Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Prompt: Scrape
(A drawing from her imagination, not an anime character)

We had a sunny and warm day, today, with a high of 91F!  It felt like a summer day!  

Yesterday, I had taken the trash cans out to the curb to be collected this morning.  When I went out to bring the trash cans in, today, I found that someone had moved the green yard waste bin up, off the curb, onto the parkway (probably in order to free up room along the curb to park their vehicle).  Unfortunately for me, they had moved the bin up before the yard waste was collected and the yard waste collection truck had not emptied the bin!  I do wish people would leave my trash bins alone, at least until they have been emptied!  It seems to me that I'm the only one whose trash bins are moved up off the curb like this - all the other neighbors put their trash cans by the curb and people leave them in place!  

Today was the anniversary of my mother's birth.  There aren't many flowers in the garden, but, I knew she would prefer something from the garden to a fancy bouquet from a florist, so, I picked what I could (mostly the blue plumbago she had planted), augmented it with foliage from the garden, including several sprigs of rosemary (for remembrance) and visited her gravesite in the afternoon.  There were several people at the cemetery, but, no one in the section where my mother's grave is situated.  

I had initially thought of going to the Temple, afterwards, but, I changed my mind and came home, instead.  I will mail my donation, I think, and postpone visiting the Temple until I've had my next booster!

After I came home, I made the appointment for my blood test and chatted for a bit with Aunt C.  Then, I warmed up two slices of pizza I had in the freezer and had them for my brunch.  My mother loved pizza and that's what we had for the last birthday she lived to celebrate.  

My daughter had received her flu shot, yesterday and that had triggered a migraine headache!  She said she took the OTC medication her doctor had recommended and that helped.  She felt much better later in the night and this morning, she said she felt fine.  But, early this evening, around 4:30 p.m., she called to say that she was running a low grade fever - probably as a result of the flu vaccine.  I guess she felt better, later, because she sent me her drawing for today's Inktober prompt!  

Today, I am grateful for:
- My mother and being able to visit her gravesite
- Flowers from the garden
- At least the bin with the real trash (as opposed to yard waste) got emptied!
- A safe drive to the cemetery and back
- Access to medical care

Plans for tomorrow include M tending to the garden and some housekeeping tasks.  It is supposed to be another warm day, tomorrow, and then, there is supposed to be a more than 20 degrees cool down by the weekend!  Friend R is looking forward to that, she said!  I am not!  LOL.  

How was your Tuesday?  What are your plans for Wednesday?


  1. It's really special that you could take flowers to your mother's grave that she planted. I hope you had a day of fond memories.

    1. As M puts it, those plumbago plants have a story behind them! My mother wanted some blue flowers growing in the garden to take to the Temple (for certain ceremonies that required blue flowers, as well as red flowers and white ones; we were usually able to find white flowers and red ones without any difficulty, but, blue flowers were usually mums or carnations that had been dyed, not naturally blue). One day, when she was going somewhere with M (she used to get him to drive her places because she didn't drive), she had him stop and break off a couple of stems of a plumbago plant that was growing by the side of the road. He said he was scared to death thinking he'll get ticketed for trespassing, but, he did as she told him to and somehow or the other, she got them to root and now we have this big hedge of them growing in the back! I've taken cuttings of it, but, of course, they don't root for me!

  2. What a lovely way to honour & remember your Mother, such a thoughtful bouquet. Pizza is my favourite food. I do hope your daughter has no more after affects from her flu jab. Great drawing!

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. My mother grew a beautiful garden and I was happy I was able to take her flowers and foliage from her garden.
      I didn't much care for pizza when I first tried it, but, now, it is one of my favorites, too! :D
      Thank you, I think my daughter is feeling better, today. She's planning to get her Covid booster, tomorrow!

  3. What a lovely idea to take garden flowers to your mother's grave. I did exactly the same, when I visited my dad's tree last week. I know he would have preferred it as well. I can just hear him saying, 'Don't be wasting your money on buying flowers!' :)

    1. That's just what my mother would have said, too, Jules. She always preferred a plant instead of flowers, but, the cemetery won't allow plants, only cut flowers. Maybe I'll buy some plants for the garden in her memory, instead. :)

  4. Sorry about your trash bins! Little frustrations in life over other's lack of curtesy. Even if the person moving them didn't foresee your problem, it would've been nice if the trash truck person got out of the truck to go the extra step. On a different subject, your daughter's art is amazing. andrea

    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, people seem to be lacking common courtesy, these days. The trash truck drivers almost never get down from their trucks! Everything is mechanized and a big arm like thing picks up the trash cans to empty them and puts them back down; the driver controls the arm and that's that!

  5. That's frustrating that someone is moving your bins to a place where they don't get emptied.

    I'm glad you were able to place flowers on your Mum's grave. Blue plumbago is very pretty and, as she planted it, a lovely way to remember her as was the pizza lunch. It's probably wise to avoid visiting the Temple until you have your booster. Do you know when that is due?

    Sorry to hear that the flu jab triggered a migraine for your daughter. I hope she is feeling better now.

    I've been printing out some recipes ready for next month's meals, and have been chatting to family and friends. It's been a pleasant day so far, xx

    1. Hi Eileen, your comment went into my spam folder! Lately, my replies to some comments have been going into my spam folder, too! :D

      Yes, it's frustrating that someone is moving my trash bins before they are collected. I am going to keep them in front of my driveway, next week, rather than by the curb, to free up as much parking space as possible. Hopefully, that will help!

      Thank you, Eileen. My mother would have been happy with the garden flowers and the pizza lunch! :)

      I can get my Covid booster any day, now, but, I'm going to wait until the end of the month, or the first week in November. That way, my immunity levels will be at their peak when my daughter comes down for Thanksgiving (in case we want to go places then). Maybe I'll visit the Temple on my birthday to get some blessings said. :)

      My daughter has recovered from the flu vaccine side effects and is planning to get her Covid booster shot, this afternoon! I told her to take her migraine meds with her, just in case!

      Glad you are having a pleasant day. Looking forward to reading about your meal plan for November!

  6. That's nice that you took flowers from your garden to celebrate your late mother's birthday. How annoying that people move your trash cans to park their cars. It's one of my pet hates when people park across my driveway as I would never be so inconsiderate. That's a shame your daughter had side effects from the flu jab but happily they didn't last for too long. I've not been too well these past couple of days but I'm feeling much better now, I think my problem is not drinking enough fluid.

    1. Thank you, Eileen; yes, I was happy that I could find some flowers in the garden to take to the cemetery. Otherwise, I was going to take some greenery!
      I've had people park and block my driveway; very inconsiderate of them and as you said, not something I would do!
      My daughter is feeling better, today, thank you. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling too well; you've had your flu shot, too, recently and it might be due to that. It's also very easy to get dehydrated; I need to remind myself to drink enough fluids, myself. Hope you continue to feel better, Eileen.

  7. Hi Bless! 👋🏻 I feel you about your trash cans as it’s happened to me before. Could you park them at the foot of your driveway? If someone moves them and parks there, you could call the police and have them ticketed/towed because that’s not a parking spot. Just a thought. I always read your blog (and like it a lot) but seldom comment. Have a great day. Judy in Anaheim.

    1. Hi Judy! I'm so glad you commented! Yes, that is what M, my gardener, suggested that I did - start putting the trash cans in front of the driveway. I am going to do that starting next Monday!
      Thank you for reading my blog and saying you like it a lot! I hope you'll comment more often, too! Do you have a blog that I can visit in return?

    2. No, I never did get around to starting a blog, but thank you for checking. Your daughter is quite a talented artist—I’m enjoying her pictures and of course Dancer is always a treat to see. (I’ve “taken” in nine abandoned/feral kitties so there’s always something cat drama wise going on, but I can’t say no to a furry face!

    3. Thank you, Judy. Bless you for taking in the kitties! Dancer was a feral kitty who was rescued by a friend of mine and given to us. I fostered a few feral kittens, several years ago, and managed to find homes for most of them. The rest stayed on as garden cats.

  8. How lovely to use the garden flowers and greenery to honor your mother's birthday. Your daughter's art is very good, she is quite talented. I hope you're having a good evening.

    1. I was happy I was able to take some flowers from the garden to the cemetery; my mother would have appreciated it. :)
      Thank you, Celie; my daughter is participating in Inktober where they provide a list of prompts for each day of the month of October. It's meant to foster creativity. :)

  9. What a lovely way to remember your Mum.

    I hope your daughter feels better soon. I am having my flu and Covid booster next week at the same time. I am sort of expecting not to feel too well afterwards, but we shall see!

    Another great drawing from your daughter. She is very talented.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. :)

      My daughter is feeling well, now, but, she's planning to get her Covid booster, this afternoon, so she might not feel too well by tomorrow, again! Hope you don't experience too many side effects from getting both vaccines at the same time. Keep some Tylenol or something handy!

      Thank you; she is enjoying doing the drawings. :)

  10. Your daughter is such a talented artist! That is not the first time your bin has been moved before it was emptied. How annoying for you. I like the idea of the simple garden bouquet for your mother's grave. A day of memories for you (Hugs). I hope your daughter is feeling better.

    DH is doing well, just taking it easy. I did laundry and walked to the mailbox and had a nice chat with a young neighbour on the way back.

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. :)
      You are right; it wasn't the first time the trash bin has been moved before it was emptied. I will put them in front of my drive way, next week and see what happens. My other neighbor who uses my driveway to turn his big truck around to reverse into his own driveway will have to manage without access to my driveway on Monday nights!
      Yes, it was a day of memories for me, yesterday. Many happy memories, some sad memories, some regretful "I should have" memories.
      My daughter is feeling better, thank you. She goes for her Covid booster, tomorrow, though! She'll probably experience some side effects from that, too!
      I'm glad to hear that your DH is doing well and taking it easy as he should. Sounds like you had a busy day! Glad you were able to have a nice chat with a neighbor. :)

  11. Yes, I agree, at least the trash bin was collected since that's the more important one, but I'd be annoyed too if someone kept moving my bin to convenience themselves ending up with an inconvenience to you.
    Can you leave then at the end of your driveway instead of in front of the curb? No one parks there - or I hope they don't!
    You did a few nice things to honor your mother on her birthday. I am glad you were able to visit her grave.
    How fitting your daughter's drawing showed an injury to the player on a day she wasn't feeling well. I am glad she's better.

    1. Yes, that's my I'm planning to do, starting next week, Debra - leaving the trash cans in front of the driveway. I was resisting having to do that because I was thinking that if there was an emergency and I needed to leave the house in a hurry in the night, I didn't have to deal with moving trash cans aside, but, I guess, it is the only other option that I have. :)


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