Wednesday, March 4, 2015


When I first bought my house, there was an orange tree in the backyard.  A few years later, however, when I added the family room, the orange tree was removed.  I planted a new, replacement orange tree.  I've been picking five or six oranges a week for several weeks and this season's crop is coming to an end.  

Orange Tree

But there are masses of flowers on the tree!  They have the most wonderful fragrance and the bees are loving it.  If all goes well, there will be lots more oranges to be enjoyed, later this year!

Orange Flowers

Oranges picked fresh from the tree in the backyard - such a wonderful treat!

Do you have fruit trees in your garden? 


  1. How wonderful.. I would love to be able to grow orange trees.. I know they smell so good..
    We do grow fruit trees..We have apple, pears, peaches and grape vines.. and this last year we planted blue berries..[hope to have some blue berries this year?]
    Have a great frugal week.

    1. I planted a peach tree this year, to replace the one that died a couple of years ago. I'd like to plant an apple tree, too. Hope you get lots of blue berries!

  2. In Japan I lived in an area known for its citrus trees, but only now it occurs to me that there were no orange trees! Need to find out why.

    1. That's so interesting that you lived in Japan for a period of time! I was taken to visit Japan when I was 3+ years old (before my 4th birthday) when my parents went on a cruise to Japan and back, but, of course, I barely remember any of it! My daughter, however, would love to visit Japan! That's one of her dreams!

  3. I hope your daughter will get her dream, one day. In some ways it is like a second home to me. A little piece of my heart remained there.

    1. Thank you; sounds like you really enjoyed your stay there. :)


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