Thursday, July 16, 2020


Woke up earlier than usual for the second day in a row, because I had to!  On Tuesday, it was because I wanted to be at the lab at 8:00 a.m.  Today, it was because I wanted to call the dentist's office, first thing in the morning, as soon as they opened.  They had called and left a message on Tuesday evening, to remind me that I had an appointment for this afternoon, but, I called them this morning to reschedule it.  Staying home for almost four months and then, going to medical appointments three days in one week is a bit too much for me!  I really didn't feel up to it.  So, I rescheduled it for next week.   To be quite honest, I don't want to go to the dentist's and have been postponing doing so, but, the other day, a capped tooth broke and the crown came off.  I am not in any pain, but, I suppose it is better to have it checked and see what is the best thing to do.  The last time a crown came off one of my teeth, I managed to persuade the dentist to just cement it back on, but, this time, he might not be able to do so as there is no tooth left to cement it to!

Tuesday night, I set out the four bags of donations (three bags of clothes and one bag of miscellaneous/household items) by my front door to be picked up by the charity I had contacted about a donations pick up.  Today, they came by and picked up the bags and left me a receipt.  I am glad the items are gone; I won't be tempted to take anything more back from the donations pile!  LOL.

In the afternoon, I received a call from a nurse at the oncologist's office; she said they are asking some Covid-19 related questions of all the patients who come into the office in order to pre-screen them.  She sounded apologetic, but, I told her I was very glad that they are doing it!  It makes me feel better about going in, as it shows they are making an effort to keep things as safe as possible.  I was happy to answer her questions - have I been tested for Covid-19, have I or anyone in the household been exposed to it, have I had a fever of 99.9F in the last few days, have I been out of the state in the past two weeks, have I felt any aches and pains, etc.  My appointment for Friday afternoon has been confirmed.

Today, I watered the houseplants, put away a few things and tidied up a bit, and practiced the piano.  Later in the evening, I video chatted for a long time with my daughter.

Today, I opened the packet of soap I bought on what was one of my very last shopping trips before the shelter at home order was issued in March.  I bought it more out of habit than anything else, because I regularly stock up on various household items on a quarterly basis, varying the items purchased and buying enough for about 6 months at a time.  I almost put the 12 pack of soap back on the shelf because I had some soap from the previous time I bought soap, but, decided to go ahead and get it because it was something that won't go to waste.  I'm glad I decided to buy it, because I am stocked up on soap! I am now making a list of other household items to stock up on next: hand sanitizer, for example.

Today, I am grateful for:
- I was able to reschedule the dentist appointment
- The donations were picked up
- Technology that enables me to video chat with my daughter
- Being able to stock up on household items such as soap
- The health screening call from the nurse

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

Wednesday's To Do List:
- Call the dentist's office - DONE
- Dust family room and my bedroom - DONE
- Water the house plants - DONE
- Vacuum
- Paperwork/filing - DONE
- Do one decluttering/organizing task (go through one box in the spare bedroom) - DONE

Thursday's To Do List:
- Vacuum
- Clean the kitchen
- Water the garden, front and back
- Load of laundry, if needed

How was your Wednesday?  What are your plans for Thursday?


  1. Well done on the decluttering!

    It sounds like the oncologist dept. are taking the virus seriously. I think I'd be relieved to know that they are checking in with every patient prior to their appointments.

    I always buy toiletries and cleaning supplies in bulk so have plenty of everything for now. It did occur to me that I need to starting thinking about the same approach for canned and packet food items - there is talk about a second wave in the winter. It's difficult to know what to do for the best.

    1. Thank you, Eileen. :)

      Yes, it's good to know that they are checking with every patient. I feel much better about this visit than the visit to the lab!

      I would encourage you to stock up on canned and packet food items. We are still coping with the first wave, over here! I don't want to even think about a second wave!

  2. Ha ha I also take things back from donation piles. 😁

    I didn’t do much on Wednesday, but plan to grade assignments today.

    Have a wonderful day, Bless!

    1. I kept looking at the skirts I was donating and thinking I could use the fabric to sew something else! LOL.

      Hope you were able to get all the grading done, Nil.

      Hope you are keeping safe and healthy under these trying circumstances. Take care of yourself.

  3. It sounds like you are staying on top of everything. I hope you can just have the crown recemented again somehow. They ask us those questions at the library, too. They also take our temperature.

    1. Thank you, Stephenie. It's good that they are checking the library patrons. As far as I know, the libraries down here are open only for contactless pick up and drop offs.

  4. I would have cancelled the dentist appointment too! I am a wimp at the dentist, luckily I don't have problems with teeth, I had to go through the same sort of questions for my eye test next week. I don't want to cancel that as it will be the first since I had my cataracts done. It Friday here, I have a grocery delivery, I have done all my shopping online since March! I want to clean out my vegetable drawer in the fridge and possibly some baking muffins I think, and I need to get out and prune roses - July is the traditional time to prune here. Have a lovely day.

    1. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you. Hope your eye test goes well, next week. Roses here get pruned in January. :)

  5. Glad you were able to get your donations picked up. My dentist office finally called to get the appointment I should have had in March rescheduled and they can't fit me in until September! Luckily I haven't had any problems and not spending the money is a bonus but I hope by then there isn't anything major I need doing.

    1. Yes, my dental appointment, too, was rescheduled from March, and I really wish I could postpone it, but, the crown falling off is making me think it is better to get it checked out. Hopefully, you will not need to see the dentist before September. :)

  6. Too bad you have to be thinking about and going to appointments. I'm due for a dental cleaning but have put it off for the time being. I'm trying to be extra vigilant about cleaning and flossing in the meantime! You don't have much choice when there is a repair needed. I hope it will be a simple fix when you do go.
    At least you have been able to get rid of those donations which must feel good.
    We have rain this afternoon and evening and I have laundry out again. I'm sure everything will be nice and soft with the extra rinse! I just love a summer rain if I don't have to go anywhere special, but I do hear a bit of thunder so we may have more than I bargained for! It smells so fresh outside.

    1. I wish I could postpone this dental visit, but, I'm afraid I might regret it. The oncologist visit has been postponed for one more week; the clinic called to say that they haven't received the authorization from the insurance, yet.

      Yes, it was good to have the donations picked up!

      Enjoy your rain; hope it doesn't turn into a big storm. No rain in our forecast, but, at least it is not quite as hot as it was, last week.

  7. All of the other members of my family have been to dental appointments recently and those offices have been the most diligent of any about COVID-19 precautions. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks and feel okay about going. Not what I would chose, but important.

    1. Thank you for the reassurance, Live and Learn. I am nervous because our daily case count is still so high - we had 4,592 new confirmed cases in Los Angeles county, yesterday. That is higher than what it was when we went into lockdown in the first place!

  8. I hope your visit to the dentist will be fairly straightforward. Lily and I will be going next week as well. This is for a routine visit but I'm sure it will feel anything but. X

    1. Thank you, Jules. Hope your visit goes well, too. Take care.

  9. I feel exactly the same about the dentist - if I can put it off, I'm going to put it off.
    But you can't do that because of your crown and you will take all of the precautions you took the other day at the lab. I hope they can just glue your crown back on and you are in and out quickly.

    Let us know what kind of precautions are being taken at your dental office.
    A friend of mine goes to the same dentist as I do and she's been in to see him.
    They wear masks but not face shields. I'd prefer face shields in addition to masks in a dental office.
    Patients wait in the waiting room but there were only a few others in there at the same time and they were spaced apart. But, quite honestly, the waiting room is small so I'd prefer a practice that had you wait in your car until they texted you to come in.
    I know of other dental offices that are doing the things I'd feel more comfortable with so I may be switching.

    1. Thank you, Debra. I think I need to ask the dental office what precautions they are taking. I don't think the crown can be cemented back on because there isn't any tooth left to glue it to! The root canal filling is still in place (which is probably why I don't feel any pain), but, I now have a gap of two teeth, as one tooth was extracted, a long time ago, and I've a feeling this is going to require a bridge. I've had a bridge put in on the other side of my mouth and I know all what it involves! I just wish it didn't have to take place right now, in the middle of this pandemic with our new case numbers at a record high (4,592 was yesterday's new cases in L.A. county).

  10. I feel your anguish. If the dentist could assure me that there would be no pain or infection from the missing crown, and that a bridge was needed, I think I would postpone that appointment until I was confident to go. But I definitely see the need to attend this appointment so that the problem can be assessed.

    1. So far, there hasn't been any pain. But, I don't know if it will remain so. I wish I knew what was the best thing to do under the circumstances.


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