The oncologist's office called me again, yesterday evening. Apparently, they haven't received the authorization for the visit from the insurance company, yet, and the appointment, scheduled for today, has to be postponed until they receive the authorization. The appointment has now been tentatively rescheduled for next Friday, instead. I mentioned to the nurse who called me that I had taken the blood test on Tuesday, this week, but, she said it would still be valid for next Friday.
Let's hope the authorization comes in by then. Update: I received my copy of the authorization in today's mail! It was post marked on July 14. The clinic should have been able to retrieve it online, if they had checked, yesterday! Oh, well, I am not too concerned about the delay.
I found it difficult to get motivated to do much, yesterday. I practiced the piano, tidied up a bit, washed a stack of dishes (I had been keeping them to have enough to run a load in the dishwasher, but, in the end, just washed them all by hand!), watched news, and did a lot of sudoku puzzles!
My daughter called me during her lunch break to say that she had finally received a delivery slot for some items she wanted to order online, including fresh produce and disinfectant spray. She wanted to go over the list of items with me, just to make sure that what she was ordering was reasonable. Poor girl is concerned about the amount of money she is spending on groceries and household supplies as the prices being charged are so much more than what she was accustomed to paying when she purchased the majority of her groceries and cleaning supplies from the dollar store! She doesn't need my permission to spend her own money, but, she wanted the reassurance from me that yes, the items she was ordering were things she needed. They were, and, as I told her, at this point in time, availability was the main determinant! The disinfectant spray, for example, hadn't been available for some time and is now limited to one container per order. I couldn't persuade her that $2.99 was a reasonable price for a cantaloupe (she is used to paying $.99 for one at the dollar store), but, I might have persuaded her that she "needed" a package of ice cream sandwiches! LOL. The good news is, she was able to order a three pack of yeast! She is now going to try to see if she can order some to be shipped to me (sometimes, the availability of stuff depends on the postal code it is being delivered to, and she is able to get items that are not available for delivery in my area).
In the evening, I had to change my dinner plans, a little bit. I had planned to cook chicken and had put some chicken thighs in the fridge to defrost on Wednesday night before I went to bed, but, by Thursday afternoon, it was apparent that they wouldn't be thawed in time to cook for dinner. Instead, I took out the roast pork that neighbor S had given me and kept that to thaw. Then, in the evening, I sauteed some onions, tomatoes, and curry leaves, added the cubes of roast pork, some curry powder, chili powder, the last bit of coconut milk leftover from a can I had opened, earlier, etc., and made myself a curry to have with a paratha. I didn't take a photo of the curry, last night, but, I took a photo of the leftovers, today:
Leftover Pork Curry |
I made some milk rice to have with the pork curry for my brunch, today. I opened a new can of coconut milk to make the milk rice and for the chicken curry which I plan to make for dinner, tonight. That brings my stock of canned coconut milk down to nine cans, which is not bad, except, I haven't been able to buy more coconut milk in my last two grocery orders! I have used regular (dairy) milk in my curries, before, but, that means I will have to plan and coordinate my grocery shopping and cooking a little better to have enough fresh milk on hand for curries. I started out a stock of 13 cans of coconut milk, assuming I'd use one can every couple of weeks; when I couldn't get more cans of coconut milk, I tried to ration my use to one can every three weeks. We are now in the fourth month and I just opened the fourth can from my stock, so, I guess I've managed to ration my use to one can per month. I won't stress about it, right now, but, I hope I can stock up again, before too long.
Today, I have done two loads of laundry and watered the fruit trees. My cantaloupe vines haven't fared too well in the recent heat wave:
Cantaloupe Vines |
Probably time to pull them out and clear that spot. Oh, well, they tried! It just got too hot when it went up to 100F, last week.
On the other hand, when I was checking the cantaloupe vines, a glimpse of red caught my eye:
The First Ripening Tomato |
The volunteer roma tomato plant has one small ripening tomato! It is a tiny tomato, but, I was very excited to see it. I will harvest it in another day or two.
M came over to tend to the garden and he was kind enough to run an errand for me. I last put gas to the car exactly four months ago, on March 17. I still had half a tank of gas, but, I like to refill the tank when it gets to half. I asked him to fill the tank again, for me and, when he asked me if I needed anything else (there is a mini market at the gas station), I asked him to buy me half a gallon of whole milk if they had some. I now have a full tank of gas and a half gallon of milk (I still had a little left in the half gallon I bought on July 3, but, now I have more milk for the next two weeks.
Other than that, my plans for the rest of the day include practicing the piano, cooking the chicken curry, and putting away the laundry once it has dried.
Today, I am grateful for:
- I received my copy of the authorization
- The oncology clinic was able to reschedule my appointment for next week
- The blood test I did this week will still be valid for next week and I don't have to retake it
- M putting gas for me and buying me some milk
- One ripening tomato on the volunteer plant
Today's joyful activity was discovering the ripe tomato!
I hope everyone has a good weekend. Stay safe!