Sunday, November 23, 2014


All things are subject to change; it's one of those universal truths that one finds across all cultures.  But many of us don't like change.  I know that I don't like change now, I never did.

My mother, however, used to always say that change was good.  She welcomed change.  She saw it as an opportunity, a chance for something new and different, perhaps improved and better.  She chose to look for possibilities.  I think my mother was a wise woman.  And as her daughter, I feel that I, too, ought to search out the possibilities and see the good when changes take place.

For the past  10 years (!), I've participated in a forum that is going to close in a few days.  For 10 years, this forum was a constant in my life, checking in on a daily basis, sometimes several times a day!  As I went from being first a lurker on the forum, to a posting member, and finally, a moderator, I found a group of people who were kind, generous with their time and advice, supportive, funny, non-judgmental, and compassionate.  For  10 years, we shared our organizing challenges, whether it was dealing with clutter, that pile of papers stacked on our table, keeping up with laundry, putting together a weekly meal plan, or finding balance in our lives. 

Over the years, we shared bits of ourselves and our lives.  We shared both good news and bad, joys and frustrations, accomplishments and failures.  We rejoiced over graduations, weddings, births, and job promotions; we prayed over ill health, difficulties with relationships, and job losses; we sorrowed when loved ones passed away.   We cheered when we completed our daily to do lists, competed to see who could get rid of the most clutter, conferred honorary titles on each other, had friendly rivalries, and indulged in the occasional whine.  I received my nickname of "Bless" through the forum.

Friendships were formed, even though most of us haven't actually met each other.  Some of the ladies I met through the forum probably know more about me than some of my personal friends and family.  They know how hard I paddle under the water in order to appear to be gliding effortlessly on the surface.

In a couple of days, the forum will close and we won't have that venue for interaction.   We will definitely miss it and feel the change.  It feels like we are saying goodbye to some of our good friends.  Some of us will keep in touch through emails and social media.  But it probably won't be the same as before.

Change is difficult.  But, I am hearing my mother's voice, saying change is good.  So, I will look forward, with hope, to the change and the new opportunities it might bring.

How about you?  Do you like change?  Do you see it as an opportunity for something new?  Or do you tend to wish things could remain the same?



  1. I just wrote a comment but think it got lost. This was it:
    You ladies could set up a closed group in Facebook and only those you accept could see the posts and participate. More privacy than you have now. Also, products could be mentioned and links posted, as isn't allowed now. Could be a very good change.

    1. Hi there, I'm afraid there's a bit of a lag between commenting and having them appear on the blog, because I moderate all the comments before they are published. Thank you for your suggestion; I don't know if I am computer savvy enough to start such a social media group at this time. But I'll keep it in mind. Thank you, too, for commenting.

  2. This is what I said to someone else.. "And like Bless said her Mom used to say "change is good", this way maybe we will all keep in touch on a more meaningful level without having to keep within the confines of keeping it "organizing" related..."

    1. Sounds like my mother's saying is becoming well known! She'd have been thrilled! There's another saying, about where there's a will...We will keep in touch, one way or another. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Just got the news and I will try to remember that "change is good". But, boy, when you first hear the news it doesn't feel like it! I am Facebook savvy but not so much when it comes to blogs. I do have one and I am now following that is one way to stay in touch!

    1. Jodi, we often feel like the wind has been knocked off when we first hear news of change, don't we? I am very new to blogging and I am finding my way around. But I love to write and it's a lot of fun. Thank you for commenting.

  4. I have been following your blog also & participated in the other forum. I am not particularly fond of change, but I know that the world continues to move forward, & so must I.

    1. Yes, unless we move forward, we will be left behind, won't we? And that will never do! Thank you for commenting.


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