Thursday, October 20, 2022



Prompt: Ponytail

It felt like a summer day, today, with an afternoon high of 94F!  But, inside the house, it was cool enough in the morning (70F) that I wore a light cotton cardigan until the house warmed up!  

M was here, this morning, and he brought in the green yard waste bin in for me and we agreed that I should set the bins in front of my driveway, next time.  He watered the garden, sprayed the parkway with some weed killer, and trimmed some plants.  He will continue to lay the pavers in the parkway on Friday.  

I had planned to do some housework, today, but, instead, I just relaxed to the point of being lazy!  I replied to blog comments (thank you for all your kind comments; I appreciate everyone taking the time to read and comment), read and commented on a few blogs, watched news and some TV programs, played sudoku and some word games, chatted with friend R and with Aunt C, and took it easy!

I had peanut butter on toast for brunch.  For dinner, I made over the last of the turkey and vegetable soup I had made.  I had blended the leftover soup, earlier, and had it like that a couple of times.  Today, I used the leftover blended soup as the liquid to cook a pot of rice!  It made a very tasty rice, which I ate with half a leftover sausage, cut up, and a handful of frozen green peas, warmed up.  Now, I have leftover souped up rice!  LOL.  I ate a fresh mango for dessert.  Or, maybe I should call it a salad because I sprinkled salt and chili powder on the mango!  

After dinner, I did the dishes and scrubbed the kitchen sink.  

Later, I video chatted with my daughter.  She felt fine, today.  She is planning to go and get her Covid booster, tomorrow!  Hope the side effects will be mild!  

Today, I am grateful for:

- M helping me with the garden
- Daughter is feeling fine, again
- Time to relax!
- A warm, summer-like day
- Leftovers!

Today's joyful activity was tending to the garden with M.

Plans for tomorrow (Thursday) include cleaning the rest of the family room!


  1. Don't ever think of relaxing as being lazy you are simply relaxing, it sounds much more positive :) I hope your daughter doesn't have any side effects from the Covid jab.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. My daughter told me that I should feel guilty about relaxing, that I've worked hard and deserve to relax! :D
      I was recharging my batteries!
      I, too, hope that my daughter doesn't get any side effects! She's had side effects from her earlier jabs, though!
      Hope you've recovered from your vaccination and your husband is well, too.

    2. Oops! That should say: My daughter told me that I should NOT feel guilty about relaxing!

  2. It sounds like you had a nice leisurely day, and I find that those pay off in greater productivity in the long run, so no guilt necessary. Oh I like that idea of leftover soup blended up to use in the rice, I may give that a try.

    1. Thank you, Susanne; I am hoping to have a more productive day, today! :)
      Cooking the rice in the blended leftover soup made it very flavorful. I generally cook my rice in plain water, so it's usually rather bland (which is perfect for curries).

  3. Just remember, "All work and no play makes Bless a dull girl." :)
    Relaxing is good sometimes, right?

    1. Yes, I must remember that! Thank you, June.
      Hope you and Ward are fully recovered, now. :)

  4. Love that you often blend your soup leftovers. I do the same thing. I would be happy to see a high of 70˚ here this time of year...and some sun! xo Diana

    1. I'm finding that I like blended soups more and more, these days.
      Oh, I'm sure 70* sounds wonderful for this time of the year, up there. Today's high is 91* and sunny! We are told to expect light rain and cooler temperatures on Saturday.

  5. Your improvised turkey rice with the sausage sounds like the sort of meal I sometimes come up with for myself when DH has been on a trip! If it's tasty and nutritious and takes care of leftovers, what's not to like!
    We slept in till nearly 10 am this morning. I think we both needed that extra rest. DH is very happy that he is doing well and has been encouraging a friend who is booked for the same procedure at the end of the month.

    1. Cooking the rice in the blended soup made a very flavorful rice! If I had added the sausage and the green peas to the rice when cooking, it would have made a nice casserole, too, I think. :)
      That's good that you both slept in and got a little extra rest! I'm so glad that your DH is doing well and encouraging his friend who will be undergoing the same procedure. Enjoy the rest of your day. :)

  6. A quieter day is important now and again. It gives us chance to re-charge. Xx

    1. Thank you, Jules; yes, those days of rest are much needed, aren't they?

  7. You earned your rest day, Bless, we all need one of those occasionally. So glad that your daughter is feeling better and I echo the hope that her booster will not have after effects. I'm getting my jab tomorrow.

    1. Thank you, Angela. My daughter is doing OK, after her booster; hope your booster jab goes well, too. :)

  8. I like your idea of using the end of your soup to cook your rice in and creating a new meal. I like doing things like that.
    I made a soup this week that turned out pretty good. In the freezer I had saved cubed squash and Brussel sprouts from last year's Thanksgiving. I like to make soup using those 2 vegetables so I put them in a pot with a couple cubed potatoes, some red lentils, fresh spinach, spring onions, garlic and curry powder and a few shakes of cayenne - we like things spicy :)
    I covered it with about 6 cups of water and a little chicken bouillon powder and I was off to the races! lol
    I pureed it all when it was done and it is yummy.
    In a half hour's cooking time, I had soup for a few days and we've been enjoying it this week.

    We both eat a lot of peanut butter toast don't we? ;)

    1. Cooking the rice in the leftover soup made a very flavorful side dish, a little reminiscent of the boxed rice mixes. I had some of the rice last night, too, and there's one more serving left.
      I like the sound of your squash and sprouts soup, too, especially with the red lentils added to it, not to mention the curry powder and cayenne! :D My kind of soup! I often add green chilies to mine!
      I think it was you who mentioned that you ate peanut butter toast for breakfast and Bushlady often mentions having a spoon of peanut butter for protein when she feels the need for it. I love toast with regular butter, but, that doesn't give me much protein, and peanut butter toast is easy! I took down another jar of peanut butter, last night, and there's one more jar left in the cupboard. Time to keep an eye out for a good sale on peanut butter! Reg. price for store brand, right now, is $2.49; I'm waiting to see if it'll go on sale for $1.99, again!


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