit his uncle. Conversation started because he was sitting in my assigned seat. Long story short, he asked his uncle to drive us from train stn. to our hotel. The conversation was so interesting we met lunch.

    Uncle threw himself wholeheartedly into the role of tour guide. This is an UNESCO Heritage site and each location is astounding with the background and history explained by a local who deeply loves his city state.

    1. Hon, I am glad you are journaling your travels. It's those details and stories that personalize them, isn't it? I'm looking forward to hearing more about your travels and maybe seeing some photos.


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