Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March Goals

Just a day after I posted the February goals and balance wheel objectives, I fell and that changed things.   A quick look at the February goals show that I didn't accomplish a lot of them, such as cleaning and organizing, but others, such as keeping in contact with family and friends were met.  Overall, I give it a fair-to-middling rating for February.

Rather than reviewing each and every February goal, I will simply post March goals.

-   Focus on prayers and meditations; on gratitude and being thankful; appreciate the blessings. 

- Continue cleaning, decluttering and organizing!  Focus on the kitchen.
- She celebrates her 23rd birthday, this month.  She will also come home for her spring break, later this month. 

- Most, if not all, contacts will be on the phone or on-line, this month.  I need to call and wish one cousin for her birthday, this week, and another cousin mid-month. 
-  Again, contacts will be mostly on the phone and on-line.   
-  Will continue to work from home on the good days.

- I will continue to budget and manage my finances to the best of my abilities.

- Once again, the main focus will be on health.  I've a blood test and another hydration scheduled for this week, followed by more of the same, next week, plus immune booster injections as needed.  I will start the 2nd part of the chemo treatment later this month.

Time Management:
- Procrastinate less!  Go back to making daily to do lists but keep them realistic due to health restrictions.

- Continue knitting the new scarf (it's about halfway done, now); continue to sew the hexagon quilt.

The majority of the goals for March remains the same as in February.


  1. I have a massive amount of respect for you setting your goals and working for them. Take care of yourself. x

    1. Thank you. Without set goals, I feel like I am just drifting along or that one area of my life (health, at this time), tends to take over. With goals in different areas, I try to maintain some sense of a balanced life. It's true the health spoke will loom large (it has to with all that's going on!), but I can still make time for friends and family, for a little crafting, and housework. Not to mention noting the daily blessings and gratitude - it helps to keep the self-pity away.

  2. love your set goals.. They sound doable= and not over board.. Best wishes and prayers for your March goals/
    Prayers for your health and the treatments.. Hugs.

    1. Thank you, Judy. I sewed a bit on the hexagon quilt today and spoke on the phone with one of my cousins and had a text message from another cousin - I keep track of those each day and count them towards my monthly goals.


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