Sunday, July 26, 2020


Birthday Card

This is the card I made for my neighbor T (she doesn't read my blog, so I can post the picture!).  I started out with a different design in mind, but then, trimmed a thin strip off the card stock to make it fit the envelope I had and the strip reminded me of flower stems and, well, we can't have flower stems without flowers, now, can we?  LOL!

My toe is feeling better, today.  It is still bruised and swollen, but, it is not as painful.  Even so, I took it easy, today, and rested.  I practiced the piano, made milk rice for brunch (had it with the last of the chicken curry), read a few blogs, cooked some of the frozen ginger shrimp gyoza (potstickers) for dinner, did the dishes, and enjoyed a portion of a delicious dessert that friend M brought me, when he came to tend to the garden yesterday:

Tres Leches Cake
If it has fresh fruit on it, it can't be too bad for you, right?  LOL!

Later in the evening, I spoke on the phone with friend R and video chatted with my daughter.

Today, I am grateful for:
- My toe is getting better
- A restful day
- Tasty meals and delicious desserts
- My stash of craft supplies
- Phone calls and video chats

Today's joyful activity was video chatting with my daughter.

How was your Saturday?  What are your plans for Sunday?



  1. Absolutely - that dessert represents one of the main food groups. lol
    I bet it was delicious. It sure looks good.

    I made a sort of cassoulet. Using my Instant Pot I put in some sausage I had in the freezer, white beans, garlic, onions, bell pepper, diced tomatoes & spices
    We had it over rice and fresh chopped spinach and it was very good.

    I need to weed but it's too hot. Lately I've just been going outside to water and sweep off the patio. I know you're a summer person - I am your opposite in that regard. :)
    It turned out really good.

    1. Yes, the dessert was delicious! Your dinner sounds delicious, too! I must make a note of it to make one day. I don't have any white beans, though, unless I buy some or substitute garbanzo beans.

      I do prefer the summer heat to winter cold, but, I only go out into the garden during the cooler hours of the day in the summer, in the mornings or in the evenings. :)

  2. Ooooh, I wonder if I can get my gardener to bring me yummy deserts? Don't worry, it's not at all fattening because the fruit cancels out the risk if gaining weight!!

    Glad to hear your toe is feeling better today.

    I'm just having a quiet day (it's Sunday), reading and watching TV.

    1. LOL! You could try! I hope she will bring you something just as delicious (and non-weight gaining!) :D

      A quiet Sunday, reading and watching TV sounds good. Hope you are enjoying your day.

  3. That is a nice card. Your neighbor will love it. Well that cake looks good. I am happy you rest. You got to take care of yourself. Blessings to you, xoxo, Susie

    1. Thank you, Susie. I hope she will like the card. :) The cake was delicious! My toe is getting better, but, I am going to take it easy, today, too. Hope all is well with you and Ted; take care.

  4. That's a beautiful card and I'm sure T will like it. And speaking of beautiful, so is the Tre Leches cake. If it tasted half as good as it looks, I bet it was delicious.

    1. Thank you, Live and Learn; I hope she will like it. The cake was every bit as delicious as it looked! :)

  5. I love how the card evolved! Your creative muse was active. That is an impressive dessert. If it had been in front of me, I'm afraid I would not have had a portion, I would have cleaned up the whole thing!

    Butterflies of all kinds are around. I looked out of the bathroom window this morning and thought how blessed I was to see an orange butterfly on the purple Blazing Star. When I opened the front door later, there was a Mourning Cloak on the mat in front of me!

    1. Thank you, Bushlady. I think the leaf could have been a little better (looks like a preschooler cut it out!), but, it'll do. :)

      I had another portion of the dessert, this afternoon, and I suspect it will be all gone by the end of the day! LOL.

      It sounds like the butterflies really like your garden! You must have a lot of flowers that they enjoy!

  6. I'm glad your toe is feeling a little better. That cake is surely one of your five-a-day. ;)

    1. Thank you, Jules. Yes, definitely one of my five-a-day plus, it has milk in it, so, dairy for calcium, too! :D

  7. Lovely and, Bless! I know it will be well received.
    And oh that dessert. If I were not still stuffed from dinner I would be drooling. I might have to look at it again tomorrow!

    1. Thank you, Anne. The cake deserves another look, tomorrow! :D It's a lovely presentation, isn't it?

  8. Beautiful card. I am sure your friend will like & feel the love that went into making it for her. Glad to read your toe is better. Helpful friends that also bring treats - you are blessed! :)

    1. Thank you, Mary Lou. Yes, I am blessed and the treat was delicious! :)

  9. Sorry to read that you hurt your toe. Bruised toes can be disproportionately painful when you consider how small they are!
    That dessert looks divine.

    1. Thank you, Eloise. The toe is much better, but, still discolored and painful.

      The dessert tasted as good as it looked! :)


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