Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Sunday

I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Easter Sunday.

I didn't have anymore insomnia last night and fell asleep without any trouble.  However, I didn't feel very energetic today.  So I spent a quiet, restful day.  I did do a load of laundry and later, I went through a few more files and tossed a bunch of papers.  Also called one of my aunts and had a bit of a chat with her. 
Yesterday, a friend of mine called to invite me to Easter dinner, today.  But I declined the invitation, as she was having other guests, too, and I didn't know if anyone of them would have a cold or cough, etc.  I have been told that with my weakened immune system, I should be extra careful to avoid getting a cold, etc.  Today, my friend called me in the evening to say that she had dinner packed and ready, if daughter could come and collect it!  I went with daughter for the ride and stayed in the car while she went in to collect the dinner.  I sent a bottle of sparkling apple cider for my friend through daughter.  
My friend had made something we call "appa" in my native language, which is also known as "hoppers" in English.  It is a type of pancake made from a fermented rice flour batter.   It is cooked in a pan that looks a lot like a miniature wok, so the finished product is bowl-shaped.  A spoonful of batter is swirled around the pan and it forms a thin crisp edge with a puffy, pancake like middle.  Plain hoppers are made with only the batter.  Egg hoppers have an egg baked into the batter in the middle.  My friend included a fish curry and a spicy onion relish to eat with the hoppers and a piece of coconut cream pie for dessert!  Daughter and I enjoyed our dinner and there's enough leftovers for another meal.
Plain and Egg Hoppers
Today, I am grateful for:
- My friend blessing me with a special dinner.
- A quiet, restful day.
- Manageable side effects.
- Spending time with my daughter.
- Talking on the phone with an aunt.


  1. I'm glad you were able to get some sleep. I have never heard of hoppers before, but how nice of your friend to send dinner home.

    1. I agree, it was very nice of her and much appreciated. Hope you had a good Easter weekend and Little Wolf enjoyed hunting for Easter eggs. :)

  2. I'm glad you didn't have insomnia. I had it last night and it's no fun! Still I can't believe everything you managed to accomplish on Saturday with no sleep to speak of!

    Thanks for sharing the explanations about appa and a picture to boot! I usually feel nauseous even just thinking about food when I wake up but your description made me hungry! Everything sounds so good,including the coconut cream pie :) It was very sweet of your friend not only to want to include you by inviting you, but then also to make sure you still got to participate by saving some food for you!

    I hope you have a great week, Bless. Take care!

    1. Thanks, Nathalie. I agree, it was very sweet of my friend. I hope you, too, have a lovely week.

  3. What sweet and thoughtful friends you have.. The dinner sounded really good.
    Sorry about the side effects.Praying they will all go away soon. Proud you were able to sleep.

    1. Judy, I feel truly blessed when it comes to caring friends. The side effects aren't as bad as they could be, so I am not complaining.

      Hope you are having a good start to your week.


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