Thursday, October 5, 2017

Another Doctor's Appointment and October Grocery Shopping Week 1-Part 2

Wednesday morning was rather cool at 64F both inside the house and outside!  Later in the day, it warmed up to 84F.
I went to the office in the morning.  In the afternoon, I went to my third doctor's appointment in as many days!  Monday was the dentist; Tuesday was the radiation oncologist; Wednesday was the primary care physician.  Well, physician assistant, because I don't have a primary care physician, anymore.
I left the office an hour before my appointment to give myself plenty of time to get there and arrived there too early!  I think the ladies at the front office were going to let me wait until my appointed time and that would have been fine with me - in fact, I was half expecting to wait.  But, the physician assistant saw me waiting and she called me in, saying she didn't want me to have to wait.
My weight had gone up 2 lbs. more than what I weighed at the other doctor's, on Tuesday! How is that possible?  My pressure was up, too!  But my sugar level was good.  I assured the PA that my readings were better, just the day before, and she told me that they were OK, today, too, and she's not too concerned.  I received my flu vaccination and she put in the refills for my medications.  I am to return for another follow-up visit in early December. 

I went to the pharmacy on my way home, because they had texted me in the morning saying a medication refill was ready for pick up.  I received another $1 in Extra Care Bucks!  I walked around the store for a bit, to see if there was anything I wanted to buy with that, but I couldn't decide on anything, so didn't buy anything. 
Then, I went to the grocery store nearby (both pharmacy and grocery store are located in one mall area) to buy some bananas for myself and chicken for the rosary dinner. 
October 4 Grocery Shopping and Spot the Dancer!
The chicken is on sale for $.87/lb. with a store loyalty card:

I bought two whole chickens, each weighing over 6 lbs.  Split breasts were also selling at the same price and I wondered whether to buy a tray for my own use, but I decided not to.  If I change my mind, I have time until next Tuesday to buy them. 

I bought:
3 bananas @$.59/lb = $.61
1 whole chicken @$.87/lb = $5.44
1 whole chicken @$.87/lb = $5.53
Total = $11.58

Of the $11.58, $10.97 is from the prayer gathering budget.

October 4 Grocery Receipt

October Prayer gathering budget = $300
Spent to date:
9/18:  $4.49 for smoked sausage
9/27: $1.29 for 2 cans of mixed nuts
10/4: $10.97 for 2 whole chickens
October regular grocery budget = $53
So far, I have spent $4.13 + $1.98 + $.61 = $6.72
Balance left in the budget = $53 - 6.72 = $46.28

While I was at the grocery store, I did some price comparisons.  This is the regular chain supermarket and Kroger affiliate.  This week, their 6 oz. containers of raspberries were selling for $3.99 and 6 oz. containers of blackberries were selling for $3.79.  The brand was different from the ones I bought for $.99 at the ethnic store on Monday, but I'm not brand-loyal.  Organic butter lettuce was selling for $3.49 each; they didn't have any non-organic butter lettuce; regular (non-organic) iceberg lettuce was $.99 each.  I must look for butter lettuce at the ethnic store when I go there, next.   
After I came home and had a cup of tea, I called all the people on my list of prayer gathering participants, except one (her phone was busy; I will call her tomorrow) to remind them of the prayer gathering date. 
Breakfast was a banana and a doughnut (someone had brought doughnuts to the office); lunch was rice with some of the leftover chicken stir fry;  dinner was a pita bread with fish curry and blackberries for dessert.
I didn't go for a walk although I had intended to.  Three doctors' appointments in as many days, along with working, was tiring.  I had intended to water the garden, but I didn't get around to it, either.  It'll be another thing to do, tomorrow.
On Wednesday, I was grateful for:
- A good visit at the doctor's office
- No drama at the pharmacy
- Chicken on sale
- Chatting with friends and family when I called to remind them of the prayer gathering date
- Video chatting with daughter
How was your Wednesday?  What is your stock-up price for chicken?


  1. Another very busy day for you. I tend to always get to my medical appointments in plenty of time, better early than late. At my dental appointment I arrived early and the dental hygienist took me right in. Like you I don't mind waiting but if they are caught up why not see the next patient?

    Amazing buy on those chickens and a good size for your dinner. On offer here red seedless grapes $1.49 lb, iceberg lettuce .99, 6oz raspberries 2/$7, 8oz spinach 2/$5

    1. Sandy, yes, it was a busy day. The pharmacy visit and grocery shopping were not planned, but, I like to pick up the medications as soon as they are filled to avoid any confusion and, since I was there, it made sense to pick up the chicken, too. I forgot to pick up the eggs - they are on sale for $.89/doz. at that same store, this week. I will buy some this weekend.

      I am also wondering if I should buy a 3rd chicken and roast it at the same time! Then, there will be a spare roast chicken if needed and/or, I can portion and freeze for later. Then, again, I can often buy leg quarters or drumsticks for $.59-$.69/lb. on sale. Decisions!

  2. So many doctor appointments...a job in itself..just going! It was so nice of the physician's assistant to take you early since you were there!! Those berry prices are quite a difference...I knew you got a good price the other day. Andrea

    1. Yes, I've 2 more appointments scheduled for this month; 2 so far in November and 2 more in December! It was, indeed, very nice of her to take me in early. We have a running joke where she threatens to call my daughter on me because she knows I hate to go to the doctor's. :D

      One really has to know the prices to figure out what's a bargain, these days. I have cut off prices, above which I won't buy things. I really can't see myself buying berries at the prices the supermarket was charging.


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