Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall Back Sunday

Craisin, Preserved Ginger and Walnut Muffins

Today, we ended Daylight Savings Time and went back on Standard Time.  The clocks were put back an hour and we gained an hour.  I chose to sleep-in for that extra hour (doing something good for me; part of my November goal), getting a full 8 hours of sleep for a change (I usually sleep 5-6 hours a night). 

Once I was up, I reset the clocks (I like to reset the clocks on Sunday morning rather than Saturday night), changed the batteries on one of the clocks, started a load of laundry and tried to video chat with a friend.  On-line visiting with my friend was going to be another one of my 59 good things, but, unfortunately, we couldn't get a connection.  So, we only messaged each other instead of video chatting.

Later in the afternoon, I video chatted with my daughter, did another load of laundry, mended the waist band of a pair of pyjama bottoms, and began another sewing project.  I want to sew myself a flannel nightdress, but I'll be doing that in baby steps.  Today's baby steps were washing the fabric and cutting out the pattern pieces.

 In the evening, I baked another batch of muffins - craisins, preserved ginger and walnut muffins.  Now I've plenty of muffins to take to the office during the week for my breakfasts or snacks and there will be some for the freezer for another day, as well.  I usually take my breakfasts, lunches, and snacks to the office with me and my work week goes well when I have everything prepared ahead of time.  Mornings are busy enough without having to wonder what I should pack for my breakfasts, lunches and snacks. 

I still need to put away the laundry from earlier in the day, which I had hung up to dry, do the litter box, pack my lunch, etc.  But, all in all, it's been a lovely day.

How was your 'fall back' Sunday?


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