Sunday, October 9, 2022


Dancer Lends a Helping Paw

First of all, I want to clarify something about the drawings my daughter has been doing for Inktober which I've been posting.  They are what she drew and colored, but, some are based on characters from anime/manga/video games she enjoys watching, reading, and playing.  I'm sorry I didn't specify that at the very beginning; I think I should have done that.  I apologize.

I took a Tylenol, last night, before I went to sleep and slept well.  I probably should have taken one Friday night, too!  I woke up feeling MUCH better, today.  

I've spent the majority of the day trying to sew the borders on the quilt - I am bringing the border fabric from the front to the back and using that as a self binding.  I spread the quilt top on my bed as the dining table is not long enough and I brought a metal folding chair to sit on while I sew.  I had to piece my border fabric to make it long enough and I guess I didn't cut it all along the straight grain which is causing quite a bit of puckering as I sew it down!

"I'm helping Mummy"

I've not made a lot of progress, however, even though I've had a lot of help (or, perhaps, because of it?)

Today, I am grateful for:
- The power of Tylenol
- Feeling much better
- Warm (86F), sunny days
- My sewing buddy and helper
- Neighbor S making sure I am well fed (one of her daughters celebrated a birthday this weekend)

Treats from Neighbor S
(that's ice cream cake in the container!)

My plans for tomorrow include continuing to sew the quilt binding and some housekeeping tasks.  

How was your weekend?  What are your plans for Monday?


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better. I also slept well last night, and it makes such a difference doesn't it.
    Good for Dancer in lending you a helping hand. Mog has just woken me by gently tapping my nose with her paw. She knew it was time for me to get up and make Lily's lunch, to take with her to school - turkey sandwiches :)

    1. Thank you, Jules. Glad you slept well; a good night's sleep does make a difference. Well done, Mog, for being such a helpful kitty, reminding Mummy she needed to get up and pack Lily's lunch! :D Turkey sandwiches do sound delicious! I hope you have a lovely start to your week, Jules.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling much better now. Dancer is doing really well as your sewing assistant, I like his helping paw. More goodies from your neighbour how lucky you are and it all looks delicious, especially the cakes and biscuits, I have a sweet tooth :)

    1. Thank you, Eileen; back to feeling fine, today. :) Dancer can be counted on to lend a helping paw whenever I have a project to work on! It was a delicious treat from S! I have been craving doughnuts, so they were especially welcome! I kept the cookies/biscuits for another day!

  3. I had a better night's sleep too - yes it does make a difference. I've just walked up to the Drs to collect my meds. It is really autumnal out there - many trees are now in amber and golden dresses, like jewels against the bright blue sky. Today is a 'catching up with household tasks day' because yesterday we were at a family event and Saturday I had my foot up all day due to the pain of Fridays procedure!!

    1. Glad you had a better night's sleep, Angela. I'm amazed that you are feeling up to walking after Friday's procedure! Continue to take it easy and put your feet up whenever you need to!

  4. Glad to read you are feeling better today. Sleep has the magic of cure in it. Dancer does look like a big contributor to your quilting success (col).

    1. Thank you, Mary-Lou. Yes, sleep has magical properties to cure and restore! I don't know how I could ever make a quilt without Dancer's help! :D

  5. That looks like it was a fun birthday - lots of treats. Yum. Maybe you should make Dancer his own quilt. Of course, being a cat, he will probably only want the one you're working on. :)

    1. S's daughter told me that some of her friends arrived at midnight to surprise her and I guess the family and other friends gathered in the evening to celebrate. I froze some of the pizza and celery, etc., and put the cookies aside for another day, but, plan to enjoy the doughnuts while they are still fresh! :D Dancer has his own quilt! I made one for him! But, he likes to help with any new quilt I make! :D

  6. Sorry you weren't feeling well and in need of Tylenol. Hope the week finds you feeling much peppier.

    1. Thank you, Susanne; I'm feeling fine, now. :) Just needed a couple of days to get over the flu and pneumonia shots. :)

  7. I hope you are a whole lot better today, thanks to helping paws and neighbour S making sure you are well fed!
    The turkey behaved very well and was much appreciated. The family went home with enough for a meal, and a jar of the left over gravy, plus some cranberry sauce, and the remains of the two pies.

    1. Yes, I am, thank you, Bushlady. Helping paws and neighbors making sure I am well fed are both much appreciated! :D
      Glad to hear that the turkey behaved well and was much appreciated. I'm sure your family appreciated the food sent home with them; no one will go hungry or empty handed when they leave your house after a meal! We've been warned that turkeys maybe in short supply come November and our Thanksgiving, but, I will not worry about that. My daughter would probably prefer baked salmon, anyway, and I am always happy with roast chicken.

  8. Dancer seems to love supervising your sewing. That quilt is going to be amazing (thanks to Dancer's supervision, of course lol)

    1. He really does enjoy being in the middle of it all and helping! :D

  9. I hope you are feeling better by now, Bless. It was so kind of Dancer to help you out like that, especially when you weren't feeling too great. x

    1. I'm feeling fine, now, Eileen. Dancer is such a helpful kitty! :D

  10. I'm glad you are feeling better after the effects of your double vaccine and were able to enjoy your day.
    Dancer is such a helper! I don't believe I've ever seen someone so dedicated to the task before him lol
    My goodness! What a nice assortment of delicious foods from neighbor S.
    I'd grab one of those Halloween Oreos if I was there ;)

    1. Thank you, Debra.
      Dancer is the best helper anyone could want, when it comes to fabric crafts! LOL.
      That was a wonderful dinner and treats from S. The cookies are still there, in a jar; I'll save one of each kind for you! :)


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