Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Back to the Daily Accounting

Thank you, everyone, for your very kind comments on yesterday's blog post.  They were a pleasure to read and respond to.

Yesterday afternoon, after I rescheduled the dental appointment and I wrote my blog post, I got busy with the rest of my day.  I dusted the family room and the bedroom, watered the houseplants and the garden, mended one of the sofa dust sheets, put away the laundry, practiced the piano, watched a high speed car chase on the news and the rest of the news, cleaned the litter box, and brought in the trash cans.

Someone had dumped their trash into my newly emptied trash can which annoyed me.  Why couldn't they have put it into their own trash can?  I wouldn't have minded it if they had put it in my trash can before the trash was collected, but, after the trash had been collected?  I usually rinse out my trash can after the trash has been collected and now I can't do that and I have to keep someone else's trash for the rest of the week!  I have no idea who might have done that, although I have my suspicions.  It's probably the same neighbors who park their vehicles in a manner that blocks my drive way and dump chairs that resemble oversized shoes on my side of the parkway!  I have many lovely neighbors but, there's always one neighbor who spoils the whole block, isn't there?  I did ask one of the young men who lives in that house if he knew who had dumped their trash in my trash can, but, he said he didn't.  Not that I expected him to say he knew, even if he did!  Sigh.

I received my prescription refill in the mail, yesterday.  The pharmacy also sent the one refill that I had asked them to cancel (not once, but, several times) because the doctor has taken me off that medication!  Fortunately, there was no charge for that medication!  I suppose it was easier for them to mail it to me than cancel the order?  I am not complaining; it's better to have a medication I don't need than not have one that I do need!

I've had a fairly relaxed day, today.  I did some tidying and putting away of stuff, watched news, took some photos for the monthly photo mini challenge (theme is "Lines"), went through this week's grocery ads, and chatted with one of my friends.  I received another authorization from the insurance company for Friday's appointment in today's mail; I will take both copies with me when I go to the clinic!

I am going to switch things around a little bit with the tasks on my cleaning schedule and clean the kitchen, today, instead of vacuuming. 

Today, I am grateful for:
- All the kind comments from my blog readers
- Medication refills being delivered by mail
- Insurance authorization for services
- Being alive
- Relaxed days

How was your day?  What are your plans for tomorrow and the rest of the week?


  1. I caught up with your post from yesterday. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. I know exactly what you mean about neighbours! Hope you have a very happy day & let's all celebrate the gift of life!!

    1. Thank you, Patio Postcards. Yes, on the whole, my neighbors are very nice, but, there are one or two who make you scratch your head!

  2. Some people are so inconsiderate. That's why I don't leave my bins at the front of the house between collection days, although some of my neighbours do.

    It sounds like you are continuing to be productive with your time. I still have to take my photos for 'lines' so I'd better get my act together and get them done!

    1. I don't leave my bins out, either, Eileen, but, I didn't bring them in as soon as the trash was collected, on Tuesday.

      I am trying to get things done, but, I confess that there are long period of inactivity in between doing things!

  3. Relaxed days are so nice! Yesterday it was something like that for me, stay safe and healthy☺

    1. Glad you were able to have a relaxed day, Natalia. Thank you; hope you stay safe and healthy, too. :)

  4. Some one putting trash in my trash can would really annoy me. I just don't understand some people.

    1. I know! I can understand it if they had too much trash for their own can and put some in my can before the trash was collected (I usually have less than half a can of trash in any given week, so there's plenty of room for extra trash). But, put it in a newly emptied can that is not your own? I don't understand that at all!

  5. I know how you feel. It's good that you asked them. Boundaries and respect make such a difference with neighbors.

    1. They really do, Stephenie. I can't imagine myself dumping my trash into someone else's trash cans without asking them, first, and I would never do so after the trash was collected!

  6. Not that I’d want you to look through the trash but it would be quite amusing if there were a piece of paper or mail in that bag with the owner’s info! Haha!

    1. That would be too funny, wouldn't it? Most people do sort through their waste in order to separate the paper which should go in the recycling bin, but, one never knows!

  7. I would be annoyed with someone putting their rubbish in my bin as well, especially if it had just been emptied. Some people can be so inconsiderate. X

    1. Yes, some people are very inconsiderate, but, I suppose I should be thankful that they didn't strew their trash all over the place!

  8. Sorry about your garbage dumper. Sounds like someone who is a real piece of work! I wonder what gets into some people's heads? Something like "Me, me, me."?

    I'm surprised that a prescription (right or wrong) would be mailed to you. I would have thought that medications needed safeguarding in case they fell into the wrong hands.

    I was grocery shopping yesterday and when I started up my little old car to come forward out of my parking spot, there was a ginormous white Silverado truck in the lane in front of me, with someone standing talking to the driver on the other side of the truck. (Guys of course - no self respecting woman around here would squander money on a mega-truck!) I was tempted to sound the horn but decided to wait a little and I guess they noticed and the truck moved into an empty parking space.

    1. Who knows what some of these people think, Bushlady? Today, there was an almost empty (there is a used styrofoam cup and some other trash in it) shopping cart in my parkway, when I came home from the doctor's appointment. I know my nextdoor neighbors had one filled with some stuff in their parkway, but, they no longer do. Of course, I can't tell for sure if it is the same cart or not. First of all, it is supposed to be illegal for people to take shopping carts out of the grocery store parking lot and many have a device that locks one of the rear wheels if a certain painted line is crossed. But, I guess there are ways around that! M says if I call the store, they will come by and pick it up. I might have to do that, tomorrow, if the cart is still there, in the morning.

      I have been getting my prescriptions mailed to me since March; usually they only mail me the ones I ask for, not the ones I tell them I don't need!

      Glad the Big Truck guys moved to an empty spot and you were able to get out of the parking space! :)

    2. I think you need to equip the garden cats with surveillance equipment! How irritating to find a shopping cart left in your parkway.

    3. Ha, ha, that's a good idea! I might put up a sign - surveillance cats on duty! :D


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