Sunday, October 1, 2017

October Balanced Life Goals

As I have mentioned earlier, the goal is to achieve a sense of balance in my life, to attend to each of the areas I've identified as being important to me, so that none are neglected.

Currently, there are some areas that I feel I attend to on a regular basis, quite nicely.  But, there are other areas that are not as well tended which makes things feel a bit out of balance.  I hope to concentrate on those areas, while not neglecting others, this month.

These, then, are my goals for a more balanced life in October:

Spiritual:  The goal is to live a spiritually meaningful life.

- Continue with daily prayers and gratitude
- Continue to focus on blessings, joy, and abundance
- Take time for meditation
- Cultivate non-attachment
- Host the monthly prayer gathering
- Participate in the special ceremony at the temple (scheduled on the Friday evening prior to and the morning of the same day as the monthly prayer gathering!)

Environment:  The goal is a clean, tidy, uncluttered house and a well-maintained garden.
- Clean the house for the prayer gathering
- Attend to the eucalyptus tree - get an arborist's opinion; trim or cut down the tree
- Plant some new plants in the front garden for a little fall color

Daughter:  The goal is to continue to have a close relationship with her. 

- Daily texts, phone calls, emails , and video chatting!
- Look forward to her next trip home (in November)

Family & Friends:  The goal is to keep in touch with various family members and friends.
- Visit my mother's grave on her birthday
- Communicate regularly - phone calls, texts, and emails; I will see several of them at the prayer gathering
Career:  The goal is to continue to do work which I enjoy (for the most part) and which enables me to support myself.
- Continue to do my assignments on time
- Work from the office each work day this month

Finances:  The goal is financial security.
- Continue budgeting and spending mindfully, with purpose
Health & Well Being:  The goal is good health.  This will continue to be the focus, this month, as well.
- Attend the appointments with my various medical doctors and dentists - 2 scheduled, so far, in October: the dentist (for the crown replacement) and primary care physician assistant (routine follow-up); there might be a third appointment, as well, depending on how the dental work proceeds.
- Continue to go for additional screening tests, as needed
- Continue to monitor blood pressure, sugar levels, and weight
- Continue to focus on a healthier diet (more vegetables!), drinking enough water, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep

Time Management:  The goal is having enough time to do all what I want to do!
- Organize myself so that the important things get accomplished on time.

Leisure/Crafts/Hobbies/Me-Time:  The goal is to relax doing something I enjoy doing for the pleasure of it.

- Finish the two quilts in progress
- Do a few things on the Fall Joy List
So those are my goals for October.  They are more or less the same as my previous monthly goals but that is OK.  Anyone else making monthly goals? 


  1. Your goals are many but you seem to accomplish them! I like your variety of your meals. My temporary crown just fell out today so I am getting to understand all your dental I also am not thrilled over dentists lately! Andrea

    1. Andrea, I'm sorry to hear about your temporary crown falling off! Hopefully, you can have it cemented back on without any problem!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Anne. I'm working on a better implementation plan than the one I have, so that I can attain more of my goals!

  3. YOur goals sound wonderful my friend! Cheering you on as you reach them. :)

  4. Bless I so relate to you. Need to work on my goals like yours, outside and inside.. With getting the 3 bedrooms, hall and kitchen painted recently and changing out the carpeting in the bedrooms, I feel like I went backwards instead of forward. My COPD and Fibro seem to act up all at once sometimes and it puts me in a can't do anything mode, so I just take a little at a time. Have to ask for help (which was really hard for me), but they were all willing and happy to help, so do that should you need to.

    1. Well done on getting the rooms painted and bedrooms carpeted! That's a lot of work involved, getting things ready! I need to paint my family room and I have asked for help but, it looks like the promised help isn't forthcoming. It's not the first time that has happened, so, I will move forward. I'd paint it myself, but I am not well enough to do so.

      Thanks for commenting. :)


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